The Alchemists

May Festival

May Festival

London deliberately did not insist on taking L to the festival. He must meet his younger brother, Rune, who was waiting for him in the penthouse to go together. He must tell Rune what happened and ask for his help to tell their parents.     

The longer he delayed telling them the news, the more difficult it would be for him to do it.     

[Jan has accompanied me here. What time do you want to come?] Rune asked via SMS.     


London waited until Pammy came and picked L to go to the festival, then she left the apartment. Marc was waiting for him in front of the building in his BMW. Dave left as soon as L and Pammy left. He was assigned to keep L safe.     

London arrived at his penthouse by lunchtime. He found Rune and Jan busy chatting in the dining room while enjoying lunch dishes prepared by several chefs from St. Laurent Hotel.     

"Jeez ... what happened to you?" Rune asked as he watched London's unusual appearance. As he recalled, his brother was very fashionable and always wore high-quality clothing, but today he appeared with a simple shirt and jeans and a pair of sneakers. He almost did not recognize his brother.     

"How are you?" London paid no attention to Rune's words, immediately hugged his brother, and then sat down on the dining chair. "There's something important I want to talk to you about."     

"Does it have something to do with your strange appearance?" asked Rune, guessing. He narrowed his eyes and turned to Jan. "Do you know what is going on?"     

Jan nodded but then shook his head. "I can't say."     

"All right. Apparently, you started to play secrets with me," Rune chuckled. "I am curious."     

Rune and London, although they were brothers, were not alike. London had black hair and blue eyes, and was the spitting image of his father. Rune looked very similar to Aldebar, their father's brother.     

His hair was golden that fell down to his shoulders. His blue eyes have a slightly slanted shape and give off a mysterious vibe. If London and Rune sat together, no one would think that they were siblings.     

At first glance, one would think that the Rune was an eccentric-looking model and relaxed attitude. He did not look like a serious scientist, even though his daily life was always engaged with technology and research.     

London cleared his throat and down his wine until before telling Rune what had happened.     

"I will not keep it a secret from you. You will soon have a nephew OR niece."     

Rune looked disappointed when he heard London's words.     

"Jeez... I thought you would tell me something crazy. I already knew that one." He rolled his eyes and snorted. "Why do you think I am trying to make the baby translator machine?"     

London was stunned to hear that. "You... you knew???"     

"Of course! Aleksis will give birth in two months. Have you forgotten it?" asked Rune.     

London and Jan looked at each other.     

"That's not what I meant ..." Finally, London sighed. "I mean it was me ... I will have a baby."     

Rune had never been so surprised in his entire life.     

Finally, slowly London told him what had happened and Rune seemed to take some time to understand well what his brother was telling him.     

"Today, you can see her," London concluded. "She will perform at the festival."     

Rune nodded. "Congratulations. I don't know what to say ... apart from that."     

"Thank you."     

Both of them did not say anything more. Rune was actually sorry for his brother. He could imagine that it must not be easy to be a single parent. Still, he also did not want to see his brother married a girl who only wanted his wealth, for whatever reason.     

The three of them left for the festival at 5 pm and headed directly to the VVIP section. Of the three stages where performances were held at Hyacinthe Park, the center stage was the largest and was being prepared for the main show.     

At the front of the stage, there was a special VVIP section provided for distinguished guests such as mayors, government officials, and officials of the Schneider Group who have sponsored the festival for the past 10 years.     

They entered the VVIP section from behind the stage and immediately sat down in the space provided. The arrival of the three most important people at the Schneider Group invited much attention because, so far, the Schneider family was too busy to attend the festival.     

The MC enthusiastically announced their presence after the performance of the Starlight dance group, and all the spectators who were present immediately applauded happily.     

They were very grateful, thanks to the support of the Schneider Group, the people in Berlin could enjoy world-class art and music performances for free every year.     

"You guys are trending on Splitz," Jan commented, checking his cellphone. "Do you want me to block the news? Don't worry, your faces can't be recognized."     

London shook her head. "No need."     

He had checked several news stories containing photographs and videos of his presence at the May Festival and was satisfied to see that his appearance there was not very similar to Killian Makela.     

The clothes he was wearing were very fashionable and looked expensive. He also wore cool sunglasses, and his hair was styled with gel so that it looked sleek and neat. Unlike the simple Killian Makela, with his disheveled hair and oversized reading glasses.     

One obvious similarity was only the reddish color of his lips, but he wasn't too bothered. All the men in his family had red lips like women's and he could not do anything to cover them.     

"Whoaa... you are famous," commented Rune while observing some news about them. "Many say you're handsome ... tsk tsk tsk ..."     

London just laughed at his brother's words, which were spoken in rather sarcastic tones. They talked about various performances that filled the festival while enjoying the champagne provided by the committee.     

At six in the afternoon, it was time for L's performance. London immediately elbowed Rune and Jan, who were chatting, to be quiet and pay attention to the stage. The sun had begun to set and the atmosphere that afternoon was romantic against the background of sunset. A beautiful melody from an acoustic guitar started L.'s appearance     

One by one, dancers and background singers went on stage accompanied by musicians who took their places. London was delighted to see the dancers and musicians who accompanied L did look fat. So, when L entered, she looked very slim and charming. A happy smile adorned her beautiful face while chanting You Are Enough.     

Seeing the girl's smile while singing his favorite song, London joined in. He felt everything he did had succeeded in making L happy, and that was all that mattered to him.     

L looked very beautiful in a pink dress that fell to her ankles, and she stepped gracefully towards the center of the stage. Her voice, as usual, hypnotized anyone who listened to it. The atmosphere became completely silent because everyone's attention was on her.     

Rune turned to the left and saw his brother staring upstage with eyes that barely blinked.     

"She is okay," commented Rune.     

"Ssssh ..." London involuntarily covered his brother's mouth. "Don't talk when L is singing."     

Rune was gasping for air and immediately escaped from his brother's hands. "You're already obsessed."     

But he said nothing more during the time L sang her three songs. He admitted inwardly that L was indeed a talented singer. Maybe she was even just as gifted as Billie Yves herself who, for decades, became a world legend.     

"Rune, please help me, give this flower to her. Tell this flower is from me, then let me know how she reacts," pleaded London as L was about to finish her third song. He pointed to the bouquet of roses he had asked for the committee to prepare for him.     

They had talked about this at the penthouse, and Rune was willing to help his brother. They both want to know how L's attitude if 'London Schneider' showed admiration for L.     

"All right ..." Rune nodded. He took a bouquet of flowers from the chair beside him and then prepared to walk to the stairs up the stage. Once L finished her song, he will go on stage through the VVIP access. He will show L that his brother was interested in her. This was also London's plan to boost L's popularity.     

The media will be excited to talk about L if, as a newcomer, she seemed to attract the attention of the Schneider family. Tomorrow, when she was announced as the new Virconnect ambassador, L's popularity would skyrocket. Her dream of becoming a very famous artist will soon come true.     

In five more months, after she gave birth and was ready to return to the entertainment industry, it would be very easy for her to claim back her career.     

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