The Alchemists

Rosemary's Lies

Rosemary's Lies

Aleksis hastened towards the penthouse and asked Lauriel to contact Terry to find out where he was. Unfortunately, even after a dozen rings, Terry still did not pick up the phone.     

"Try contacting Nico ... they were together ..." Aleksis spoke in a panic. She hoped Terry wasn't with Rosemary.     

"What's the matter, Father?" Nicolae asked as he picked up the call from Lauriel.     

"It's me, Aleksis ... Where is Terry?" Aleksis asked worriedly. "I can't contact him."     

"He went to see Rosemary - to find out what her motive in ruining your watch was. Because of this problem, they rescheduled their meeting to dinner." Nicolae could hear urgency from Aleksis's voice. "What is wrong?"     

"Rosemary is a mafia boss' daughter!! She was the one who asked her father to send men to kidnap me. She has a grudge against us because Terry played with her feelings... She was a big fan of Terry and last week he teased her ..." Aleksis became very worried, "Do you know where he is going? Can you tell Carl and Sascha to look for him? I don't want anything to happen to my brother. Rosemary is no ordinary girl...!!"     

Nicolae immediately realized the gravity of the situation. It was not only Aleksis who was being threatened but also Terry. "I know where Terry is. I'll be there with him soon with Carl and Sascha."     

"Please hurry ... Terry is not good at martial arts. He has always been saved by his big mouth before, but this time around, I'm not sure if it will be useful ..." yelled Aleksis.     

"Take it easy. You can count on me," Nicolae answered quickly. He was about to end the call when he remembered that he had not yet told Aleksis about the local mafia who was after her. How suspicious that the girl sounded like he knew more than him. "How did you know about the mafia ?"     

Aleksis did not want to answer the question, "Please, help my brother ..."     

"Hmm ... okay. You don't need to worry." Nicolae finally hung up and immediately ran out of his apartment for his car parked in the basement parking lot. While running, he called Carl. "Carl, go to the Mandalay Restaurant in Sentosa. Terry is in danger."     

Ugh ... I hope nothing happened to Terry, he prayed.     

No matter what, that guy was Billie Jean - his best friend online and the brother of Aleksis - the girl he liked. They were almost like family. And Nicolae did not want anything to happen to his newly found family.     

Nicolae hurried into the restaurant to look for Terry. He looked very relieved when he saw the young man flipping through the menu in the corner of the restaurant. Rosemary was sitting in front of him, watching Terry with a clear look of admiration.     

"Terry!" Nicolae called out quickly. Terry looked up and when he saw Nicolae looking worried, he frowned. Rosemary also turned her head and almost grumbled because her dinner with the guy she liked was interrupted, but when she saw it was Nicolae who was coming over, her face suddenly lit up.     

She did not expect the two most popular guys on campus to be at the same place as her. She smiled and invited Nicolae to sit down.     

"Hello, Big brother Nicolae … Would you like to join us for dinner?" She asked sweetly. Nicolae felt sick upon seeing the two-faced girl. He almost went berserk on the spot, but because he remembered that they were in a public place, he held himself back.     

"Hmm ... I don't want to bother you," Nicolae replied.     

"Eh ... I don't mind. What do you think, Big Brother Terry?" Rosemary asked, turning to Terry. The young man was puzzled, but then just shrugged. Rosemary smiled at Nicolae.  "Well ... Big Brother Terry doesn't mind. I'm so glad to see the two of you make up."     

Terry and Nicole looked at each other. Something in Nicolae's eyes made Terry realize something was wrong with Rosemary. He decided to follow Nicolae's plan. Nicolae ordered food and Terry quickly followed. After Rosemary also ordered hers, the waiter left and the three of them returned to talking.     

"I'm very happy to see that the two of you can sit here together. The rumor is actually wrong," Rosemary said, smiling broadly.     

"What rumor?" Terry asked.     

"Uhm ... The two of you are rivals who hate each other. It turns out it was all not true."     

"Oh … Yeah, that's a lie. We are good friends. The proof is that this coming Monday, I will act in Terry's movie." Nicolae grinned at the other man, "I can't wait to star in your new movie with Aleksis."     

"Eh ...?" Terry exclaimed in puzzlement. He did not remember offering Nicolae to act together with his younger sister. It took him a while to realize that Nicolae only wanted to instigate Rosemary. Terry then immediately nodded. "Oh, yeah ... it's on Monday."     

"Right. Aleksis is very beautiful. I really like her ..." Nicolae commented, glancing at Rosemary.     

The girl seemed to be leisurely taking a sip of her drink, as if she was not affected by their conversation. However, Nicolae saw that her fingers were clenching the glass so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Rosemary hid her displeasure because Aleksis' name was constantly mentioned.     

"Oh, by the way... I just remember, Rosemary. Where did you find Aleksis' watch?" Terry asked her. "We need to find a chip in that watch. It has likely fallen near the place where you found it."     

Rosemary looked up rather surprised because her name was called, "Uh ... It's in front of the campus gate."     

"When you found it, was it already broken?" Terry asked again.     

"What do you mean by that question?" Rosemary pursed her lips, "I kept it with me, planning to return it to Aleksis. But I couldn't find her, so I looked for you."     

"You didn't answer my question," Terry was slowly becoming impatient. "The watch wasn't broken when you got it, why is it broken now?"     

"I didn't do anything. The watch was already like that when I picked it up," replied Rosemary.     

Nicolae rolled his eyes and shook his head. He took out his tablet and played the CCTV video he took from the campus camera. "I saw everything. The watch was fine when you found it. I don't understand why you have to ruin it."     

Rosemary put down her glass and bit her lips frantically. She realized her lies were caught, but she still tried to find excuses, "Uhm ... actually, the watch fell when I rushed back to the dormitory. Then a car ran over it ... I didn't mean to destroy it..."     

"Why do you hate Aleksis so much? What's wrong with you?" Nicolae asked angrily.     

"I... I don't hate Aleksis ..." Rosemary insisted, "Since I found out that she is Terry's sister, I no longer hate her... I like Terry, why would I harm Aleksis? After all, she was my roommate in the dormitory. "     

"You didn't send anyone to kidnap Aleksis?" Nicolae questioned bluntly. Terry widened his eyes at his friend's words. It was his first time hearing that the mafia thugs were sent by Rosemary.     

Who is this girl really? he thought to himself.     

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