The Alchemists

All Women Love Flowers

All Women Love Flowers

London agreed that L needed to go out and attend several events so as not to arouse suspicion. He still remembered how the girl was rumored to have slept with some industry big wigs at the beginning of her career. What if rumors about her being pregnant and giving birth also spread? This would undoubtedly also be bad for her career and reputation.     

London couldn't risk the girl feeling stressed. Although L was really annoying, she was pregnant with his child. Over the next five months, London must ensure that she was well, both mentally and physically.     

He read a book about pregnancy this afternoon. He found that the baby in the womb could actually feel what their mother was feeling. The mother's mood would affect the baby's physical and mental development. So, in order to keep their baby happy, London must keep L happy.     

Dammit... he just remembered that L was crying when he left.     

He had to think of a way so that she wouldn't be sad. He didn' want their child to experience the sadness of its mother from inside the womb.     

"Jan, I have to go home now. There's something I have to do. We'll meet at the office tomorrow." He took his bag of personal belongings that he had prepared, then put the documents from Jan under his coat. "Clean up the glasses before leaving."     

"Yes, Sir."     

After London left, Jan looked around the luxurious penthouse and shook his head. "Too bad, such a beautiful and luxurious penthouse like this would be abandoned for the next five months... tsk tsk."     


London took the time to buy flowers before returning to his modest apartment. When he parked his car in front of the building, he realized that his bodyguards' BMW was still at the end of the block.     

Hmm... It must be hard for them to keep watch from the car every day, he thought. It would be better if Marc and Dave could live nearby so they could protect him more easily. Having that thought, London then dialed a number and called Jan.     

"Jan, please buy two units to the right and left of my apartment now. Dave and Marc will have to live near me for the next five months to make security easier."     

He immediately hung up without waiting for Jan's answer. He hurriedly entered the building and went up to the thirtieth floor, where his unit was located.     


After London knocked twice, he opened the door with the passkey. Upon entering the unit, he saw L sitting on a couch while reading the contract London had given her. The girl's face tilted up to see London. Her expression was flat. She no longer looked angry, but she was still not friendly.     

"Good evening," London greeted her in a gentle voice. He still remembered how L cried today and now he could no longer be angry at her.     

Really, his heart was too weak towards this girl.     

"Hi..." L looked at London attentively. "I thought you said you will be back late. Are you done with your business?"     

"My business finished early," London answered with a shrug. He put his bag on the table, then took out the flowers from behind his back and handed it to L. "These are for you."     

L was surprised to see such a scene unfold before her eyes. "Wh... What's this? Why are you giving me flowers?"     

"All women love flowers, right? You don't?" London asked back.     

L creased her forehead and hesitantly accepted London's flowers. "Th... thank you."     

London had seen her eyes glisten, but L had quickly looked away, hiding her face behind the flowers she held.     

"You're welcome. I'm doing this for my child. I want our child to be happy in there," London said afterward, pointing at L's tummy. "And the only way to have that is to make YOU happy."     

He put a piece of paper and a pen next to L. "I don't really know you, so I don't know what you like and what you don't like. Could you please write about them there? I'll try to do what you like, and avoid what you hate. You can count on me to make sure you'll only experience the things you like for the next five months, and I'll do everything I can to prevent the things you hate from happening..."     

He then took his bag and entered his room. After London's room door was closed, L, who was stunned, lowered the flowers from her face, revealing her eyes, which were already in tears.     

She then took the piece of paper and the pen with trembling hands before hugging them to her chest. Her tears were gradually flowing down as she silently cried while stroking her stomach lovingly.     

In his room, London could see the scene through the camera recording on his phone.     

He couldn't help but wonder. Why was L still crying? He had gone home early and brought the girl flowers. He had also explained that he would do everything that the girl liked.     

The point was that he had promised to make L happy for the next five months.     

Then why was she still crying? What else should I do? London pondered, massaging his forehead.     

Why are women so difficult to understand?     

Why did L not want to cry in front of him and always pretend to act strong?     

Should he ask Rune to change his research on a baby translator machine into a machine to translate women?     

Ah... Maybe he should. He'd contact Rune tomorrow.     

After he showered and rested for a bit, he went out of his bedroom and prepared dinner for them. L wanted to help, but her mood was so bad that she ended up ruining the dishes with too much salt.     

"Uhm... next time, please let me do the cooking." London shook his head and forced a smile. "I know pregnant women's hormones can mess up with their moods, and messed up mood will affect the cooking. I want you to eat well. I don't need you to do the work."     

L could only nod. They finally ordered takeout and ate in silence.     

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