The Alchemists

Don't Get Caught

Don't Get Caught

London was awakened by the sound of the alarm that he had been using for the past three months, namely L's voice singing Billie Yves's famous song "You Are Enough", which he found on the girl's website.     


He hurriedly got up and turned off the alarm on his phone when he regained his senses and remembered that the owner of the voice was staying in the next room.     

How embarrassing, if L found out that her voice was London's alarm ringtone. Fu. He had to change his alarm.     

London rubbed his eyes and opened his phone settings to change the alarm ringtone, but he soon realized that it wasn't actually the alarm that was ringing.     

He set the alarm for 8 o'clock in the morning, and it's only half-past seven at the moment.     

His head spontaneously turned towards the door of his room. His ears perked up, trying to listen to the singing voice coming from outside his room.     

Ah... Apparently, the owner of the voice was singing live in the living room of this apartment. London closed his eyes and enjoyed the beautiful voice of the siren for ten minutes. He was extremely impressed, just like when he first saw her singing at Stephan's party.     

When L stopped singing, London finally got up from his bed and rushed out.     

"Good morning," he greeted L, who was standing in front of the balcony and enjoying the morning air. The girl turned her head and blushed.     

"Did I wake you up? Sorry... I was too happy. I just read an email from Pammy. She said that the company was worried about my health and gave me a break for several months. My performing schedule was significantly reduced and I only need to appear once or twice for the next two months. My upcoming appearance is the Summer Welcoming Festival next week, so I have to practice... "     

London was stunned to hear L speak so enthusiastically about her work. He had never heard her talk so much before. Apparently, her heart was indeed happy.     

"Good luck," he said in the end.     

"Thank you," L said. "Eh... I didn't disturb your sleep, did I? I won't sing in the morning anymore... so you won't be disturbed."     

At that moment, the alarm on London's phone went off very loudly. It was exactly 8 o'clock, and the melodious voice of L singing "You Are Enough" filled their living room.     

L widened her eyes in surprise. "What's that?"     

London didn't answer. He hurriedly turned off the alarm and entered his bedroom.     

It took L a few seconds to realize what was happening. She pursed her lips while staring at the door of London's room, which the owner had just closed.     

A smile was plastered on her face. She just learned that her singing voice was used as an alarm by the handsome young man. How cute!     

She walked into the kitchen and took the flowers London had brought her last night and put them in a large vase in the living room. Instantly, the brightness of the late spring felt immensely real in their living room.     


Meanwhile, in his room, London hurriedly changed his alarm and deleted L's song from his phone. He was really embarrassed, L had learned that he used her voice to wake him from his sleep.     

It seemed that he wouldn't be able to show his face in front of her again.     

Ugh... dammit. It was almost 9 o'clock in the morning and he had to go to the office. However, he didn't want to come out of his room and meet L. He was still embarrassed, and he still couldn't find a reason for the incident earlier.     

At 9 o'clock, a few knocks on his door could be heard.     

"You haven't prepared breakfast for me. I'm hungry," L told him. "I can't use the old-fashioned stove in this apartment."     


Of course, London thought in annoyance. He then left his bedroom and immediately entered the kitchen and prepared a simple breakfast, which consisted of eggs, sandwiches, and salad. Every ingredient was organic and only the best products were used.     

Ten minutes later, he was serving everything at the dinner table. L came to the dining room and sat next to him, brewing tea.     

"Eh, what do you want to do? Don't touch the hot water!" London exclaimed, worried. He hurriedly took the teapot from L's hand and took over the work. "Let me do it."     

"Aish... I'm just pregnant. I'm not disabled," L said, pursing her lips. "You've prepared breakfast, so let me make the tea."     

"No need... I can still do it," London stubbornly insisted.     

Shortly after, the two had a fight over who should make tea and share responsibilities, forgetting about the alarm incident.     

In the end, London won. He made two cups of tea for them and the two then had breakfast together.     

"Do you still work at Luxe?" L asked out of nowhere. London was surprised to see L interested in his work.     

"Why do you ask?" London asked in return.     

"The salary there is definitely not enough to rent an apartment here. The apartment is indeed simple, but the location is in the town center. The rent is definitely expensive," L commented.     

"Oh, I work at Luxe only as part-time. I have another job," London shrugged. "You taught me to work hard and have ambitions. You aren't the only one who wants to be rich."     

"Then what do you do now?" L asked, staring intently at London. "If you get involved with the mafia or commit crimes, I need to know so I can prepare an alibi if you get arrested."     

London was stunned to hear L's words just now. Involved with the mafia? Commit crimes?     

"Do I have the appearance of a criminal?" London irritatedly asked. "How can you accuse me of that?"     

"Under this building is a black BMW that's always monitoring. I remember seeing that car when you took me to the restaurant at the St. Laurent Hotel. I'm not a fool... There are mysterious people watching you. You also have more money than just the salary of a freelance photographer at Luxe, to be able to rent an apartment here. There's no way your job is legal."     

London was astonished. This L turned out to be hard to fool.     

"What makes you think I'm related to a criminal?" he asked, astonished.     

L shrugged, "Because you seem so determined to get rich, by all means. In this day and age, the only way to get money quickly is by illicit activities."     

London sighed. He didn't think his value in L's eyes was so low that the girl thought he was working with criminals to make quick money.     

"Ugh... I'll be going first." London tried to divert the conversation. He then finished his breakfast and washed his eating utensils before leaving. He had to attend several important meetings today. "Today's lunch is in the refrigerator. You just have to warm it up in the microwave. I'll go home before dinner."     

"Be careful," L stood up and escorted him to the door. The beautiful girl hesitated for a moment before patting London's shoulder and whispering softly, "Don't get caught."     

London raised an eyebrow. "Are you worried about me?"     

L didn't answer and closed the door. London could only be stunned to see the door close in front of him without hearing any answer.     

So what did L just say? She thought London was working with criminals to get a lot of money and told him to be careful not to be caught by the police?     

This means that was L worried about him, right?     

This is progress.     

It's small, but it's still progress compared to yesterday, London thought.     

Unconsciously, a smile appeared on his lips as he pressed the elevator button to go down to the lobby.     

Oh yeah... he had to tell Dave and Marc to hurry move to the two apartments next to his unit to be able to protect him more closely. And they also had to replace the damned car.     

How could an ordinary woman like L know they were watching her? Dave and Marc were too rash.     

That... or L was just too smart.     

Inside, London was happy. He read that the intelligence of a child would be inherited from their mother. Seeing how intelligent L seemed, it must mean that their baby would also be smart.     

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