The Alchemists

Three Sets of Shirts

Three Sets of Shirts

Jan was very happy to hear that London decided to attend the May Festival, and brought his brother along. Jan and Rune were of the same age and they were quite close when they were younger. however, after he attended university and Rune became so busy with his research, they hardly had time to meet.     

London and Rune's presence would also bring something fresh to the festival. The Schneider family was known to be really reclusive. Even though they sponsored the festival, their family members almost never attended the event.     

Showing up now would mean a lot to the performers because they would feel that their hard work was supported and noticed by that family.     

Jan really needed to immediately notify his secretary to update the festival's news.     

"Hmm... it's already 5 PM. I have to go home." London stood up and tidied up his bag. "You've bought the two units next to my apartment, right? Have Marc and Dave moved there?"     

Jan nodded. "As you ordered, they're staying there watching over Miss L. The car has also been replaced."     

"Good. I'll stop by the penthouse to take a shower before heading back to the apartment. Oh, by the way, please ask the chefs at St. Laurent Hotel's restaurant to prepare food for me to take away. I'm not in the mood to cook." London then rushed out of his room.     

"You cook?" Jan murmured in amazement. Even so, he did everything his boss ordered him without protest.     

London left for the penthouse with Leon and Dean, his other two bodyguards, because Marc and Dave were in the apartment to watch over L.     

After taking a shower and changing into simple clothes, he stopped by the hotel restaurant and got some food to take home. The hotel staff tried to hold back from asking why their boss came in like an average person and asked for a takeaway. They all knew he was living in the penthouse on the top floor of their hotel.     



London knocked on the apartment door twice, just like what he always did, and entered with the passkey. He put the flowers next to L, who was busy writing on a notebook as though she was memorizing something.     

"These are for you. And I brought special food. There was an important event at the place I went to, and there was plenty of leftover food. I was allowed to take some of them home." London lifted the food package in his right hand. "It would be a shame to waste such good food..."     

L received the flowers from London with hesitation. She didn't expect to be given flowers every day. Which woman didn't like to receive flowers? London knew that L wasn't an exception.     

"Yesterday's flowers are still good," L commented while pointing at the vase she put in the living room. "Why would you buy me more flowers?"     

"I know. But these flowers were also free, really. They were from the event I attended," London shrugged. "It would be a shame to throw them away."     

He didn't care if L were to look down on him because he seemed to bring her only leftover goods. He had to find an excuse as to why he could bring her things like flowers and fancy food almost every day.     

However, surprisingly, L didn't look offended at all, nor did she mock him for bringing 'leftovers'. The girl just nodded and put the new flowers in another vase. She then arranged the food that London brought at the dinner table, and they immediately sat down for dinner together.     

"How was your day?" L asked, pouring water for London and herself.     

"Hm… It was quite busy," London answered. "How about you?"     

"I was also busy. I have to practice for the performance at the festival as well as possible. I'll go to the studio with Pammy and rehearse with the band tomorrow."     

"Oh, okay." London nodded. "What about the list I gave you for what you like and dislike yesterday? Have you finished writing them?"     

L nodded slowly. "I have, but..."     

"But what?"     

"I don't think you need them... These are too much already. I'll be fine for five months. I'm not a fragile ceramic in need of special handling," L said, pursing her lips.     

"That will be my decision to make," London dismissively answered.     

L looked at London with a complicated look. "You've spent enough money on me. I know you don't have much..."     

"So what?" London questioned, staring back at L, who seemed to be doubtful. "How do you know I don't have much money? And what does that have to do with you?"     

L frowned. "If you want to look after this child, you have to start saving. Don't spend your money on unnecessary things. Raising a child is very expensive, you know. It was only now I realized how poor you really are. I was about to wash our clothes with the washing machine, and I noticed you only have three sets of shirts. Are you aware of that? All this time, those three sets of shirts are all you have...! How could I have the heart to take money out of you?"     

"Eh...?" London realized that L's words were valid. He looked at his simple shirt. He did only have three sets.     

He hid most of his actual clothes in the penthouse. Everything was of expensive brands in limited editions, and there were a lot of them. Sometimes, he would only use an item once before it disappeared behind a pile of clothes or throwing it away. Rows of luxury clothes just filled a large walk-in closet in his bedroom. As for simple clothes, he only had three sets.     

London then held L's hand with a displeased expression. "Why did you have to wash them? I told you there will be someone who will clean three times a week. Let them do their work. I don't want you to be tired. Our child also will be tired if you are..."     

L was left speechless, hearing London's words just now.     

Wasn't she talking about how London should save his money considering how poor he was and how he only had three sets of shirts? Why was he instead getting upset because she washed their clothes?     

What a weirdo, L thought, pouting.     

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