The Alchemists

The Twins

The Twins

Aleksis' three brothers could only hold their breath at Nicolae's words. They remembered the events of ten years ago when Aleksis gave birth to Altair and Vega. The delivery was very complicated and difficult.     

Not only because her baby was twins and the birth canal was never opened so the process became very long and painful, but Aleksis was also overcome by deep sorrow because she thought her husband, Alaric, had died.     

The whole family united to provide support, except for Nicolae who was still broken-hearted and was wandering to the end of the world, trying to forget his love for Aleksis. The thought that today Aleksis would give birth to another set of twins made Terry and his two younger brothers became pale and uneasy.     

Indeed, this time Aleksis was overwhelmed with happiness and her husband also accompanied her, but it did not necessarily reduce their stress.     

"I hope Aleksis is okay," Terry murmured, almost like saying a prayer.     

London and Rune nodded. London instantly remembered L he left in Berlin. Two days had passed and the girl hadn't contacted him at all. Ugh ... didn't L think about him at all?     

Finally, he held back his ego and typed an SMS to L to ask how she was doing.     

[How are you today? Are you okay? Any complaints? My sister is giving birth now and I'm thinking of you.]     

He stared at the screen of his cellphone before pressing the SEND button. Ah ... he wasn't sure L would reply to his message.     

BEEP ... BEEP.     

London did not expect at all that two minutes later his cellphone would beep and on his screen, there was an incoming message from L.     

Jeez !! L replied to my text!     

London was surprised, happy, and at the same time excited. A smile immediately adorned his face as he opened the message.     

Unfortunately, a few seconds later, his smile disappeared and turned into a frown.     

[Are you crazy?? Why are you texting me this late at night?!? I was asleep! Now your text woke me up and I can't sleep again.]     

He could even imagine L's resting-bitch face and pursed lips when writing her message just now.     

Ah, that's true. London was guilty. He totally forgot the 7-hour time difference between Singapore and Germany. It must still be 1 am in Berlin now, and the text earlier did disturb L's sleep.     

[I'm sorry.]     

He hurriedly sent a reply and turned off his cellphone.     

The car had stopped in front of the hospital and the four men and two children immediately jumped out and ran through the hallways to the east wing where Aleksis was being treated. Along the way, the six people drew a great deal of attention from hospital employees, patients and visitors who were astonished to see the extremely good-looking young alchemists.     

A whisper of admiration was heard here and there but the six people did not have time to pay attention. Their focus was entirely on where Aleksis was being treated and was giving birth to her children.     

In the east wing, they were immediately directed to the VVIP ward which was half-closed to provide privacy for Aleksis and the Schneider and Medici extended family. In the luxury lounge, Caspar was anxiously pacing while Lauriel still looked calm.     

Even though Caspar himself was a doctor, he was still only a father who was very worried about his only daughter who was risking her life to give birth to her babies. Lauriel was also agitated and anxious, but because of his calm and relaxed nature, he managed to display a deadpan expression on his face.     

"Twins again??" Nicolae asked hurriedly when he arrived at the lounge. The question was addressed to his father, who could only nod.     

"Did you already know the genders?" asked London who was just as curious.     

"The doctor did not want to tell us, to comply with the parents' demands. But it looks like we will all find out soon," Lauriel replied.     

They all could only stand nervously looking at the door to the delivery room. The room was silenced, so they could not hear the sound of what was happening there. Only Alaric and Finland accompanied Aleksis in the delivery room.     

For half an hour, everyone who loved Aleksis dearly could only wait nervously in the lounge. No one spoke because they were all anxious. So, when the door finally opened, everyone almost jumped in surprise.     

"Gosh... they're here ..." murmured London, pointing to the door that slowly opened and they could then see Alaric coming out holding a baby in his arms. His face lit up with happiness and Terry could have sworn he saw the eyes of the former most feared killer in the world were wet with tears.     

Alaric smiled broadly and proudly showed off his baby with Aleksis to the rest of his family.     

"This is the first one ..." he said in a hoarse voice.     

Everyone spontaneously swarmed around him and tried to see the newborn baby, but they were all careful not to touch it and make the room crowded. The baby in Alaric's arms looked very small and his face was still full of wrinkles, but his hair was very thick brown. He was sleeping peacefully.     

"Is it a boy or ...?" Rune did not continue his question and hoped that Alaric answered right away.     

"A boy. He just cried so hard. But soon afterward, he just went to sleep ..." Alaric answered.     

Nicolae knew his brother intended to give the name Aleric to his baby if it was a boy. So, this baby is ... Aleric?     

Finland exited before they all could ask Alaric more questions about the baby. Her face looked tired but filled with immeasurable happiness.     

"Hey, this is the second baby!" exclaimed Terry. "Uhmm ... there are only two, right? Or is there more?"     

London immediately hit his shoulder. "Hush ...!"     

Terry just laughed. They all now swarmed Finland and they saw that the baby in her arms looked identical with his sibling in Alaric's arms.     

Meaning this time the babies were exactly the same because they were identical twins!     

"This is the second baby. This is also a boy ..." Finland answered before they could ask. "They are cleaning Aleksis up and she will be ready to breastfeed the twins for the first time. You only have five minutes to admire your new nephews."     

"Both of them are boys? Wow ..." Everyone looked at each other excitedly. Seeing Alaric filled with happiness, all his family members could only join in smiling and feeling happy for him. They knew he really wanted a child from Aleksis and that he was such a doting father.     

They were delighted to see that Alaric and Aleksis' home would soon be filled with the tears and laughter of two babies that would make them both tired but happy at the same time. Altair and Vega happily and in awe watched their two younger siblings.     

"Since both are boys, will you still use the name you prepared beforehand?" Nicolae asked curiously. He still disliked the names his brother chose before and he really hoped his brother would reconsider.     

Alaric nodded and exchanged glances with Finland.     

"Because they are both boys and they look very similar to my mother-in-law ... we have decided to name these children Ireland and Scotland Medici ..."     

"What...??" Everyone present in the lounge could only look at each other, they were at a loss for words.     

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