The Alchemists

Why did she lie?

Why did she lie?

Aleksis peeked through the slightly opened door and saw Professor Rodriguez standing facing the students with his back to the door. He seemed to be busy discussing something with the mostly sleepy students who were not used to studying in the morning.     

Aleksis believed that many of them blamed themselves for coming to class so early hoping to meet her, but instead she was not in class. She felt a little sorry for them.     

At that moment, her gaze collided with Ian who happened to be looking at the door. The young man looked surprised but pleased to see her presence. He then gave a signal with his chin so Aleksis would enter quietly.     

Aleksis nodded and tiptoed like a cat into the classroom with her back to the wall, trying not to attract any attention. Many students who saw what she was doing tried to hold back their laughter and pretended to focus their attention on Professor Rodriguez, so that he would not be suspicious.     

After crawling so carefully, Aleksis finally managed to reach the middle of the room and took a seat on the chair next to Ian that had been vacated for her.     

Phfew ...     

Just when she breathed a sigh of relief, Professor Rodriguez turned to her and pointed right at her. "You, new student! Try to explain Wendell's economic theory about the best productivity management!"     

"Eh ...?" Aleksis pointed to her own nose. She did not expect that she would immediately become the target of Professor Rodriguez just after she entered the classroom. She hadn't opened her book at all. She didn't even know what topic was being discussed!     

Wait ... Theory of Wendell ...      

Wendell .... ?     


"Oscar Wendell?!" Aleksis asked to confirm the question. She was acquainted with Oscar Wendell, who was once a consultant in her father's company, and she met the famous economist several times in Germany. But Professor Wendell was very old now. Aleksis didn't even know that he wrote a book on all the economic theories.     

"Yeah, which other Wendell is there?" asked Professor Rodriguez impatiently.     

Aleksis had a very strong memory, and she concentrated briefly on the conversations between Kurt Van Der Ven and Oscar Wendell during dinner. At that time they were busy discussing productivity. Was this what Professor Rodriguez was referring to?     

Finally, Aleksis explained what she had heard during the conversation which immediately invited sighs of admiration from her classmates. She had just explained the theory requested by Professor Rodriguez. She even explained it in more detail by giving examples that were not in the book.     

Professor Rodriguez looked impressed hearing her explanation. He looked at Aleksis attentively. He had heard rumors that this transfer student majoring in Information Management was very beautiful, but he did not expect that the girl would also be very intelligent.     

Finally, he cleared his throat and waved his hand, "Okay ... that's enough... if you continue, then there will be nothing else I can teach you. Sit down!"     

Aleksis smiled sweetly and nodded. She turned to Ian, "How did I do?"     

Ian nodded and raised his thumb.     

He then tapped Aleksis' shoulder, who had returned to her seat, and asked, "Why didn't you come to my party last night? You promised to come."     

"There was an emergency. I will come some other time."     

"How about tonight? I can have another party for you," Ian said, smiling broadly.     

"Ugh ... there's no need for that." Aleksis shook her head, then tried to focus her attention to the lecturer. Actually, Professor Rodriguez was not at all angry at Aleksis, who had come late and crept into his class. He knew the girl's presence was the cause of his class being so full today.     

With the current education system, students may choose to study in class or remotely, but as a conventional person, he preferred face-to-face interaction with his students. He did not like coming to campus just to teach a handful of students. So Aleksis' presence in class actually made him happy.     

As soon as the class ended, Aleksis immediately jumped out of her seat and rushed out. She must go to Building C and look for Rosemary.     

"Hey ... where are you going in such a hurry?" came a voice from the door as Aleksis dashed out.     

Aleksis was in such a rush that she did not pay attention to her surroundings and her body again crashed into the Nicolae's broad chest. He was waiting for her at the door. As usual, her body was slammed because she hit his steelhard body, which was like a wall. Aleksis would have fallen to the ground if Nicolae had not immediately caught her.     

"Gosh ... your body is hard as a wall ..." Aleksis grumbled as usual. This time, Nicolae, who had memorized the order, continued the girl's sentence.     

"Gosh, your body is hard like a wall ... What do you eat anyway...?!" Nicolae said, immitating Aleksis' words. The young man's expression looked very funny when he imitated Aleksis' scowling face and the way she spoke when grumbling. He had memorized it, because Aleksis always grumbled the exact same thing.     

The girl pursed her lips because she felt that Nicolae was mocking her and then hurriedly escaped from the young man's embrace.     

"I don't talk like that, okay ... my words are not that ridiculous," grumbled Aleksis."Why are you here, anyway? Didn't you say you wanted to show off your good looks to the new students?"     

"You're a new student," said Nicolae casually. He then pulled Aleksis' hand, "Let's go to Building C, before Rosemary runs away."     

Aleksis was forced to follow him to Building C. She tried to let go of his hand, but the young man wouldn't let her.     

"What are you doing? Look, everyone is watching us," hissed Aleksis.     

"I'm your fake boyfriend on campus, have you forgotten?" Nicolae asked.     

Aleksis looked at the young man with eyes full of questions, "I ... did agree, but I have my conditions ..."     

"That I can't fall in love with you?" Nicolae raised an eyebrow. "I promised."     

"Alright then ..." Aleksis looked relieved. She then pulled her hand out of Nicolae's grasp and took the young man's arm instead, "It's better this way, it's more convincing."     

Nicolae looked at Aleksis who was holding his hand intently, then he smiled thinly and nodded. "I agree."     

They walked together looking lovey-dovey, followed by the shocked eyes of the other students. Soon, rumors spread like wildfire. Nicolae, the ideal husband candidate, was in a relationship with the beautiful transfer student.     

They arrived at Building C, and before Aleksis went inside to look for Rosemary, she saw the girl in front of the building talking to Terry. Her face looked so bright.     

"Eh ... what do they want?" Aleksis murmured in surprise. She hurried over to Terry. "Big brother, I need to talk to Rosemary ..."     

Terry turned and frowned when he saw Aleksis arriving with Nicolae. He snorted softly and then turned to Rosemary and smiled, "Thank you for keeping my sister's watch. Don't forget that I will wait for you at the cafeteria. We will have lunch together."     

Rosemary blushed and nodded. She then walked away and left them. Occasionally, she turned to look at Terry. The young man only waved once and then turned his gaze to Aleksis.     

"Are you looking for your phone-watch?"     

He pulled Aleksis' phone-watch out of his bag and handed it to her. Aleksis shouted with joy because her watch was back. But, her happiness was only short-lived. She saw that her watch was broken, as if crushed by a heavy object.     

"It's broken ... What happened to it?" she asked with a disappointed face..     

"Rosemary said she found your watch on the side of the road; maybe a car ran over it. She recognized it as yours because she had seen you wear it when you were in her dorm room." Terry shook his head, "Even though it's broken, she still wanted to return it to you, and since she already knew you are my sister, she came looking for me to give it back to you."     

Aleksis and Nicolae looked at each other. On the video on Nicolae's tablet earlier, when Rosemary picked up Aleksis' watch, it was still fine. Why did she lie like this?     

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