The Alchemists

Date Night

Date Night

London finally decided. His mother's advice sounded good and he felt that he needed to calm his mind, away from L.     

After a short nap, London called Jan to tell him his plans. He deliberately didn't invite Jan to Singapore because even though he considered Jan as family, the fact that his father had committed suicide because of the Rhionen Assassins made him still unable to forgive Alaric and be kind in front of him.     

Jan loved and respected Aleksis and the rest of the Schneider family, but his views on Elios Linden, aka Alaric Rhionen, hadn't changed. Everyone understood that well and gave them distance. So like now, London didn't invite Jan to come with him.     

"Jan, I want you to make up a reason for to L move to the penthouse while I'm away to Singapore for two weeks. I don't want her to stay in the apartment alone while I'm not there," London said as soon as Jan arrived. He had just finished swimming and was enjoying his morning coffee by the pool when his assistant arrived.     

"Make up a reason for Miss L to stay at the penthouse?" Jan scratched his head. "Why not make up a reason for her to come with you to Singapore? Atlas Corp hasn't had a new ambassador for a long time, and last night, I thought of how we can appoint Miss L to be their ambassador and give her the chance to try a private plane to Asia. That can be a reason to come with you there. "     

London smiled at his remark. "A very good plan, but I've changed my mind. I don't think I want to bring L to Singapore to meet my family. I don't need extra stress right now. Let her enjoy her life without me... I will too."     

"Alright, if that's what you want." Jan scratched his head.     

Moving L to the penthouse will be easy, but thinking of the excuse was going to be difficult. What should I do? Call it a gift from the company? Or...?     

"Sir... this is more troublesome than bringing Miss L to Singapore," he complained after a long thought.     

London paid him no heed. He had entered his room and was getting ready to go to work.     


When he returned home in the afternoon, London decided to invite L to talk. He had to tell the girl that he was going to Singapore.     

"Do you want to eat out with me tonight?" he asked while handing a bunch of flowers to L, who was sitting reading on the sofa. L raised her head in surprise.     

"You know I can't go out like this," she grumbled. She pointed at her large tummy as if protesting at London's suggestion being inconsiderate of her situation that she needed to hide her pregnancy from the public.     

"You can disguise as someone else. Just wear a wig and glasses, people won't recognize you as Elle," London pulled a beautiful wig out of the bag he was carrying. "I've thought about it. You will be stressed if you cooped up inside the house all the time, like this."     

L seemed to think for a moment. She examined the wig London brought then faintly smiled.     

"Alright... I will go with you."     

She entered her room and got ready. London liked to see L smile even though it was very faint. He felt the girl actually liked to be invited out by him, and only pretended to be curt.     

L came out of her room half an hour later with blond hair that she styled into a small bun over her head and glasses that made her look completely different. She still looked beautiful, but her appearance became much more mature.     

"As I thought, you look very different," London commented. He was happy L wanted to eat out with him. He hoped that if this worked, she would want to go out with disguises more often in the future so that she won't feel lonely in the apartment.     

They left for St. Laurent and had a romantic dinner at the main restaurant. As usual, Jan had informed the staff there that London didn't want to be recognized, so they treated him like a regular guest.     

"Welcome. We've prepared a table for Sir and Miss. Please follow me," the on-duty manager welcomed them at the door and immediately led them to the most private table at the end of the room.     

"Why are we eating here?" L asked after they sat down. "This is one of the most expensive restaurants in the city."     

"Don't worry, I got a 50% discount voucher. I photographed this restaurant for a magazine last week, so they gave me a decent voucher," London whispered, smiling. He flipped through the menu and immediately made his choice.     

"You're very quick in choosing the menu," L, who just opened the second page, remarked. "As though you are a regular in this restaurant."     

"Ah, not really. I just happened to have eaten here before, so I know what I like."     

"Hmm... is that so? Then what's your recommendation for me to eat?" L asked, looking at London      

"Hmm... for pregnant women, I can recommend this dish, as it has lots of vitamins and protein." London pointed to a dish on the menu and helped her order it.     

"Thank you." L took a sip of her drink and looked around. "This place is great. I've only eaten here a few times. I know it's very expensive."     

"Well, it'd be a shame if I don't use the discount voucher..." London just shrugged. "You want to find a rich husband, so of course you have to start familiarizing yourself with the food and lifestyle of the rich."     

L looked at London and frowned, not giving a word of reply.     

The food they ordered then arrived and the two ate silently. London was tempted a few times to put Veritaserum in L's drink when she went to the restroom, but he realized that he couldn't ask the question now, because if L didn't want to answer but her lips were forced to answer honestly, she would be suspicious.     

He had to find a way to get an honest answer from L without raising suspicion. Now wasn't the time yet.     

"L... I have to go to Singapore for two weeks. My sister will give birth soon, and my whole family will be there," London said when their dessert finally arrived.     

"Oh... when?" L asked after a very brief pause.     

"As soon as possible. Maybe tomorrow."     

"So sudden..." L looked rather sad to hear that. "Have you bought your ticket?"     

London didn't need to buy a ticket and could go anywhere at any time because he had a private plane. But L didn't know that.     

"I have. This has been planned a long time ago." London finished his dessert and cleaned his lips with a napkin. "I want to take you, but I can't bear to see you on an economy class commercial plane, and as far as I remember, you don't want to see my family."     

"Hmm... you're right." L shrugged. "I'll stay here then. I'll ask Pammy to stay with me while you're not around."     

"That's a good idea. I'll also give you Lyana's number. She's my friend. You can ask her for help if anything comes up."     


Actually, Jan had arranged for L to be asked to move to the penthouse, but London didn't want to discuss it with L. Let it be a surprise after he left, he thought.     

They chatted for a while after they finished eating, then decided to go home.     

"Do you enjoy eating out like that?" London asked on their way home. L only nodded and didn't answer. London also nodded. "That's good. I'm happy if you're happy. That means Lily is happy, too."     

"Who is Lily?" L asked in surprise.     

"Our child. Her name is Lily. I've decided on her name once I knew she is a girl." London broadly smiled whilst staring at L's protruding tummy. "Hello, Lily..."     

L looked stunned. "You can't just name her Lily..."     

"Why not? She's MY daughter. Who else has the right to name her if not me?" London asked in surprise. "You're not planning to keep her, don't tell me you want to give her a name?"     

L bit her lip and looked away.     

They didn't talk to each other again until they arrived at the apartment.     

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