The Alchemists

Alaric's Advice

Alaric's Advice

After dinner, Aleksis accompanied her children to sleep in the room. London then took time together with Alaric in the living room to enjoy a drink and chat.     

He was eager to ask Alaric what he thought about of love, and furthermore, asked for his advice, what should London do to L, considering the girl did not know his true identity.     

"I am very happy for you," London said as he and Alaric sat talking. "Aleksis has a very good husband."     

"Thank you." Alaric nodded. "Actually, I'm the one who was lucky to get Aleksis."     

"Hmm ..." London again was intrigued to want to ask further. "Actually, what made you fall in love with my sister? Indeed, my sister is very beautiful, but I don't think that's the reason you love Aleksis so deeply."     

"You're right," Alaric answered. "I initially rejected your sister's love several times because I did not want to open my heart to love. At that time I did not know Aleksis was an immortal like me. I was terrified of losing her if she got old and then died, and I would be left alone in this world. "     

"You rejected my sister's love several times?? I didn't know this story ..." London was surprised. He then remembered that in the early days L was also mean to him and clearly refused him, but then her attitude changed. Did L also experience what Alaric experienced? L actually wanted to reject London but now finally changed her mind?     

If that's true, it actually means that during this time L tried to refrain from falling in love with London, but then her heart melted, just as Alaric's heart was melted by Aleksis.     

"Ahahaha ... of course, Aleksis will not tell anyone that I once rejected her. Maybe for her, it was embarrassing," Alaric said with a smile. "But I admit, if Aleksis gave up and stopped chasing me, it would have been my loss. Now I can't imagine my life without her."     

"Hmm ..." Inwardly, London imagined L's feelings that changed from curt to loving and one day the girl would also confess that she could not imagine her life without London.     

Imagining that made him smile so happy.     

"Why did you want to know?" Alaric asked, looking at London curiously. "Are you in love?"     

"Jeez ... I'm just happy for you guys. How could I be in love? I'm still so young," London shook his head vigorously. His face turned red because he was just imagining L's beautiful face.     

"What is her name?" Alaric asked.     

"Her name is Elle," London replied quickly. He only realized two seconds later that he just told Alaric that he was in love with L.     

"How long have you been in love with her?" Alaric asked.     

London took a deep breath. He finally realized that it's better to be honest. "I do not know."     

He slowly told all the events that had happened and hoped Alaric would not lecture him like his father. Fortunately, his brother-in-law only listened to his story without interrupting in the slightest.     

Several times he nodded. "Hmmm ... it's tough."     

"So what do you think? I don't know my own feelings, whether I really like her or partly because I want to be responsible for her. I only have a year to make a decision."     

"Hmm ... you know, she was the first woman you slept with. After all, there was a physical and emotional connection between you both. Maybe that's what clouded your feelings for her." Alaric can only shrug. "Just do it for a year and see what happens. I think in time you will know what you want."     

London could only sigh. "I wish I know what I want."     

"I only needed a few days to know that Aleksis was the only woman I wanted in this world. Even when we were separated, after I woke up from a coma and lived my new life, I was never attracted to other women," Alaric said in reminiscent. "But for everyone, the process is different. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. My father took a really long time to be sure that he did love my mother. After my mother left him, then he realized that he loved her and went to chase her to England. But even after they were together, my father still wasn't sure he wanted to build a family with my mother. That was what made my mother leave him, until finally she passed away in Romania. My father still loves her deeply to this day."     

"Hmm ... that's right," commented London. He also already knew the story.     

"For my father, love took a really long time, but after he was certain with what he wanted, you can see for yourself that even after a hundred years, he still loved my mother deeply. For my father, love didn't come easily and didn't fade easily. His love burns slowly but deeply. For others, it might be different. Some people can fall quickly and forget easily." Alaric patted London's shoulder warmly. "You have to find out for yourself what your story is like. It's not necessarily the same as anyone else's."     

London nodded. He preferred to be someone who didn't fall in love easily, but once he did, his love would burn passionately for a long time. And he hoped L was like that too.     

"Hey .. the kids are already asleep. You guys seem to be talking very seriously," commented Aleksis who suddenly appeared from behind the door.     

London became nervous. He tried to study the expression on his sister's face, to see whether Aleksis heard his conversation with Alaric or not.     

Pfew ... apparently not.     

"We are only having a man-to-man conversation. Nothing interesting," London said nonchalantly. He signaled Alaric to keep his story a secret and the man just nodded faintly.     

Alaric then spread his hands and gave a signal for Aleksis to come and sit on his lap.     

"Sit here," he said gently. Aleksis nodded and immediately sat on her husband's lap.     

"The kids are asleep. They were asking for you, but I said you needed to do something with London." Aleksis whispered affectionately to her husband's ear. They looked at each other and smiled. Then speak in a low voice about trivial things, completely disregarding London who was sitting nearby.     

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