The Alchemists

Disbanding Rhionen Assassins

Disbanding Rhionen Assassins

The ten people present seemed eager to hear what Alaric had to say. The man sat in his office chair with his usual calm face. The gloomy expression that they had captured earlier this morning had disappeared.     

He was again the Alaric Rhionen they knew - their leader who had a calm face and gentle expression. Besides them, there were five other people who joined through the conference mode from America and Australia. Everyone paid close attention to Alaric; they were curious about what he had to say.     

"I founded Rhionen Assassins 40 years ago," Alaric began his remarks.     

Sighs of surprise were heard here and there. Apparently not all of his men knew about this information. Alaric just looked at them alternately with a smile.     

"I have always told you that Rhionen Asassins was founded by my father, and that he has resigned from worldly life, and assigned the leadership to me. In reality, I am Jett Rhionen himself, and there was never anyone else. I used to work alone ... I enjoyed this profession because I really hate humans and I'm just looking for an excuse to kill. " He shrugged, "I think you know that already."     

They nodded, but their faces still could not hide their surprise.     

"I started putting together a team around 35 years ago, and with time, many of my men have come and gone, whether they retired or were killed on duty. I slowly met some of you. Pavel has been with me for the longest time. I met Mischa, Takeshi, Rosalien, and Kai when you were little and took you in and raised you as my foster children ... and now you are also part of the Rhionen Assassin's family. You are all my family ..."     

Alaric's four foster children nodded slowly.     

"I don't allow my foster children to call me father, because I don't want to risk getting too attached as it would eventually hurt myself," Alaric continued. "I also recruited the best assassins of the world to join our group, and for decades we have triumphed and enjoyed the reputation of being the best and most elusive assassin organization in the world. You are very loyal to me; you never even questioned why I am not aging. I really appreciate that. I respect all of you and I think now is the time for me to free you to live your own life and leave me. I will disband Rhionen Assassins and I ask you to go as far away from me as possible and hide yourself."     

Everyone in the room looked shocked.     

"What's the matter? Why do we have to go as far away from you as possible? Why do you have to disband our group?" Mischa asked in confusion. "I do not understand."     

Alaric knew they would not understand, but he would not explain the reason.     

The atmosphere in the room became heavy and everyone went silent for several minutes. Mischa was the only one who dared to ask Alaric why he had decided to disband his group, but the question was not answered by Alaric.     

"I thank you for your loyalty so far. Now it is best for you to live your life to the fullest and distance yourself from the name Rhionen. The death of Kurt Van Der Ven is an unexpected incident, and I do not want you to share the consequences. That was all one hundred percent my fault, so let me face retaliation from the Schneider Group alone."     

"Sir ..." One by one his men were about to voice their protest, but Alaric just waved his hand and smiled.     

"All right. I hope you all will live well. See you later."     

Alaric gave a signal to Pavel and his faithful confidant immediately stood up and followed him out, leaving the rest of his men standing transfixed in the library. This was all unexpected to them.     


Caspar was furious when he heard from Ilsa Van Der Ven, Kurt's wife, about what had happened to Kurt. His guess was that Kurt had been kidnapped by the assassins as they wanted to obtain information about Aleksis, but it had ended badly. He could only embrace Stanis, who was grieving the death of his only child, unable to do anything.     

Stanis, who was 70 years old, seemed to have aged an extra couple of years after hearing the news about his son's death. His face showed so much sadness; his wife had died and he only had one son who was now dead. No parent should face a situation where they must bury their child, and this broke his heart.     

Ben, who arrived later, immediately represented the entire Van Der Ven family to take care of the funeral and ceremonies at the funeral home. Many people attended the ceremony: officials from the group, business partners and government officials in Germany.     

Kurt died too soon and Caspar hadn't prepared a replacement at the group. He could not bear to ask Stanis who had already retired to return. This made him very uneasy, because he actually wanted to focus on his family alone; he didn't want to go back and lead his massive company group which certainly needed a lot of attention. Inwardly, he felt guilty for thinking like that when the Van Der Ven family was grieving.     

After the funeral was over, he sat pondering in Kurt's study, thinking about what he had to do. Ben and Stanis were already tired from meeting and greeting the guests who had come to offer their condolences. They followed after him and the three of them sat quietly, busy with their respective thoughts.     

"Whiskey?" Ben asked then, breaking the silence. He could not take it anymore and took out a bottle of whiskey and three glasses from the cabinet. Caspar and Stanis nodded.     

With glasses in their hands, they sat quietly again. After finishing the contents of the glass, Caspar finally spoke.     

"I'm sorry, Stanis ... Kurt died protecting my daughter. I will make sure whoever is responsible for this receives the appropriate punishment."     

Stanis nodded weakly. "Thank you, Sir."     

"Do you know who the perpetrator is?" asked Ben.     

"I don't know for sure, but I have a guess," Caspar poured some more whiskey into his glass, "You probably never heard about this organization because they are so mysterious. But they have been around for decades. Twenty years ago, they were also contracted to kill me. They gave me quite a problem at that time."     

"That means they are very dangerous!" said Ben, worried. "How will you deal with them?"     

"I will ask for the help of The Wolf Pack and Aldebar's bodyguards. This is a very serious problem, I will not face them alone."     

Ben was stunned. If the people Caspar referred to really intervened, whoever was responsible for Kurt's death would not be able to escape. Ordinary humans, no matter how great they were, were nothing compared to the 6 immortal adventurers that comprise Lauriel's crew and the 20 bodyguards Aldebar personally chose from the most formidable people in the world who were given the immortality potion.     

He was grateful that Caspar took his nephew's death very seriously and would take their revenge.     

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