The Alchemists

L Has A Good Taste

L Has A Good Taste

"I thought you only want to date a super-rich man ... So, why did you want to go out with me?" asked the curious man.     

L looked at him with a look of surprise as if London was a primary school student asking simple questions that all elementary students should know the answer to.     

"The fact that I am willing to go out with you now does not mean I want to date you, okay? I only gave you a chance because I don't have the heart to let you down after seeing how hard you tried. You braved coming to my house; you dressed up, and basically you made the effort. So, of course, I have to respect it. I also think we need to talk about 'that'. So, after this, we can move on and forget the unfortunate events that already happened," L finally responded. "Do you understand now?"     

London nodded. "So ... you accepted my invitation because you only wanted to talk. And for you, the place is not at all important. It could be anywhere. We can even do it by the river while eating burgers because... for you, this is actually NOT a date. You are not willing to give me any chance to develop any feelings for you."     

L nodded. "I'm glad you understand. I can't bear to see you spend this much money on nothing. So, to help you, I won't order food. Let's just drink something cheap and talk."     

London could only nod slowly.     

Actually, if you think about it, L was a nice girl. On the one hand, she knew Killian Makela was a poor man who was trying desperately to impress her, but because Killian did not have much money, L deliberately did not want to squeeze him dry by ordering expensive food.     

But, on the other hand, that meant she did not want to give a chance to Killian to impress her. She did not consider Killian as a man who would be relationship potential.     

Thinking of this, London could only swallow hard. At first, he had thought about just opening up his secret to L, and told her the fact that he was actually super-rich and that the whole building where they were now sitting enjoying champagne was his.     

But because L did not want to give him a chance, he was discouraged to disclose his identity.     

"Alright ... let's just drink." London nodded in agreement. "And talk."     

"You may begin." L took a sip of her drink and looks at London. "You said you want to talk. You go first."     

London was amazed to see the attitude of this girl who was eight years younger than him. L who was still 19 years old could sound very mature when she was talking like this.     

"I know you don't want to bring up what happened ..." Finally, London began to talk. "But I just want to make sure you are fine, after ... after that incident. However, I was raised by my parents to be a good man, and I deeply regret what happened to you ... I want to be responsible and will make sure the culprit will get proper punishment."     

L looked at London attentively. "That's not necessary. Stephan was already sorted. Apparently, there are other victims who came forward and with the help of a great lawyer, they make sure he will never get out of prison. Poor people like us will not be able to do anything, so just be thankful that someone has already handled it."     

London could only scratch his head that was not itchy. He was actually the one who handled it. Or at least, Jan did, by sending that lawyer. But Jan worked for him. So, he could take the credit, right?     

If L knew that London was responsible for ensuring that Stephan went to prison, she would not have spoken like this.     

"You seem to be very allergic to poverty and poor people," commented London. "I've never met anyone so determined to get rich as you are."     

"Everyone must want to be rich. Those who say no are hypocrites." L shrugged.     

"There are two ways to become rich. The first is by your own effort, being successful by working hard and starting from the bottom. The second is because of inheritance. You were born into a rich family, and everything has been provided in a silver spoon for you since you were born, you just have to take it." London took a sip and looked thoughtful. "One day I could become rich too, as long as I work hard. So, why don't you want to give me a chance?"     

"I don't want to marry someone because of their potential. I want to marry someone because of who they are," L. answered. "I'm just trying to be honest with myself and others."     

"I do not understand." London stared at L attentively. This girl in front of him was truly an interesting creature.     

"Hmm .. let me put it this way. If I fancy a romantic man as a husband, but the man I am currently dating is not romantic, I cannot marry him with the hope that one day he will change and become a romantic guy. That means I am not accepting him as he is. I only accept him because I put my hope in his potential to someday change and become a romantic."     

"Oh ... so?"     

"Likewise, if I want to marry a rich man, but I am dating a poor man, with the hope that someday the poor man will turn rich. That means I do not love him as he is, with his poverty, but because I hope one day he will get lucky and become rich ... Why pretend like that? I am always honest from the beginning. I set the conditions for anyone who wants to approach me. I told everyone that I do not want to live a hard life."     

"Hmm ... makes sense." London nodded. "So, because I'm poor, you won't give me any chance to approach you at all?"     

L shook her head. "I'm sorry. You're very kind, and you are also quite attractive. I'm afraid that if I give you a chance, I'll fall in love with you and forget my own principles."     

The man's eyes shone when L said he was very kind and also quite attractive.     

You have a good taste, L. London subconsciously smiled smugly.     

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