The Alchemists

Grateful For The Rain

Grateful For The Rain

London cleared their plates quickly and then entered his room too. He then took out a bottle of whiskey and a glass, and then enjoyed a drink on the balcony of his room while pondering.     

His conversation with L tonight was quite profound. The girl even wanted to share a little about her past.     

Remembering L's life, which was quite hard since she was in the orphanage and then living independently since three years ago, London became touched.     

It felt like he wanted to make up for all the hardships of life that the girl had experienced. Unfortunately, L did not want to give him a chance at all.     

He stared at the dark sky that was adorned by thick clouds, while his heart was restless thinking about L and their child. After finishing a glass of whiskey and swallowing a sleeping pill, London felt sleepy and went to sleep.     

He had only slept for one hour when suddenly he was startled by the screeching sound of thunder from outside. Ugh ... the weather forecast indeed said it will rain tonight. He got up and went to his cupboard to take the noise-canceling earphones so he could get uninterrupted sleep.     

Wait... What was that?     

His sharp ears heard the faint sound of crying near his room.     

Was L crying?     

Instinctively his legs rushed out of the room and knocked on L's bedroom door.     

"L ... are you all right?"     

Now he could hear her cry more clearly. London became very worried.     

"I'll open the door ... I need to check your condition."     

Fortunately, L did not lock the door to her room. London easily opened the door and he hurried inside.     

The scene in front of him was heartbreaking.     

L was curled up in the corner of her bed while hugging a pillow with a horrified look.     

"Hey .. hey, what's wrong with you?" London hurried over to the girl. L lifted her face with a pair of teary eyes, making London very surprised. "Gosh... what happened?"     

London's question was immediately answered when the thunder roared once more and L cowered in fear.     

He immediately remembered the list of things that L hated earlier; L hated loud noises.     

Was ... was the sound of thunder that scary for her? London thought in puzzlement.     

London felt confused. He had never seen an adult so frightened by the sound of thunder. L reminded him of Little Prince Siegfried, his sister's cute dog. He was always cowering in fear as heavy rain came accompanied by lightning and thunder.     

"Sshh ... don't be afraid ... I'm here ..." London was touched to see L that way. The girl who was usually cold and temperamental now looked very vulnerable in front of him. His masculine instinct was up and ready to protect the girl. "I'm here ... don't be afraid."     

He slowly hugged L and rubbed her head gently. L looked at him with a thankful look.     

"Thank you ... the thunder is so loud .. I don't like it ... It sounds... like ... gunshots ..." the girl whispered haltingly.     

"Hmm ... you're right. Don't be afraid. I'll be with you here until the thunder stops." London embraced L tighter. The girl then slid her head into London's chest as if seeking refuge in him.     

This made the man's chest palpitated. He could smell the sweet scent from L's hair, so close to his nose. And the girl's breath felt warm on his chest. Then, he could feel her body that was as soft as a marshmallow now clung tightly to him.     

London's body stiffened, and his mind began to imagine beautiful things with L. Still, with determination, he tried to get rid of those thoughts. L was really scared. It would be inappropriate for him to even think about sex at a time like this, he told himself.     

In his heart, he thanked the rain for falling so hard, accompanied by lightning and thunder that scared L. At least tonight, he could feel her body again in his arms.     

"Go to sleep, okay ... I will protect you ... Don't be afraid," he whispered to coax L. She nodded and instinctively hugged him when the thunder sound was heard once again.     

Finally, that night L slept in London's arms. Although the man could not close his eyes to sleep even for a second, he was delighted because he could hug the girl he loved all night long.     

When morning came, London finally became drowsy, and he fell asleep when the sun appeared on the horizon. L woke up when he was just falling asleep. She needed a few moments to remember what happened last night, and why London was in her bed, hugging her.     

She remembered the events with the heavy rain and lightning, and how London had come to make her feel safe. After thinking for a while, she finally inched up slowly so as not to wake the young man. L got out of bed carefully. She then looked at the handsome man who was lying on her bed. Her expression seemed complicated.     

Very slowly, she then brought her face closer to London's face and kissed his forehead. L then put on her robe and walked out of the room with gentle steps. After L closed the door behind her, London opened his eyes slowly, and he touched his forehead that L just kissed.     

A smile was etched on his face.     

L just took the initiative to kiss him!     

He really must thank the rain for this.     

London slowly took his cellphone and typed an SMS to Jan. He deliberately did not call because he did not want L to know that he was actually awake. He did not want the girl to chase him out of her room. He really liked it sleeping on her bed.     

[Jan, how far are we with our weather control research?]     

[Sir, it's only 7 in the morning. My brain is not in the office yet] Jan replied five minutes later.     

[As soon as your brain goes to the office, please send me the report.] He pondered for a moment then wrote the next message. [If Professor Purdee has succeeded in his experiment to control the weather, I want you to immediately tell him to send rain to my area.]     

A faint smile graced London's face as he laid his head on Elle's pillow and closed his eyes to continue his sleep. Hmm ... the bed still felt warm after L slept on it, and he could smell the girl's scent she left on her duvet.     

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