The Alchemists

Only The Mentally Impaired...

Only The Mentally Impaired...

"Jan, do you think I look like a criminal?" London asked in his office, turning himself to face Jan. The assistant frowned. He didn't understand.     

"What do you mean, Sir?" Jan asked in puzzlement.     

"Just answer my question. If people who don't know me see me a few times, would they think I'm involved with the mafia or other criminals?"     

What kind of question is this? Jan thought in annoyance. London didn't look like a criminal no matter how you look at him. His appearance was really neat and impressive. He wore expensive clothes and limited editions from head to toe. Only the best things were suitable for a man of the Schneider family.     

London usually went to his penthouse first to change clothes from the cheap shirt he wore when he left his apartment. There, he drank coffee from his favorite coffee machine and read various economic news before driving into the office. After returning from the office, he would stop by the penthouse to change back his clothes before returning to the apartment.     

So Jan didn't understand the meaning of London's question today, since his boss appeared as usual. He didn't feel anything strange.     

"Does this have something to do with Miss L?" Jan asked in return. "Personally, I don't think you resemble a criminal at all. Only a mentally impaired person would..."     

He was silent. There was no way he could call the girl his boss fancied, the mother of his boss's future child, a mentally impaired person.     

In the end, Jan only coughed and changed the subject.     

"Will you come to the May Festival?" he asked. He pressed the remote in his hand and the projector wall immediately displayed a short video of the festival's advertisements in various media.     

London paid attention to advertisements featuring various arts and music performances on three different stages in a city park near the Berlin Wall monument.     

Since ten years ago, this festival had become a show eagerly awaited by many and was held free of charge by the Schneider Group as a form of contribution by the largest group of companies in Europe to their home countries.     

London had only been to the event twice, which was the first and the second. He enjoyed the show with Rune, his brother, and Jan. He was only 19 years old at the time while Jan and Rune were teenagers. They mingled among other spectators. At that time, his father returned to lead the Schneider Group after the death of Kurt Van Der Ven.     

He still remembered how Billie Yves became the main star of the concert at the first two festivals and they had the opportunity to meet her backstage. At that time, it felt really pleasant. But after Aunt Billie got married and retired, it felt like the festival was no longer interesting for them to attend.     

London became busy with his studies, Rune with his research, and Jan started college. He was being prepared to take care of the Schneider Group, like how his father used to. This meant that he had missed eight festivals so far.     

"Sounds like fun," London uttered with a nod. He recalled the fun experience in his teenage years with Jan and Rune having fun at the festival. This was the first time they secretly drank alcohol without their bodyguards' knowledge.     

"I have to come as the Schneider Group's representative," Jan shook his head with a slightly apologetic expression. "I can't come with you. Unless..."     

"Unless what?" London inquired     

"Unless you come with me as the leader of the Schneider Group."     

Jan's words made London suddenly think mischievously. L will be performing at the festival, and she had never met London Schneider. It would certainly be interesting if he could tease L by sending flowers to her after she performed. He would write on her card that the flowers came from London Schneider, the owner of the Schneider Group itself.     

He wanted to know how L would treat a tycoon who seemed to be paying attention to her. He wouldn't meet her up close to avoid L recognizing him, but if L were to see him from afar, he would be able to use his true identity as London Schneider. He and Jan would sit in the VIP area, away from the audience and the performers.     

"Alright. I'll come as the leader of the Schneider Group," London said after a brief pause. A faint smile adorned his face.     

"Ah, perfect. The people will surely be excited if a member of the Schneider family personally attends the festival. Nobody from the family has come to this festival for a very long time. The last time was five years ago, which was when Mr. Terry came." Jan informed with an excited look.     

"Well, I guess I'm too old to attend the festival and jostle with ordinary viewers. I'll just join the VIP section," London commented. He contemplated for a while before reaching for his phone.     

He dialed the number of his younger brother, Rune.     

"What's up?" Rune asked from the other end of the call.     

"Do you have something to do next week?" London promptly asked.     

"A lot. Like you, I'm also busy," Rune answered. "I really need a vacation."     

"What are you working on?"     

"Still on a baby translator device. Why?"     

"Oh..." London recalled his plans of asking Rune to make a translator for women's cries. "Has it worked?"     

"Almost... I just need a baby to test it before I make a better prototype."     

My baby can volunteer, London thought.     

Ah no. He mustn't let his baby become a test subject for Rune and Uncle Aldebar's unguaranteed machines. He won't take that risk. If the child were to find out, the child would accuse him of not loving him later on.     

"Do you still remember the first Welcoming Summer Festival, or also known as the May Festival, ten years ago when you, Jan, and I came to watch Aunt Billie's concert and we secretly drank alcohol for the first time?" London asked.     

Rune laughed at the other end. "Hahaha... Yeah, I still remember. You threw up last time... Eww."     

"How cheeky. I don't want you to say a word about that embarrassing incident at all. Remember, you swore an oath to keep it a secret." London massaged his forehead. "I want to invite you to come to the May Festival next week. I also have something to discuss with you."     

"Of course, I'll come. Is that all?"     

"That's all. I'd like to talk to you about something important. See you next week."     

"See you next time, Mr. Rune!" Jan exclaimed before London ended the call. He wore an enthusiastic look. He also wanted to meet Rune, who had been really busy with a variety of research lately. And the fact that members of the Schneider family would be attending the upcoming festival would undoubtedly make it more interesting.     

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