The Alchemists

L's Secret

L's Secret

For an hour, London could only pace in his place while waiting for news from Carl. He was really worried thinking about how L was doing. As long as he hadn't gotten information from Carl, he wouldn't be able to sleep.     

At midnight, his cellphone rang, and Carl's awaited voice could be heard.     

"How is she?" London quickly asked.     

Carl gave his report briefly, and London's heart almost stopped. He didn't think that it actually happened.     

"Thank you, Carl. I'll see her soon." His eyes fell on his watch, and he realized that it was almost midnight. He couldn't possibly come at this hour, else it'll interrupt L's rest. "Please send someone to look after her there. I'll come early tomorrow morning."     

"Yes, Sir."     

London hung up and pondered for a long time.     

He couldn't sleep at all that night and could only sit in his office drinking wine.     


At six in the morning, he had changed into modest clothes, took off his watch, and wore his sneakers and climbed into the ordinary car he had ordered for Carl to prepare. He drove himself to the address Carl gave.     

At seven in the morning, he arrived at a small house in the suburbs. As soon as he stopped his car in front of the gate, he saw a black BMW moving away. He knew it was the security team sent by Carl for L last night, and now, they were giving him privacy.     

London took a deep breath. He then got out of his car and knocked on the door several times. After a few minutes, there was a woman's answer as the gate slightly opened.     

"Good morning. Who might you be looking for?" A woman in her forties asked from behind the door.     

"I'd like to meet Miss Elle. This is really important," London voiced, showing his sweetest smile. His handsome face and a sweet, sincere smile quickly conquered the housekeeper's heart. Thus, the woman invited this guest to enter.     

"Who's that, Lola?" A melodious voice could be heard from inside the house.     

Before the housekeeper could answer, London had put an index finger on his lips, gesturing Lola to not notify her of his arrival.     

"This is a surprise..." London whispered with a sweet smile. Lola looked happy because she could take part in giving the lady a delightful surprise. She then nodded and invited London in. "Thank you, Lola. I haven't seen her in a long time. I want to surprise her."     

He quickly entered the house and walked towards where the voice came from. In the living room of the small house, he saw a woman sitting on a sofa, staring at the small garden beside the house, which was filled with tulips.     

"Elle..." London called out when he was near the girl. L suddenly looked at him. Her expression was a mixture of surprise, shame, and anger. She looked at London with a sharp look.     

"I never allowed you to enter," she curtly spoke.     

London didn't mind L's temper this time. He walked over to the girl and knelt in front of her. "I know my presence here isn't wanted. But please listen to me..."     

"I have no reason to listen to you," L tried to get up, but her hand was held by London, holding her in her place.     


L was stunned to see London raise his voice to her for the first time. She stayed where she was and looked at London.     

"What do you want?" The girl asked after a short pause.     

"I already know what happened. You're pregnant and you don't want this child because it will interfere with your plans... That's why you're hiding. You are planning to give birth to the child to give it up."     

London's line of sight fell on L's stomach, which was already beginning to protrude slightly. If he didn't miscalculate, it meant that at this moment, the child in her womb was already in the fourth month. Two months ago, when he was in Singapore and L suddenly refused to pick up the phone, it was because L just discovered that she was pregnant. This pregnancy was the result of their actions at Stephan's party.     

L naturally felt that she had to completely cut ties from London so that the man wouldn't know that she was pregnant with their child. London could imagine how hopeless L felt at the discovery. Also, her neatly-arranged plans of releasing an album, touring with Rainfall, and even becoming a star for Schneider Group would all be a mess if she got pregnant and gave birth to that unwanted child.     

After going through various considerations, L decided to pretend to be sick to secretly give birth to her baby and give it up for adoption. Later, she could return to her previous life as if nothing happened.     

Unfortunately, L didn't know who she was dealing with this time. London easily discovered what was happening and found her with the help of Carl. In fact, even if L wanted to hide at the end of the world, London would still be able to find her.     

L's pair of black eyes, which were usually fierce, were now filled with tears.     

"So, you already know..." The girl sobbed in a low voice. "Then you must know that I have no other choice."     

London, who almost got angry, could no longer be harsh on L. His heart was really weak against her tears.     

"Why don't you have any other choice?" London softly asked. "You don't have to endure this alone. I'm also at fault and I'm willing to be responsible. Since the first day, I've always been there for you. Why do you have to hide this from me?"     

L shook her head in grief. "I don't want you to know. I had already guessed you would ridiculously offer to marry me as a solution."     

"I wouldn't..." London then fell silent. He wanted to say that they didn't know each other that well for him to offer to marry L. As an alchemist, marriage was a lifetime commitment for him. He couldn't marry L just because they were stuck sleeping together and the girl became pregnant with his child as a result.     

But now, when he saw the beautiful girl in tears and remembered how there was a child in her womb, London's own flesh and blood, the young man now felt that the decision wasn't a bad choice at all.     

It wasn't hard to imagine marrying this girl and raising their children together. He already loved L, and he wanted to marry her, with or without her pregnancy.     

London finally sighed and nodded. "You're right. I'll take responsibility and marry you, then take care of you two. I won't go back on my words."     

L repeatedly shook her head and her tears streaming down even more, "I don't want to marry you. Please don't force me to... I don't want to marry you just because I'm pregnant with your child. This is an unfortunate incident. We were set up. You don't have to take responsibility. I'll just consider myself unlucky."     

The words L said just now was really hurtful to London. He didn't think a woman could be as heartless as L was. He looked at her with a gaze of disappointment.     

"So, you don't want to marry me because I'm poor?" He asked in a low volume.     

L slowly nodded. Her face was filled with an expression of regret. "I'm sorry. You're a good man, but I can't accept you."     

London was really disappointed to hear that. Even after everything, L still hadn't changed. She was still extremely selfish, only thinking about herself and not about the child in her womb.     

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