The Alchemists

London and L's Agreement

London and L's Agreement

After pondering for a long time, he finally made the decision to take as much responsibility as he could. He would try everything in his power to give the best for his child. But things beyond his control, like L's attitude and the girl's decision to leave the child... he could only leave them to fate.     

He would make an agreement with L to arrange their lives together for the next five months, only until the child was born. He would make sure his child would get all the best, which was only right for a descendant of the Schneider family.     

Unfortunately, he was already disguised as a poor person, so he could only invite L and his future child to live in a simple place like this modest apartment. L would suspect him if he were to take her to the penthouse. He couldn't think of an appropriate reason as to why he could live in such a luxurious residence.     

He also didn't want L to suddenly accept his proposal and be willing to marry him just because of his wealth.     

No way! Even though he fell in love with that curt girl, London had to still use his common sense. L clearly turned him down. There was no guarantee that she won't leave London and their child after she had drained his wealth, even if the girl married him.     


So L must never know of London's true identity.     

London was determined to get used to living in this simple place for several months. He could handle it at least until the child was born. He had arranged for a doctor to come to check on L's condition once a week and a housekeeper to come three times a week. He didn't dare use a robot servant because its price would make L suspicious.     

He would look for excuses to get bonuses and other stuff before buying various expensive things for this apartment.     

After seeing her luggage placed in the bedroom, L then went in and closed the door. She didn't step out of the room even until night came. In the end, London became impatient and knocked on the door to make her come out.     

"If you don't come out, I'll call Jan Van Der Ven. I have his number," London threatened her impatiently.     

The door immediately opened and L came out with a frown.     

"Why do you want me to come out?" L curtly asked.     

London pointed his chin to the dining room. "You haven't eaten all day. I've prepared food."     

"I'm not hungry." L uttered, crossing her arms to her chest.     

London shook his head. He then took a document from the drawer and handed it to her.     

"I don't want to have to constantly threaten you to have you obey me. We better make an agreement. If you don't violate any of the provisions I made, you can leave after five months and start a new life."     

L received the document and read the contents. She frowned as she scanned the points written there. It all made sense, but she was used to living alone and didn't like to be told what to do, so she instinctively wanted to argue. But seeing London's stern face, she finally gave up on the idea.     

"Where should I sign?" She asked with an impatient tone. London handed her a tablet and a stylus.     

"I printed it so you can read it easily, but the agreement must be signed electronically. Sign here," he pointed the end of his tablet with the stylus to where she was supposed to sign.     

L nodded. She took the stylus and jolted down her name at the very bottom.     

There were twenty provisions in their agreement. It looked like this guy was experienced in terms of contracts and agreements, L thought to herself. Everything was written in detail and made perfect sense. Every right and obligation of both parties were written in full.     

A few of the points were that L must always tell London of her whereabouts. She was free to go anywhere, but she couldn't leave without telling London about her plans and activities. L also had to eat regularly and take care of her health. Doctors would be brought in once a week and an assistant would help clean the house three times a week.     

L may choose to give birth naturally or by cesarean. Everything would be borne by London and confidentiality would be guaranteed. Point 20 was multiple choice.     

If L chose to give up the child, then she wouldn't be allowed to look for and bring up the child at any time. If L chose to take care of the child, a new agreement would be made to regulate custody between the child's father and biological mother.     

"Why is point 20 a multiple choice? You know I don't want this child," L commented. She only saw the point after jolting down her name.     

London looked at her with a complicated look. "You may choose A or B. Don't decide hastily."     

L was stunned to hear that. She looked away as if she didn't care about point 20. "I won't change my mind."     

She then handed back the tablet to London, but the young man saw L hadn't checked her choice for point 20.     

"Alright, since we made an agreement, you have to eat now. I've prepared everything. I'll be going first." London pointed to the dining table and walked to the door. "Don't wait for me, I'll be home late."     

L just looked at London, who went outside without saying anything. She gently stroked her stomach, and a drop of tears rolled down her cheek.     


London walked to the elevator. His chest still felt suffocating from anger. L still stubbornly said that she really didn't want the child. London was irritated. He had never met such an annoying person in his entire life. Ugh... He didn't understand why he could fall in love with a woman like that.     

While waiting for the elevator door to open, he pulled out his cellphone and checked the camera display in the dining room to make sure L was really eating.     

He deliberately installed a camera in the dining room and living room so he would be able to check on L any time. There were no cameras in the girl's private room though, as London didn't want to violate someone's private area.     

Ugh… I was right. She was not in the dining room. Annoyed, he checked from the camera in the living room.     


The elevator door opened, but London didn't step inside. His gaze was fixated on the view of the living room. He saw L standing still in the living room, still where she was when he left. The girl was covering her face with both hands. She appeared to be sobbing, feeling aggrieved.     

He hurriedly walked back to his apartment.     


He knocked twice before entering by pressing the passkey. Although this apartment was his own 'house', he now lived with other people. London was trying to be polite by knocking before entering.     

"I left something," he reasoned. He raised his face and saw L staring at him with the usual guarded expression. There was no sign of her previous sobs.     

You're good at acting, huh... London thought. He had obviously seen L cry just now. But in just a few seconds, when she heard a knock on the door, she had cleaned her face and pretended nothing had happened.     

London went into his room and took something before getting ready to leave.     

"Why haven't you eaten yet?" He picked up his cellphone and pressed Jan Van Der Ven's number, then showed it to L. "I told you I have Jan Van Der Ven's number. I just need to call him, and tomorrow, you can say goodbye to your career."     

L stomped her feet and immediately stepped into the dining room and ate her food with an unwilling expression.     

London just shook his head and went out of the apartment. What a stubborn girl, he thought.     

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