The Alchemists

Unwanted surprise

Unwanted surprise

"Hey, you're here apparently!" Suddenly Terry's laughter stopped because someone hit his shoulder quite hard. He turned his head angrily and found Nicolae carrying his laptop and sneered at him. "I heard your terrible laugh ..."     

"Huh ... so you're in the library too?" Terry asked in surprise. He looked at his laptop and Nicolae alternately, "Then what are we doing chatting through Darknet?"     

"You started it," Nicolae grumbled. He then sat next to Terry. "Now tell me about this Uncle Aldebar of yours. I thought he was just an Alchemist scientist. But now I get the impression that he is very mysterious and full of surprises. I am curious."     

Terry smiled broadly. "Indeed, he is a very mysterious person. I was very fortunate to meet him because I am practically his nephew. I am his brother's stepson."     

"I want to meet him," murmured Nicolae. He felt that Aldebar was a very interesting person. Ahh ... it seemed like all the Alchemists he heard of were amazing. He couldn't wait to meet more people like them.     

"Hmm ... if you marry Aleksis, you will also be his nephew, and so you will definitely be able to meet Uncle Aldebar," Terry said mischievously. He got to his feet, cleared his laptop and patted Nicolae on the shoulder very hard. "Good luck !!"     

Nicolae was stunned by Terry's last sentence. He then hurriedly got up and chased after the young man, "Hey, you said you would tell me how to win Aleksis' heart! Don't you break your promise, okay. If you break your promise, I'll make a mess of your movie later!"     

Terry just laughed at Nicolae's call. He was very happy to know how young the man was crazy about his sister. It made really easy to control Nicolae in this way. Little by little he only needed to sell Aleksis' name, and the young man would rush to obey his wishes.     

"First you have to know when Aleksis' birthday is," Terry answered nonchalantly. "That's the most important."     

"I know. She was born on July 7 ... I looked her up." said Nicolae as he walked around Terry. "Where are you going, by the way?"     

"All the data she used to enter the university is false. Aleksis was born in October. I want to go to the cafeteria, I didn't have time to eat breakfast."     

"Oh really? What date?" Nicolae asked in amazement. "Gosh, next week is already October ..."     

"The date is confidential," Terry said. He was delighted to see Nicolae's face become annoyed. The young man narrowed his eyes at Terry closely. If he didn't keep in mind that Terry was Aleksis' brother, he would have hit Terry - who was now showing a very annoying expression.     

He immediately took out his cell phone and dialled a number, "Father ... I want to ask you something; when is Aleksis' birthday? Oh ... October 2? Thank you."     

Smiling triumphantly, he glared at Terry, who quickly realized that he was not the only source of Nicolae's information about Aleksis. He forgot that Nicolae was Lauriel's son, and Lauriel knew EVERYTHING about Aleksis.     

"I was just kidding, you take it too seriously," Terry commented with a laugh. He patted Nicolae on the shoulder and then continued walking to the cafeteria.     


Aleksis walked out of the classroom with Ian and Mel and several other students. They were discussing the assignments from Professor Tillman that needed to be done in groups and Ian suggested that they all do it in his magnificent home in Bukit Timah.     

"Yes, I can go with you," Aleksis commented. "But I have to meet my brother Terry at the cafeteria first."     

"Brother? Terry?" Mel asked, "Wasn't that a joke?"     

Aleksis shook her head, "No. He is indeed my brother. See you tomorrow in class!"     

With long steps Aleksis walked towards the cafeteria. She had to meet Nicolae there too to pick up her new chip and cellphone so she could start contacting them without having to make an appointment like now.     

"Hey, you !!! You bitch!"     

Aleksis stopped abruptly in front of the cafeteria. A beautiful girl with a very angry face confronted her at the entrance. Rosemary looked strange because her clothes were rather disheveled and her hair was messy. Her expression filled with hatred.     

Aleksis was very surprised to see Rosemary looking so terrible.     

"Is everything OK with you? Why are you doing this? What happened?" Aleksis asked in puzzlement. "Are you sick?"     

"You terrible woman !!! You are surrounded by dark and terrible people ... You must be a mistress of a high-level criminal or a wealthy businessman in power ..." Rosemary's eyes flickered, "We never landed a single finger on you ... My father's intention was only to kidnap you for a short while ... so that I can help Big brother Terry find you ... We did not do anything bad to you ... But you ... you are so vile and you slaughtered everyone ... "     

"Wh ... what? What are you talking about? I didn't do anything ..." Aleksis said.     

Terry and Nicolae who heard the commotion outside the building immediately came out and approached them. Rosemary looked  like a mad woman. She pulled a pistol from her bag and aimed it at Aleksis.     

"Last night my father's entire group was slaughtered ... including ... including my father ..." Rosemary bit her lip until it bled. Tears streamed from her eyes that were filled with hatred, "You must be the one to caused my father's death, Bitch!!"     

Aleksis and Terry looked at each other in shock. Nicolae hurriedly looked for information on his tablet and a moment later his eyes widened in surprise. Subconsciously he covered his mouth with the back of his hand.     

The pictures he received were quite nauseous. There were so many corpses ...     

Gosh ... apparently Rhionen Assassins did not forgive this mafia group because they intended to harm Aleksis.     

His gaze was fixed on Aleksis who stood rooted to the spot, looking confused, scared and surprised. Nicolae wondered how far Aleksis was involved with this black organization, and did she know what they had just done for her sake?     

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