The Alchemists

Butterflies In Their Stomachs

Butterflies In Their Stomachs

London accepted the drink and took a sip. His heart was overflowed with joy. L changed so much, he thought. He never knew she could actually act friendly like this.     

"You're welcome." L drank her water and then sat next to London. "You're a talented photographer, everything was very efficient and fast."     

"You're also a very talented model, working with you is fun," replied London. He wasn't lying. L was talented as well. She could work 20 flawless poses in one minute.     

"Thanks. I practice." L only smiled a little.     

Seeing how L look so relaxed while sitting next to him - and considering her attitude toward him had improved a lot, London finally decided to take a chance and asked her to go out. "Do you want to have dinner with me?"     

L turned to him and shrugged. "OK, but it shouldn't be in a fancy place. I don't want to make you broke."     

Inwardly, London cheered happily. L said yes!!!     

"All right. We can eat burgers by the river like you said the last time." He smiled broadly. "The river is only ten minutes away on a bicycle."     

He pointed to an electronic bicycle terminal at the end of the park. L pondered for a while, then finally nodded.     

"I'll tell Pammy not to wait for me," she said.     

"And I will send the crew back to Luxe with the equipment and submit today's photos to Nick."     

London was thrilled because L was finally willing to have dinner with him. After saying goodbye to the crew, he pulled L's hand towards the bicycle rental. After he made the order in the application on his cellphone, he removed a bicycle from its terminal and immediately climbed onto it. London gave a signal for L to be his pillion.     

The girl shook her head but complied with London's request and climbed on his pillion.     

"Hold on ... I don't want you to fall," London said with a smile. He pulled L's right hand and placed it on his waist.     

L just rolled her eyes but, again, she didn't complain. She also wrapped her left arm around and hugged London's waist according to the young man's request.     

It was such a beautiful day. The weather in early spring was still chilly but none of them felt the cold. London's heart was especially warm when he saw the two tiny hands wrapped around his waist.     

He intentionally slowed the pace of his bicycle. He did not feel the need to arrive by the river quickly. After all, they would only eat burgers, right? Nothing urgent there.     

As a result, they finally arrived by the river half an hour later. Normally, the journey would take only ten minutes. London really enjoyed the slow-ride with L's tiny hands hugging his waist and feeling her warm breath on his back.     

He did not want the journey to end. But unfortunately, he could not find a longer route to go to the river.     

"Ah ... we have arrived," he said when they arrived near the river half an hour later. He parked the bicycle in the designated spot and pulled L's hand towards the burger stall. "What burger do you want?"     

L pointed at the menu and London ordered for both of them. While waiting for their burgers, L excused herself to the buy drinks and returned five minutes later with a bottle of wine and two paper cups.     

"You buy the food, I buy the drink," said the girl, holding up her wine bottle.     

"Eh, no. If it's just wine. I can still afford it," London said in amazement. "I'm a guy, I should pay."     

L chuckled at London's protest. "Don't worry about it. It's only natural that we share. You take care of the food and I take care of the drinks. We both can share."     

London was again amazed at L's attitude. This girl now looked like a normal girl who didn't mind sharing responsibilities and splitting bills. Did this mean L had changed and was no longer looking to date only super-rich men?     

Ah, if that's the case, London would feel very happy. However, he felt more content if he was with a girl who didn't want him only for his wealth.     

When their burgers were ready, they found a nice location by the river banks and sat there. It was a perfect place to observe the passing boats while enjoying the beauty of the river. London poured wine for the two of them and they then ate while chatting.     

It was very nice.     

In fact, you could say ... romantic.     

Flowers seem to be blooming everywhere in spring. So many couples also seem to enjoy this beautiful riverfront area for picnics even though the temperature was still rather chilly.     

London never thought that eating a burger with a beautiful girl while sitting on the grass, enjoying wine in a paper cup and looking at the view on the river could feel so beautiful.     

Maybe this is what a poor person feels like, he thought. They can still feel happy even though they don't spend a lot of money. Before, London could not imagine something like this, because he was accustomed to everything fancy in his life.     

"You look happy today," commented London. He was referring to L's change of attitude toward him.     

L nodded. "I am happy. This week I will finish recording my first album. Next week I will be opening the Rainfall concert in this city, then joining them in various countries in Europe. Once the tour with Rainfall is concluded, I will be ready to launch my album. At the same time, my various advertising contracts will be launched as well. Six months from now you will see my face everywhere ... "     

"It's great. You could say, six months from now you will have your dream of becoming a famous artist," said London. "Congratulations."     

L turned to him and looked at London with a faint smile. "Six months from now, our worlds will be very different. That's why now I want to have dinner with you before we become worlds apart."     

"Why?" London was astonished. "After you become famous, you don't want to know me anymore?"     

He felt disappointed. Earlier, he thought L had changed.     

"That's not what I meant," L smiled and took off London's oversized glasses and smoothed his hair. "I will be very busy and we will not get many opportunities to meet. By the way, if you want to be super-rich, you have to look the part. First, you should remove these ugly glasses and tidy your hair."     

Ahh ... London felt so relieved to hear her. It seemed like L had indeed changed.     

"Then, thank you for going with me to dinner here. I am having a good time. Good luck with your career. I will support you from afar," said London later.     

"Thank you. I also hope that you can become a rich guy like what you wanted," L replied.     

They stared at each other for a few moments. Somehow, the atmosphere turned romantic after the conversation. They sounded like two people in love, making a promise to support each other. It gave London and L butterflies in their stomachs.     

The man slowly leaned forward to kiss L, and the girl involuntarily closed her eyes.     

They kissed for a long time.     

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