The Alchemists

London's Decision

London's Decision

London was really disappointed to hear her words. Even after everything, L still hadn't changed. She was still extremely selfish, only thinking about herself and not about the child in her womb.     

"Alright... then what do you want? You don't want to marry me... Instead, you want to give birth to the child for others to adopt?" London questioned afterward.     

L nodded. "I just need to hide for five months. If my agency finds out, they'll throw me away, and I'll lose everything ...     

"Who will adopt this child?" London asked, trying to contain his anger. Even so, his voice still sounded calm.     

"Pammy will take care of everything," L quietly answered. "I don't want to know who they are. I don't want to get in touch with this child once it's taken away from me."     

Every word that L said seemed to have been purposefully done to stab London's chest and hurt him very cruelly. He couldn't believe that L was such a cruel and selfish woman.     

"If you don't care about who will be taking care of the child, you should just hand it to me," London said in a cold voice. "I'll take care of it and raise it if you really don't want it."     

"What do you mean?" L was puzzled.     

"What I mean is... I'll reveal your secrets and get you dumped by Brilliant Mind Media. The Schneider Group will also terminate your contract, and even Virconnect will cancel everything... if you don't follow my request," London uttered cooly.     

"Wh... what do you want?" L looked at London with disbelief. She tried to stand up, but London held her back.     

"You must stay with me during your pregnancy until our child is born. After that, I'll take care of it and you can return to your career and forget about us. If you refuse, I'll immediately contact the Schneider Group and tell them everything." London's voice didn't sound as sweet as how it usually was. "You'll lose your career right this instant."     

He was truly hurt because of L's action. She wanted to give his son to a stranger to cover up everything that happened to her. If London hadn't immediately found out what happened, maybe he would have been too late, and his child would have been handed over by this selfish woman to others.     

If L wasn't pregnant with his child, maybe London would have punished her and banned her from the Schneider Group because she had hurt him many times.     

Meanwhile, L looked at London with a hateful look and pursed lips. She felt blackmailed. Her feelings for London, which had been mixed with guilt, was now turning into hate. She didn't like being forced and blackmailed to follow others' wishes.     

But now, she realized she had no choice but to obey the man's request. If she refused, London would snitch on her to the Schneider Group, and her well-planned career would vanish without a trace.     

In the end, she reluctantly nodded. L then looked away, as she wasn't willing to look at London at all.     

"Lola, please prepare her stuff. Miss Elle will be traveling with me," London called Lola. The woman complied with London's request, and within half an hour, London had led L out of the house and into his car.     

Earlier, while waiting for Lola to prepare L's luggage, London had spoken to Jan on the phone and told him what happened. Jan sounded a bit surprised, but as usual, he didn't say anything and immediately prepared what London had asked for.     

London asked him to prepare a simple but comfortable apartment in the center of the city so that he could move there and take care of L during her pregnancy. After what L did this time, he wouldn't let her know his true identity as London Schneider.     

London would leave his penthouse and stay in that simple apartment with L and make sure the girl didn't do any harm to his child. He'll pretend to live in that simple apartment and wait until L gave birth. And after he took his child, he would let L go and live her life as she wished.     

London wouldn't even revoke the contracts and facilities that Schneider Group had given to the girl. After L left his life, he would never want to see that girl again. He also wouldn't let his child know that the mother was a selfish woman who wanted to throw her own child away.     

Those negative thoughts filled London's head as he drove toward the apartment Jan had prepared for them. He didn't say anything to L along the way. The girl also just looked away and stared out the window, completely ignoring him.     

"Please come in, this is my home," London said as he opened the car door and invited L out. He took the girl's luggage from the trunk and pulled her hand towards the elevator. They went back to their previous silence on their way up to the thirtieth floor.     

After the elevator opened, he invited L to walk to the unit located at the end of the hall. As a gentleman, he opened the door for her with a passkey from Jan.     

When L entered the modest apartment, she was stunned to see the comfortable and warm-looking arrangement.     

Is this where London lived? She inwardly asked.     

It was also London's first time entering this unit. In his mind, he praised Jan's taste and efficiency. The apartment was quite spacious and had two bedrooms. The setting was minimalistic and comfortable, which overall made it look decent.     

"There are two bedrooms here. You can stay in the large bedroom with a balcony. I'll take the other room." London told her. He put L's luggage in the room he meant. "I'll provide everything you need. You don't need to go outside if you want to stay at home. If you want to go somewhere, just tell me. I'll take you there."     

L slowly nodded. "I understand."     

"I'll be at work from morning to evening. Sometimes, I can take time off, but basically, you have to tell me whenever you need me. Don't hide anything from me and don't do things behind my back, because I'll surely know." London lifted L's chin and sharply looked at her. "Remember, I won't be hesitant to report you to your agency if you try to escape from here. You can go wherever you want, but you must tell me beforehand."     

"I won't leave without a word," L said. She snorted in annoyance because of how London seemed to have a great deal of mistrust.     

"Very good." London took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to hold back his feelings.     

Last night, when Carl told him what had happened, he was taken aback. He couldn't sleep, thinking about this all night. He was still 27, very young among his people. But now, he would become a father.     

He would even become a single father because the child's mother wasn't interested in taking care of the child with him.     

This made him feel suffocated.     

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