The Alchemists

Agreement with Nicolae

Agreement with Nicolae

Aleksis looked at Nicolae with a pleading face, "Please, don't tell Uncle Rory ... I don't want him to worry. Prince Siegfried is kind to me. He won't ever hurt me."     

Nicolae did not answer. He then took out a tablet from his bag and pretended not to listen to Aleksis. He quickly fiddled with something on his tablet then gave it to Carl at the front seat.     

"I collected the images from all CCTV cameras around the campus to look for the two suspicious people who wanted to kidnap Aleksis yesterday. You can see that in these 3 pictures, both their faces are clearly visible, as well as the car they use. I recommend that you take us to campus first, and later you guys can take care of those people."     

"Oh ... that is fast ..." Carl murmured in admiration. He received Nicolae's tablet and checked all the information. "Hmm ... we will have them before the day ends."     

Aleksis looked at Nicolae in admiration. Just like that? Nicolae hacked all the cameras on campus and could find the criminals who wanted to kidnap Aleksis? He made it look very easy.     

In that case, Nicolae should also be able to find her phone-watch, thought Aleksis.     

The girl immediately faced Nicolae and put on her most beautiful smile.     

"Nic ... do you want to help me find my watch?" Aleksis' beautiful pair of blue-green eyes glazed like a puppy's. Finally, Nicolae's heart melted. He nodded and fiddled with his tablet and two minutes later showed it to Aleksis.     

"She took your watch."     

"Oh ... I know her! I will immediately meet her at the dorm," said Aleksis. She saw a CCTV footage on Nicolae's tablet which showed Rosemary walking to where Aleksis last stood before Nicolae pulled her into the car. The girl looked surprised to see something and then bent down and picked up something from the ground.     

She picked up Aleksis' phone-watch, studied it briefly as if she was thinking, then walked away.     

"Carl, let's go straight to the dormitory. I have to find Rosemary," Aleksis said. "Hope she's still in the room."     

"Hmm ... why don't we just check the class schedule?" Nicolae asked, "If we go to the dormitory, and it turns out she's having a class on campus, then we will be wasting time."     

"But I don't know Rosemary's class schedule, we are not in the same department," said Aleksis.     

Nicolae sighed and lightly tapped Aleksis' forehead, then pointed at his tablet as if reminding the girl that he was able to find out whatever information he wanted with a tap of his fingers.     

"See, here ... She has class until 10 o'clock in Building C." Nicolae glanced at his watch, "Looks like you're too late if you want to meet her now. It would be better for you to go to your class first, then after your first lesson, you can meet with her. She has no more classes after that. Don't you need to go to Professor Rodriguez's class?"     

Aleksis widened her eyes again, "You ... you also know my class schedule?! What the hell do you not know?"     

Nicolae patted Aleksis's forehead again and then pointed at his tablet and shook his head.     

Ugh ... Aleksis finally realized Nicolae was right. She had better go to class and apologize to Ian for flaking on him yesterday and not coming to his party. Then, after the first class she could rush to see Rosemary.     

"Do you have class today?" Aleksis asked him.     

"I don't have any classes left. I'm a final year student, I go to campus just to teach general lectures and show off my good looks to new students," Nicolae replied nonchalantly.     

The truth was that he was very happy to work in the campus library because he had set up special security so that he could work freely there. Plus, the place was very unappealing, so perfect for him to hide away.     

But, he did not intend to tell all this to Aleksis, bearing in mind that the girl had a fairly close relationship with the leader of Rhionen Assassins. He didn't know yet how close she was to him. Nicolae did not want to take the risk.     

"Ugh ... you are so narcissistic," grumbled Aleksis. She studied Nicolae's handsome face and had to admit that the young man deserved his position as the idol of the girls on campus, and even on social media outside their university group. You could say that his popularity was on par with real celebrities.     

They did not say anything else until they finally arrived at the campus. As soon as the car stopped, Aleksis hurriedly jumped out before Carl opened the car door for her. She knew she was already five minutes late for Professor Rodriguez's class.     

"Oh yeah ... uhmm ... about that just now ..." She turned around for a moment and took Nicolae's hand when he got out of the car after her, "Nic ... please don't tell Uncle Rory about this ... I plan to tell him myself, I just need to take care of something first. After that, I will tell you everything."     

Nicolae frowned, pretending not to understand, "What do you mean by don't say anything to my father? I don't know anything."     

"Oh, Nic ... you're the best!" So excited, Aleksis landed a kiss on Nicolae's left cheek and then resumed her run towards Building B.     

The young man stood stunned next to the car, and slowly his hand touched his cheek that Aleksis had kissed.     

This girl was overflowing and impulsive, and she kissed Nicolae on the cheek without thinking about the impact of the kiss on him.     

Really, she was just like a storm. She came and went however she liked, leaving only a messy trail behind. Just like this morning, when she left Nicolae after tearing his heart apart.     

Carl and Sascha only glanced at Nicolae with a sympathetic look. They had never met Prince Siegfried, but now they could guess how impressive their Young Miss' boyfriend was. But, come to think of it, actually this cousin of Young Miss was also okay, they thought.     

He met all the requirements of a dream man. His body was tall and sturdy, his face was very handsome, he was also very intelligent, he had a high level of hacking ability, and his fighting skills was no less than that of a dragon level assassin from Rhionen Assasins.     

Most importantly ... he was very protective of their young lady. He even held back his own feelings and did not ditch Young Miss to her family for being involved with an assassin ...     

Both of them could only sigh. If they were the ones who had to choose between the two men who were involved with Aleksis,  of course they would quickly choose Nicolae, but then again, they had never met the other guy ... it seemed unfair to judge only one-sidedly.     

"Why do you two sigh like that?" Nicolae asked, pursing his lips. He understood what was on their minds. You could say, as fellow men, they already understood what was happening.     

"It's okay, Sir. Cough ... cough ... We will soon chase the criminal. We cannot contact Miss because her phone-watch is still missing, shall we later contact you when it's time to take her home?"     

Nicolae nodded. He wrote down his cellphone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Carl. "I will be at the library. Report your progress to me as soon as you have any information."     

The two nodded together then excused themselves, while Nicolae walked lazily towards the library. Along the way, the girls who saw him passing immediately whispered, giggled, and some even openly greeted him cheekily.     

"Nicolae !! How are you?"     

"Hello, Nicolaeee .. !!"     

Over the years Nicolae had become accustomed to the treatment of his fans. Actually, in his experience, adult women tend to be more elegant in trying to attract his attention. But since he disguised himself as a student, he experienced the 'attacks' of young girls who were just out of their teens. They were very flirty and openly teased him all the time. Especially when they were in a group.     

All this time he did not care about their actions and considered it a teenagers' obsessions, because after all, he was also much older than them. He usually ignored their excessive behavior. But somehow, he felt rather disturbed today.     

He compared the girls with Aleksis who was so elegant and never chased after men so openly. Why didn't the girls learn from Aleksis? They would definitely be more interesting if they were not so noisy and constantly giggling, he thought.     

He just waved to them and continued his journey to the library.     

Hm ... he would investigate who Prince Siegfried really was. He was not going to tell on Aleksis to his father, but he had to be cautious and not let anything happen to Aleksis. He had to know what was happening.     

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