The Alchemists

London Schneider's Logic

London Schneider's Logic

Lately, whenever London wasn't busy with work, he would spend a lot of time reading references about pregnancy and babies.     

There was so much information that he thought to be very interesting and he had never cared about before. For example, the gender of the baby can be known after five months of gestation. So, he couldn't wait for the next month, when he would be able to find out the gender of his future child.     

In contrast to his sister and brother-in-law, who didn't want to know about their child's gender before they were born, London was very curious.     

This was a very thrilling experience for him because he really didn't know what to expect. He didn't like a situation where he didn't have enough preparation and knowledge to handle it. That was why he read so much and tried to find as much information as he could.     

"Jan, did you know? A child's intelligence and height are actually inherited from their mother," London commented, lowering the book he was reading when Jan entered his room carrying a stack of documents.     

"I didn't know," Jan answered. He then placed the documents on London's table and shrugged, "Your child will be short then. Miss L is only 157 cm tall, after all"     

London glared at his assistant's blunt remark. He didn't need another to tell him that for him to know. He himself was quite tall, being 183 cm and very proportional, but if the height of the child is dependent on the genetic construction of the mother, then his child from L will indeed be short.     

In his heart, he hoped his child would be born a girl. This was because a short petite girl would actually look cute and adorable, but a short boy might grow up feeling inferior.     

"I regret telling you now," London grumbled after hearing Jan's words just now. He placed the book on the table and examined some of the documents that Jan had just delivered and jotted something down on some of the numbers written there. "I've reviewed these two reports and written down my opinions. You can bring these to the lunch meeting. I have to go somewhere."     

"Yes, Sir."     

Jan didn't need to ask to know that his boss's business must have to do with L.     


As he promised L this morning, at 12 noon, London arrived at their apartment to take L to the studio.     


As usual, he knocked twice and entered the apartment.     

"Are you ready?" he asked L, who was grooming herself in front of the mirror. He was puzzled to see how murky her face looked. L turned to him and weakly shook her head.     

"Ugh... I can't find clothes that can cover my stomach..." she complained.     

Indeed, after four months of pregnancy, the bulge in L's stomach began to be visible. Her body was small and slim, so even the smallest changes would be clearly visible, and this included the bulging of her stomach.     

Her pair of black eyes began to be moistened with tears.     

London couldn't bear to see it. He took the variety of clothes L piled on a chair and examined them one by one to see which was the most appropriate to wear and could conceal her pregnancy. After a period of examination, he lifted a loose bohemian-styled dress.     

"How about this one? The dress is loose and it looks casual. If you layer it with a jacket, people won't be suspicious," he patiently informed.     

L narrowed her eyes and examined the dress London lifted for a few moments. Finally, she nodded and reached out to take the dress.     

"Ugh... but this dress will make me look fat..." she complained. "All the dancers supporting my show are slim and sexy. I'll look like a sack of rice in the center."     

"Aish... Are you going to sing or do a fashion show? What matters is that people don't pay attention to your stomach," London told. "Your voice makes you unique and everyone likes you because of your beautiful voice."     

L pursed her lips at London's words, but she obeyed. She carried the loose dress into her room and changed her clothes. She left the room ten minutes later in the casual bohemian-styled dress and a jacket that covered the shape of her stomach.     

"I have to buy clothes like this for the festival performance in a few days," L said afterward. "I'll look fat..."     

London could only roll his eyes at the girl's complaint. In his eyes, L had a gorgeous body. She would always look beautiful no matter what she was wearing. He didn't understand why L was fussing about her appearance so much.     

"Wait a minute, I have to get something in the room," London said after they finished lunch and prepared to leave for the studio.     

He then went into his room and called Jan.     

"Jan, you know that L will sing at the festival accompanied by dancers and musicians, right?" he asked before Jan could say hello.     

"That's right," Jan replied. "What's wrong?"     

"Please tell Brilliant Mind Media to provide only fat dancers and musicians to accompany L. They should each weigh a minimum of 100 kg, if possible."     

"Huh? Why? Your orders today are very specific. I can't understand the reason," Jan scratched his head, trying to understand his boss's logic behind such a strange request.     

Where were they supposed to look for dancers and musicians weighing at least 100 kg? And what for?     

"L feels fat among the usual backup dancers and it was enough to stress her. I can't let my child in her womb feel stress too. I can't make her thinner during her pregnancy, can I? So the only way is to make the people around her fat."     

London hung up and hurried out to take L to the studio.     

In his office, Jan was still rooted in his place with his phone pressed to his ear and a gaping mouth. He didn't know what to say. His boss just hung up on him.      

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