The Alchemists

YOU will be sorry!

YOU will be sorry!

Nicolae couldn't contain his anger anymore. To think that a timid-looking girl like Rosemary could plan such evil scheme to kidnap the girl he liked made him so mad.      

"I... I don't hate Aleksis ..." Rosemary kept trying to act innocent, "Since I found out that she is Terry's sister, I no longer hate her... I like Terry, why would I harm Aleksis?     

"You didn't send anyone to kidnap Aleksis?" Nicolae questioned bluntly. Terry widened his eyes at his friend's words. It was his first time hearing that the mafia thugs were sent by Rosemary.     

Who is this girl really? he thought to himself.     

Rosemary looked very surprised after being accused blatantly by Nicolae. "Big brother ... What did you just say to me?"     

"You really hate Aleksis because she's beautiful, popular, and she is close to Terry, so you want to get rid of her." Nicolae narrowed his eyes at the girl sharply, "Or are you angry at Terry for playing with your feelings last week and now you wanted to take revenge against him through Aleksis …??"     

Rosemary covered her mouth in shock, shaking her head, "I ... I really don't understand what you're.."     

"Never mind, don't shed those crocodile tears, Terry would know you lie. He's been surrounded by actors for years," commented Nicolae. He then turned to the other guy, "Aleksis said the person who wanted to kidnap her is a member of the local mafia. Rosemary is the daughter of the mafia boss here. She asked her father to send people to kidnap Aleksis to take revenge on you because you toyed with her love..."     


Terry slammed the table out of anger. He was so angry when he heard Nicolae's statement. He looked at Rosemary with a furious face, "You ...?! If you are mad at me for playing with you, you should have come to me! Don't you dare touch my sister!!"     

Rosemary gasped at Terry's outburst. She had never seen Terry angry, and she was very surprised to see him like this. Terry looked scary when he was mad. Rosemary's body trembled and the sound of her cry slowly filled the air.     

"I ... I'm sorry, Big Brother... I ... I didn't mean anything bad for Aleksis ..." Rosemary bit her lip, an apologetic expression on her face, "I just wanted to get your attention ... When Aleksis disappeared, I wanted to be the one to help you find her... "     

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!!" This time Terry shouted, ignoring the other people around them now staring at their direction.     

"I'm sorry... I told my father to make sure Aleksis would be okay. I only intended to keep her away for two days ... and ... and then, later, I would help you look for her ..." Rosemary could no longer hold back her sobs, crying out. "I... I want you to feel indebted to me and pay attention to me ... Huhuhu... I am so sorry..."     

Nicolae and Terry both hissed in annoyance. On one hand, Nicolae was relieved that Rosemary had no intention of hurting Aleksis or Terry ... but, on the other hand, he was furious to discover that the evil girl was planning to kidnap Aleksis just so she could have Terry notice her.     

"I'm sorry ... Big Brother Terry ... I'm sorry ... I made a mistake." cried Rosemary, "When you kissed me and asked me to be your girlfriend, I thought you were serious. I was very happy at that time. But... but... when Aleksis told me that you were just playing me, I realized that you didn't even remember my name, you never noticed me... That's why ... that's why I did that... I'm sorry ... I will never do it again ... Please, don't hate me..."     

Terry stood up in anger, took out some money from his wallet and threw it down on the table. He then pulled Nicolae out of the Mandalay Restaurant followed by a look of astonishment from the other guests.     

Rosemary burst into tears upon seeing Terry's treatment of her. Seconds later, she got up and chased after the two young men.     

"Big Brother Terry .. !! You really are too much! Why do you have to keep insulting me??" She exclaimed in anger. "You will be sorry for hurting my heart ... Next time, I will not be good anymore...!"     

Terry stopped when he heard Rosemary's threat. He turned around and approached the girl, then looked at her with a very sharp look, "You're dealing with the wrong person, Rosemary. I will never like you. Step back now, and stay away from me. Otherwise, YOU will be sorry."     

He then walked away again with long strides. Nicolae followed him silently. Inwardly he was very impressed to see that when Terry was angry, he could look very frightening.     

"You will be the one sorry!!! You'll see!" screamed the girl.     

She stood there transfixed with a furious face put on. A moment later, she pulled out her cellphone and called someone, "Dad ... I need your help again."     


"How did you know that Rosemary is a mafia boss' daughter?" Terry asked once they got inside Nicolae's car. The latter started his car and immediately drove out of the parking lot back to the Continental Hotel.     

"I heard it from Aleksis. If you want to know where she got the information from, you better ask her yourself." Nicolae pulled out his cellphone and called Lauriel, "Father ... I'm with Terry now. Can I talk to Aleksis?"     

"I am here." A sigh of relief coming from Aleksis resounded from the other end of the c.all "Is Terry all right?"     

"Terry's fine. You can talk to him yourself."     

"Hey, Aleksis, I'm okay." Terry spoke after snatching the cellphone from his friend. "Nicolae said you know that Rosemary is a mafia boss' daughter. Who told you that?"     

Aleksis pursed her lips. She did not want to answer because Lauriel was beside her. Hence, she hurriedly changed the subject, "Be careful on the way, I'll wait for you at the penthouse! Bye!"     

Terry and Nicolae looked at each other and sighed.     

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