The Alchemists

The Twins' plan

The Twins' plan

"Good morning, Daddy..." Altair and Vega greeted Nicolae when they entered the dining room and found him sitting while reading something on his tablet.     

"Hey, good morning. Breakfast is ready. Let's eat first." Nicolae put down his tablet and handed the cutlery to the two.     

Pancakes and syrup were served on the table. The twins immediately placed some pancakes on their plates and ate with enthusiasm, while Nicolae only drank coffee. His mind was still bothered by the fact he was in the same country as Aleksis, and this made him lose his appetite.     

"We're going to leave for the ship at 10 a.m.," Nicolae told Altair and Vega before going back to pouring coffee for himself.     

The two children had a mischievous look as they exchanged glances with a smile. Nicolae, who saw their expressions, frowned. He suspected the two children were up to something.     

"What did you two do?" His deep voice gave a naturally authoritative pressure.     

Vega, who was closest to him, hurried to Nicolae and sat on his lap. She put on her cutest face and a pair of sparkling eyes. This scene reminded him of their little dog, Aurora.     

"Daddy... let's just go to the harbor after lunch..." She repeatedly blinked her eyes, causing Nicolae to think that something got into her eyes.     

"What's wrong with your eyes?" he asked, astonished. He then became suspicious. He knew Vega was deliberately acting her cutest in front of him because she had something she wanted. "What are you doing?"     

He narrowed his eyes and brought his face closer to Vega's smiling face. Vega didn't answer, only pointing to Altair.     

"Why... Why me? That was your idea!" Altair said in amazement. "You even created the account."     

"What account?" Nicolae asked, confused. Both Vega and Altair only coughed, not wanting to answer.     

Out of patience, Nicolae put his hands on Vega's waist and tickled her until she screamed in amusement.     

"Aahhh... okay!!! Daddy won!! I'll taaaalk..." she exclaimed, laughing.     

"That's how it should be." Nicolae put Vega down from his lap and crossed his arms to his chest. "So, what did you do? Be honest."     

"We didn't do anything bad, Daddy. We just made a lunch appointment with a beautiful auntie for Daddy," Vega finally answered.     

"Wait... what do you mean?" Nicolae asked, caught off guard. He believed his ears had misheard her.     

Vega coughed a little and took a tablet out of her bag, which was hung on a chair. She and Altair surrounded Nicolae and showed the contents of the tablet.     

"We created an account for Daddy on an online dating website..."     

Nicolae massaged his forehead when he heard Vega's innocently-spoken words.     

"Aren't you too young to enter this site?" he asked worriedly.     

"Umm... Daddy taught us to hack, so an age barrier like that is nothing..." Vega defended herself. "Seriously... Daddy, you are missing on a lot. There are so many beautiful single young women out there... We just want to see you happy."     

"You guys..." Nicolae could only sigh. He couldn't say anything. When he saw Vega's gloomy, even almost crying face, he couldn't bear to scold them. He took the tablet from the girl's hand and examined its contents. "When did you create this profile?"     

"A few days ago... Surprisingly, not many wanted to be with Daddy at first. Maybe they thought you are a con artist because you are too perfect. I wrote the truth, that Daddy is young, very handsome, works as a doctor. I even included some of Daddy's best-looking photos. Nobody showed interest," Vega explained.     

Nicolae rolled his eyes. Any sane person would consider his profile to be that of a scammer's or a con artist's because of how perfect his profile seemed. A handsome and established young man had to find a partner through a dating website? Of course, people would be suspicious.     

"In the end, I changed the profile to a photo of when you were drinking Grandpa Aldebar's party refreshment at that time..."     

Nicolae remembered Aldebar's party beverage at Alaric's wedding added ten years with every gulp. He didn't think his two children would take pictures of his 'aging look' at that time.     

He observed the dating site profile Vega was on and saw his photo. Indeed, it was a picture of him when he was seen in his 40s after gulping Aldebar's party refreshment twice. He was still handsome, only looking much older.     

"Then?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.     

"After we changed your photo, a lot of women started showing interested. They thought Daddy was an old bachelor who was having trouble getting a girlfriend because you were too busy working..."     

Nicola coughed at her blatant statement.     

"I'm not having trouble getting a girlfriend..." he denied.     

"But the truth is that Daddy have never dated anyone so far..." Altair retorted.     

"That's because..." Nicolae paused.     

He couldn't argue.     

How could he glance at another woman? His whole heart was still fixated on Aleksis' image.     

Vega and Altair looked at him with pleading looks.     

"Daddy... we want to see you happy..." Vega said in a quiet voice. "You have to meet other women..."     

"Today, there's a beautiful and kind auntie who said she's willing to meet you for lunch. Please... at least you should meet her first," Altair continued.     

Nicolae was rendered speechless. He felt he had been trapped by his two children, but he also understood that they did this because they loved him.     

Finally, after taking a deep breath, he nodded weakly.     

"All right. But just this once," he said.     

"Ummm... three. Just three times..." Vega said quickly. "We've made appointments for you to meet three different people..."     

"Let's just count this as our birthday present from you..." Altair added. "We had our birthday two weeks ago and haven't received a present from you, Dad."     

Nicolae really felt cornered. He regretted taking these two from their parents.     

"I already prepared gifts for you..." he complained. "I was going to give them to you on the ship..."     

Altair and Vega looked at each other and smiled. They knew Nicolae could never refuse their request. Daddy Nic was too weak to face his two favorite children.     

"Now... Daddy, you should go take a shower and change into neat clothes. Don't wear ripped jeans again. We'll take you to the restaurant later and we'll wait in the car."     

Nicolae sighed.     


London and Rune arrived at the airport almost at the same time as Terry, so they decided to wait for their eldest brother to arrive and return to the penthouse.     

While waiting in the lounge, Rune tried to ask his brother about his current situation with L.     

"So?" he asked in a probing tone.     

"So what? There's no progress," London stated.     

"You haven't given her the Veritaserum? Don't you want to know what's in her heart?"     

"I do, but I haven't found the right moment. L would be suspicious if I suddenly asked a variety of strange questions and she felt compelled to answer. I have to play it well," London furiously said.     

"If you actually know how to play it, you wouldn't be in such a situation right now," Rune scoffed.     

Annoyed, London immediately chased after Rune wanting to hit his head, but Rune had deftly escaped out of the lounge.     

Their bodyguards only shook their heads seeing their two young masters who had grown up behaving like children every time they were together.     

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