The Alchemists

I miss your voice!

I miss your voice!

Lauriel began to massage his forehead. He realized that Aleksis was a stubborn girl.     

"Actually, Prince Siegfried also hates humans ... many things about him remind me of you," Aleksis looked at Lauriel with a determination in her eyes. "He is also very kind to me. Please don't tell me to stay away from him ..."     

Lauriel could only shake his head, looking disappointed. He loved Aleksis very much and she never talked back to him before. Her persistence to defend her Prince Siegfried today made Lauriel even more worried that his goddaughter had been brainwashed by the leader of Rhionen Assassins.     

"Do you know who he really is? He might have something to do with the assassin organization, Rhionen Assassins, Aleksis. That's what makes me worried. I don't care about his looks or anything, but as your father, I don't want to see you suffer or live in danger."     

"He won't let me live in misery or be in danger," Aleksis insisted. "He loves me very much."     

Lauriel was somewhat surprised to see his goddaughter's persistence in defending Prince Siegfried and her boldness in using the word 'love'. He could only wonder how far their relationship had progressed.     

"We love you very much too, you know that," Lauriel spoke to her gently. "I've been with you all your life. You know me inside and out, just like I know you. While you have only met him for a week. Please don't make the wrong decision..."     

Aleksis suddenly felt that the air became heavy. She knew Lauriel was right, but she could not deny her own feelings. She put Little Prince Siegfried's collar on and excused herself to take her dog out for a walk.     

"Uncle ... I need some fresh air. May I invite Little Prince Siegfried to take a walk in the park outside the building? I'm sure nothing will happen because this building has very good security." She looked at the man with a pleading look. "Please? I need to think ..."     

Lauriel nodded. "Don't leave the area around the building."     

"Thank you."     

Aleksis tried to calm her heart as she went down to the ground floor with her dog and walked out of the lobby to 'get some fresh air' like she what she used as an excuse to Lauriel.     

Actually, she deliberately went out after learning that Alaric's men had killed one of the criminals who wanted to kidnap her. This meant that Alaric knew what had happened and told his men to take care of the problem.     

The girl felt touched because her husband was still watching over her and ensuring her safety, even though he was far away.     

Aleksis believed that if she appeared in a public place, she would be able to meet Alaric's men. Maybe they had been trying to contact her from yesterday but failed, and they also could not find her tracks because the security at the Continental Hotel was very tight.     

Upon her arrival in front of the building, she stood steadfast while holding her dog leash, trying not to attract attention. Office hours were just over and people were starting to come out of the building to go home. The timing she chose was just right.     

Now she was hidden in the flow of people passing by. Many passersby looked twice when they saw such a beautiful girl standing motionless with her dog as if she waiting for someone.     

"Hallo, Miss. Have you been waiting for long?"     

Suddenly a soft voice came from behind and immediately the girl turn her head. Relief showed on her face when she saw Takeshi.     

"Hey ... how are you feeling? Have you recovered?" Aleksis asked in a worried voice. "Forgive my friend ... He was worried and just wanted to save me. It was a misunderstanding that you all got into a fight."     

"I'm fine," Takeshi said with a smile. "Master is worried because he cannot contact Miss."     

Aleksis was very happy to hear that. Her man was worried about her. It meant nothing happened between him and Sophia Meier.     

"My phone-watch broke ... a bad person broke it, so I couldn't contact Alaric." Aleksis complained.     

Takeshi nodded in understanding. He took out his own cellphone and handed it to her. "Master's number is in there. My cellphone can directly reach him. You can use it."     

Aleksis looked at Takeshi with a look of disbelief, "Really? Thank you ... thank you!!"     

She was so excited that she jumped and hugged Takeshi. That made the professional assassin feel a bit awkward. He could only smile when Aleksis finally let go of his arms.     

"Uhm ... Later I will contact Miss if there's anything. Just keep my cellphone. See you later!"     

And then he suddenly disappeared within the crowd that passed by Aleksis. For a moment the girl was stunned. She thought Takeshi only lent his cellphone so she could contact his master. But the young man actually gave it to her.     

Ah, Aleksis felt very touched. She then remembered that because she married Alaric, Takeshi had actually become her godson too.     

It's not too bad to have a few godchildren... if they, like Takeshi, are all this good to her.     

With a big smile on her face, Aleksis hurriedly opened the cellphone and looked for Alaric's number. She had no trouble finding it because there was only one number on contact list.     

One ring.     

Two rings.     

Before the third ring, she heard Alaric's voice on the other end of the phone.     


"Honey!" Aleksis exclaimed happily.     

"Takeshi?" came Alaric's surprised voice at the other end. "Who is this?"     

"Takeshi gave me his cellphone so I could call you ... My phone-watch broke and I lost contact with you ..." The girl said quickly, "I really miss your voice."     

Alaric who was sitting between Portia and Sophia smiled happily. Finally, he could hear Aleksis' voice and know that the girl was fine. Meanwhile, Portia and Sophia exchanged glances. This was the first time they saw Alaric smiled.     

The young man excused himself from them to take the call and moved away from them. His handsome face looked even more attractive when he smiled. He even laughed a few times while talking on the phone, making the two women more puzzled.     

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