The Alchemists

You Tricked Me!

You Tricked Me!

When she finished exercising and went into the dining room for breakfast, London was looking at her with a grinning face. L narrowed her eyes because the man was staring at her with such happiness that she felt uncomfortable.     

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not food, okay..." the girl blurted. "You look like you want to eat me."     

London gulped and hurriedly averted his gaze from L. It's true, he did look at L like a hungry person.     

L's body looked very sexy, wrapped in a yoga outfit that showed off all her curves perfectly, especially her growing belly. L's pregnancy was now at 5.5 months and for some reason, she just looked even more beautiful and glowing.     

"Uhm, sorry. I am just super happy," London answered happily. "Today, we can find out the gender of our child. I can't wait!"     

"Oh ..." L looked at her stomach and then looked away. She did not respond to London's excitement and continued eating her breakfast in silence.     

"You don't like it?" asked London curiously. L still didn't want to answer.     

At that time, London was feeling so anxious to mix veritaserum into the maple syrup that L was eating with her waffle, so that for once L would be honest with him and said her heart's content. After months of knowing the girl, to this day London still couldn't understand L. She also didn't seem to want to open up to him.     

However, London was a normal man who had limited patience. He did not know how long he could accept being treated this way by L.     

After breakfast, he then went to work. As usual, he stopped by the penthouse to change his clothes. He would exercise first in his private gym and swim in the infinity pool, showered and then go to his office feeling refreshed.     


At 3 PM, London returned early because Dr. Muller would come to check on L's pregnancy. As usual, he came home with flowers. The flowers weren't always expensive and large. Sometimes, he would only carry a stalk or pick a few flowers from his penthouse balcony. He didn't want L to be suspicious of him for always bringing her flowers from the flower shop, as L considered him poor.     

When London arrived at their apartment, the part-time maid he hired to clean three times a week had just returned home and the house was very clean and neat. He saw L sitting in the living room listening to classical music while reading a book.     

"I'm home," London said, putting his bag on the sofa. He then sat next to L and studied the book she was reading. "Have you eaten?"     

L nodded.     

"Have you eaten your vitamins?"     

L nodded again.     

"Is the book interesting?"     

L nodded again. Not once did she take her eyes off the book.     

"Hmm... the weather is good today, don't you think?"     

L nodded yet again.     

Seeing the girl only nod every time he spoke, a mischievous idea came to London's mind. He took out his cellphone then started recording a video.     

"Do you like reading?"     

L nodded.     

"Do you want to marry me?"     

L nodded again.     

"Ha! You can't change your mind now!" London happily exclaimed. He smiled triumphantly and approached L to show the video he had just takenーwhen he asked L to marry him and the girl nodded.     

Instantly, the girl's face turned red and her eyes revealed how shocked she was after watching the short video on London's cellphone. Annoyed, she slammed down her book and tried to take London's phone.     

"Hey!!! You're cheating!! I didn't say yes!" She exclaimed in a high pitch. "You tricked me!!"     

London just laughed as he held his phone high above his head. L's body, which was 25 cm shorter than his, was currently jumping with all her strength, determined to snatch the phone to no avail.     

"You nodded and accepted my proposal. You can't take it back now..." London said, passing his phone from his left hand to his right, repeatedly teasing L who didn't seem to be giving up.     

Having failed to jump to reach the phone from London's hand, the girl became more determined. She then wrapped her arms around the young man's neck and began to climb up his body.     

"Hey... hey... what are you doing? Aren't you afraid, climbing with such a big belly?" London promptly asked in surprise. He tried to hold L's body from falling. In the end, one hand was forced to hold the girl's waist while the other kept his phone away.     

L was desperate and continued to hang on London's neck while reaching out. London, who was trying to prevent L from falling, finally lost his balance. They both fell on the couch.     

"My phone!!" London exclaimed as his phone fell to the floor with a 'thump'. He hurriedly tried to get up from the couch and reach for his phone, but L had hugged him with all her might and wouldn't let go.     

For a while, they struggled, holding each other so the other wouldn't be able to get up to retrieve his fallen phone. This effort of holding each other back involuntarily caused them to embrace each other very tightly.     


They suddenly fell silent and looked at each other with rounded eyes. L's body was over London's. He could feel L's soft breasts on his broad chest, her breath blowing on his cheeks, and L's arms around his neck.     

"I... I..." London swallowed. He really wanted to kiss L's half-opened red lips, while L looked at him with a surprised expression. But he didn't want L to hate him for taking the initiative without the girl's permission, again. So, he could only swallow his saliva because his throat now felt really dry.     

L's body smelled really nice, he thought. He swallowed another time.     

L was the first to return to her senses. She coughed and rose from London's body and looked away. She entered her room and closed the door. London could only watch without being able to do anything.     

...He almost kissed L...     

He then got up from the sofa and picked up his phone before going into the bathroom and soak himself in cold water for half an hour.     

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