The Alchemists

Why Is It So Difficult to Understand Women?

Why Is It So Difficult to Understand Women?

En route, London did a lot of reflection. What should he do with the child? He was still very young and inexperienced in caring for children. All this time, he only had a nephew and a niece that he loved. But it went without saying that taking care of them was different from taking care of his own children.     

If Altair and Vega were naughty, London would just have to hand them over to Aleksis, their mother, before going back to having fun with Rune or going out with Terry.     

Meanwhile, to whom could he hand his child to if his child was naughty? Even the child's biological mother didn't want it.     

What should he do with a child who had to be separated from the mother even though the child still needed breast milk to grow properly? London hadn't told anyone about this. Not even Alaric.     

He only told Alaric the chronology of his meeting with L when he met his brother-in-law in Singapore two months ago. At that time, he didn't even know that L was pregnant with their child when Stephan tricked them.     

Ugh... his mind wandered to L, who was sobbing in the living room earlier. He didn't know that she could be so talented, pretending as if she didn't care when London came into the room.     

London was curious. What made L so sad? Was she sad because she was forced to live in the apartment with him? Or was she actually sad because she had to leave the baby after she gave birth to it?     

Why was it so hard to guess her thoughts?     

London returned to his penthouse and took some personal items he would need to take to the apartment. After all, he would be staying in this modest apartment more than he would in the penthouse, so he had to prepare himself.     

Jan arrived half an hour later and brought the reports they were supposed to discuss at the office today. London skipped the meeting since he was busy bringing L to his new apartment.     

"I know you don't read your emails every day since you're busy, so I just brought the report here." Jan put the documents on the table and sat on the sofa as if he were at home.     

London turned to Jan and nodded. "Thanks. I've been rather busy today. Do you want to have a drink with me?"     

He walked to the cabinet with wine and took a bottle of red wine. Jan nodded and voluntarily fetched two glasses for them. He then took the bottle of wine from London's hands and poured the contents into their two glasses.     

"So, what do you want to do now?" Jan asked in a sympathetic voice. He was actually amazed by how responsible his boss was. Even though the events that happened that night weren't his fault, he still tried to do what he could to improve the situation.     

Actually, if London had slept with an Alchemist, these events wouldn't have happened. In their perfect society, a child would only be conceived if both parents, the father and mother, desired a child.     

This was a perfect birth control system genetically passed down to every Alchemist descendant. If London had instead been tricked into sleeping with an Alchemist girl, the girl wouldn't have been pregnant if London didn't desire such.     

Of course, he didn't know the girl and didn't love her, so there was no way he would desire a child from someone he hadn't known.     

Unfortunately, this system among the Alchemists didn't apply to ordinary people. Humans couldn't resist reproduction by their desires alone. If a woman was ovulating when she had unprotected sexual intercourse with a man who had healthy sperms, then pregnancy was certain to occur. These pregnancies were not always wanted nor planned.     

"Now? I made an agreement with L for the next five months. She'll be living with me so I can watch over her and make sure our child is born healthy. After that, she can go anywhere she wishes. I won't stop her."     

"Have you talked to Mrs. Schneider? She might be able to talk to Miss L," Jan suggested.     

"My mother? She's currently in Asia. I don't feel comfortable talking about this over the phone or Virconnect. I'm sure if I tell her, Mom will want to beat me up with her own hands..." London could only sigh and sip his wine. He didn't mind being hit by his mother, but he couldn't bear to see his mother's disappointed face.     

He didn't want to disappoint his beloved mother, who had always been proud of him.     

"Mrs. Aleksis will give birth next month, right? You can meet them in Singapore when Mrs. Aleksis gives birth and talk to your family. I'm sure the birth of a new grandchild will be the right moment to inform them of the presence of the next grandchild. Everyone would be in a happy mood then... "     

Ah, yeah... Aleksis was now eight months pregnant. She"ll give birth very soon. This actually made London anxious.     

This meant that he only had one month to tell his parents what happened between him and L, and oops... that he would be a father at the age of 27.     

No, he will have his 28th birthday next month.     

And he will soon become a father.     

He took a deep breath.     

"I'll take your advice and tell my family next month. In the meantime, please reduce L's involvement in events. She must not perform too often, so her absence wouldn't be noticed by the public. I don't want her to be stressed out by people's responses. Five months is a long time."     

Jan took out his tablet and showed its contents to London.     

"Actually, I have a plan to display Miss L for the next few months on formal occasions about once or twice a month, while her pregnancy still isn't obvious. Because if she suddenly disappears on the grounds of falling sick, the public would raise questions and be suspicious," Jan voiced. "I know that Miss L chose a shortcut by running away the other day because she was afraid of being found out. But if she was told that her contract was changed and she didn't need to appear in public often, maybe she would become more confident."     

"You think so?" London asked. In his heart, he actually would rather lock L up in the apartment and not let her go at all, but he knew how L was even more fond of her career than her own child.     

"She can still perform at the May Festival next week. She had withdrawn her participation because she claimed to be sick, but I convinced Pammy to tell her to perform."     

"You talked to her manager yourself? Why should you bother?" London asked in surprise. "You're the director of the Schneider Group. Your position is too high. You should've asked a manager from Brilliant Mind Media to contact them. She could be suspicious."     

Jan could only inwardly lampoon. No other people must know about the boss' personal business this time, so it had to be his direct responsibility.     

"I just made sure everything went the way you want it to."     

London thought for a moment and finally nodded. "Okay."     

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