The Alchemists

Unexpected Development

Unexpected Development

After calling so many times without getting a response, London finally realized that he still couldn't understand L. Hadn't their relationship improved? Why this treatment? When they met two days ago, everything was friendly and fun. They had dinner together by the river in a loving atmosphere and even ended up kissing. L then allowed him to call her.     

But now it seemed like they were back to zero, and everything was a mess. L clearly avoided him and did not want to talk to him. London did not know what his mistake was and why L was not willing to talk to him? He really wished she would explain why she was avoiding him.     

If he were now in Germany, London would rush to L and ask her directly what had happened. But unfortunately, he was in Singapore. It was more than 10,000 kilometers away from Germany     

He was almost tempted to return to Germany immediately, but his common sense reminded him not to do it. He had just arrived in Singapore and had not seen his sister for a long time. He loved Aleksis and really wanted to spend time with her and her family. It would be a waste if he went straight home without spending time with them.     

Finally, with great difficulty, he restrained himself and did not contact L again while he was in Singapore. That's not at all easy.     

He had to settle with receiving reports from his people that L was still healthy and not lacking in anything. He reminded himself that his original mission was to help the girl achieve her dream of becoming a famous singer. When he made that decision last month, he thought he was doing it because he felt sorry for L. He just wanted to support her career from afar. After L achieved success, London would slowly disappear from her life.     

His plan shifted midway because he realized that he was harboring feelings for her, and she seemed to reciprocate. It would only make sense to go back to his original plan of helping L's career if she no longer responded to his feelings, right?     

Then London should only support L's career without expecting something to happen between them. He should stop thinking that L will change and accept his love for who he was.     

London did not know if he could handle being played like this by L if he continued to chase the girl. One day L could be rude to him; then, on another day, L can turn friendly and give him hope, even allowed him to kiss her; and two days later, she would just ignore him.     

London really didn't like how L played with his feelings and today he was starting to get tired. Finally, he decided to stop pursuing L. It was a decision he made with a very heavy heart.     

He was a wealthy and respectable man and could get any girls he wanted. He shouldn't let his heart be played by an ordinary woman like L.     

Even if he wanted to help L because he felt guilty for what happened between them two months ago, he could just compensate her by helping her career.     

With that in mind, London finally spoke to Alaric. He requested his brother-in-law to allow L to become one of Virconnect's ambassadors. London knew Alaric loved beauty and he sold L by showing Alaric how beautiful her voice was. He thought since Eilen Mikhailova was banished from Virconnect because of her despicable act, Virconnect could use a new ambassador to replace her.     

Alaric just smiled thinly at London's request. He then nodded. "I believe in you when you said her voice is beautiful. You should talk to Pavel so he can manage everything."     

"Ahh ... thank you very much," London exclaimed in a thankful voice. "I owe you one."     

Alaric just nodded. He observed his brother-in-law. He felt that he had found the answer to the London question last week when the man had just arrived in Singapore.     

At that time, London asked whether his feelings for L were pure love or only guilt for having slept with her under aphrodisiac influence.     

In Alaric's opinion, although London was not yet fully aware of his own feelings, the young man was truly in love with L. This was not just guilt. He could see how London really did everything to make L happy. He even asked Alaric to allow L to became a Virconnect ambassador. Such an opportunity would surely make the girl became a superstar.     


When London finally returned to Germany, he gave serious thought to determine whether he would contact L or not.     

The girl had refused to answer his calls many times and London felt a little hurt. Finally, he decided to try to forget about L and in no way try to ask the slightest news from Jan.     

The man tried to occupy himself with work and even visited his brother Terry in New York to spend time together. Whenever he was reminded of L, he would choose to drink wine alone or talk to his brothers to cheer himself up.     


One afternoon, while watching the news on TV, London saw coverage on Rainfall, a very successful band, who was on tour in Europe. Their opening act was a very talented rookie artist. The Rainfall concert series ended this week and they were very satisfied with the enthusiasm of the audience.     

London realized that the said rookie singer was L. She looked so charming and after many performances sharing the stage with Rainfall, she became the talk of the town. Her first album would be released this week and London heard how the public's enthusiasm was already so high on her.     

Inwardly, he felt proud of the girl's achievement. L was indeed very talented and she deserved all this success. London only helped give her a chance, but without her own talent, all that would be useless.     

L's face suddenly appeared on the screen and London could only stare at the beautiful face. L then appeared singing with her usual, enchanting voice, and for a few minutes, London let himself be swept away by her voice.     

L had become famous, and now she was public property, he thought. Soon, the girl would have more connections. She would be able to climb that ladder she had always wanted to climb and entered the upper-class society. And finally, she would meet a super-rich and powerful man to marry. In the future, the news on TV will show who was the wealthy man who managed to capture L's heart and marry her.     

Ugh ... that thought made London nervous. In this world, only a few people were on the same level as him in terms of wealth. If L didn't ignore his calls last month, London was ready to reveal his identity to the girl. He was willing to open his arms and accept L for who she was. He didn't even care if she was materialistic. His wealth would be hers anyway because London had realized his own feelings for L.     

But now, since L already rejected him, London must not be foolish and get carried away. The girl had played him too many times and he must know when to stop.     

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the song L was singing to the end. When the atmosphere became quiet, he took the remote and replayed L's appearance just now.     

Too bad, L didn't return my love, he thought sadly.     

He listened to the song many times. Finally, he turned off the TV and returned to checking several reports that needed his attention. Unfortunately, he lost his focus when he listened to L's voice earlier. Now it was the girl's voice that was ringing in his head.     

"You are vile, L. Why are you still messing up my life if you really don't want to accept me?" London muttered to himself.     

He would never get the answer because L did not want to talk to him and refused to see him.     

His head was filled with various questions when suddenly the phone rang and he could hear Jan's voice on the other end of the phone. His voice sounded anxious.     

"Sir, we have bad news. Miss L went missing!"     

"Wh ... what? What happened?" asked London in surprise. He hurriedly rose from his chair and gripped his cellphone firmly. "How can she be missing?"     

"Pammy, her manager, said Miss L was ill and she needed to rest in the mountains for several months according to the doctor's orders. But she wasn't in the villa in Switzerland that Pammy mentioned and we couldn't find her anywhere."     

Instantly London felt his chest tightened. What's wrong with L? Why did she disappear? Were there bad people after her?     

"Call Pammy immediately and force her to tell you where L is."     

"Yes, Sir."     

London hung up the phone anxiously. He contacted Carl, the Schneider Group's head of intelligence, who was his source of information whenever he needed it.     

If something happened to L, he must know. No matter what, L was an artist signed by Brilliant Mind Media, a subsidiary of the Schneider Group. The girl's safety was his responsibility.     

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