The Alchemists

She Must Be In A Really Good Mood!

She Must Be In A Really Good Mood!

On his 28th birthday, there was nothing more he wanted in this life. As a young man from a very affluent and powerful family, everything he wanted could be easily obtained. However, this time he felt delighted when L wished him a happy birthday and let him kiss her.     

As a normal man, he certainly did not waste the opportunity to kiss the girl he liked, as intimate and as long as possible. If L still hadn't run out of breath or hit him, London wouldn't end his kiss...     

The kiss slowly became more and more passionate. L also seemed to enjoy the meeting of their two lips. London gently thrust her tongue through her lips and began to explore the girl's mouth, while his hands caress L's hair lovingly.     

Slowly his hands moved down to rub L's shoulders and beautiful back. L's body felt so soft and had become some kind of opiate that made London addicted to touching it.     

He was just about to go down further when L's hand stopped his action.     

The girl held his hand and looked at him with tears in her eyes, making London very surprised. He didn't know why L suddenly cried.     

"Hey ... what happened? Did I hurt you?" he asked in confusion.     

L shook her head slowly and broke away from London's embrace. Without saying anything, she kissed the man's cheek and then walked away and disappeared behind the door to her room. London stood alone in the living room with a burning passion while his head was filled with confusion.     

Why was it so difficult to understand L? He could not understand what had just happened. L welcomed his initiative, but when he wanted to go further, L actually cried, when she could have just refused his advances. It was as if ... L actually wanted the same thing as London, but she held back because of something, and it made her sad.     

Was it true? Or maybe London was too excited because she welcomed his kiss?     

L was still as confusing as ever.     

London finally could only take a few deep breaths and calm the throbbing in his chest before he went into his room and soaked in cold water for a long time.     

"Happy birthday," he muttered to himself.     


The next morning, the sweet voice that London had longed for came from the next room, waking the man up from his sleep with a smiling face.     

This was the best alarm in the world!     

He remembered what happened last night and immediately heaved a sigh of relief. L apparently did not run away, but instead, she returned to their modest apartment. She also didn't seem angry with London; she even let herself be kissed. And... if the girl's self-control was worse, they might have gone back to sleeping together.     

Ugh ... imagining L's beautiful body made London drool.     

He patted his own head several times and tried to remove the dirty thoughts from his head.     

Oh, my God ... He still remembered the last time he saw that beautiful body was a month ago. Even though he was drunk at the time, he could still remember every curve on L's body and how she felt and tasted.     

Ahh ... who knows when he will be able to see the heavenly creation again. Until then, he must take good care of his memories of L's sexy body. He wanted to keep remembering her beautiful body with the perfect curves all in the right places, and the sexy moan she let out when she was making love to him.     

Unknowingly London actually wiped the corner of his lips from drool.     

Ahh ... thinking about L now made him hungry. He hurriedly got out of bed and went out to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He had to make a special breakfast to celebrate their reunion again after being separated for ten days.     

And later in the afternoon they could have lunch outside or have a picnic. He knew that L was not comfortable staying inside for so long because of her pregnancy. London wanted to take the girl for a walk.     

July 8th was Friday, so it was still a workday, but as the owner of the company, of course, London could come and go to the office as he pleased. He could find an excuse to invite L to eat out.     

He was whistling happily as he prepared breakfast in the kitchen, and when he finished, he called L to get out of her room.     

"Let's eat breakfast, don't let Lily starve," he said happily.     

L came out of her room, looking fresh. She had just showered and looked very beautiful and fragrant. London must exert all his sanity to not ambush the girl to sniff and kiss her like a pet dog that had not seen his beloved master for a long time.     

"Thank you," L nodded and showed her very rare smile. Ahh, L must be in a good mood, London thought happily.     

He was still curious about Danny Swan and what was his relationship with L. He was also actually feeling impatient. He wanted to discuss what exactly she had decided about point 20 of their agreement. He remembered, yesterday when she saw Finland's presence, L suddenly said she would not give away her baby after she gave birth to her.     

However, London knew better to hold back his curiosity and find a better time to talk to L. Today, he did not want to ruin the rapport between them. Questions can wait, he thought.     

Tomorrow we can start discussing the topic, he said to himself. He did need clarity, but he was not in a hurry.     

They then ate breakfast in silence, but the atmosphere was neither cold nor awkward. London knew that L was not a cheerful nor talkative person. He always enjoyed peace with the girl.     

"Why did you come back to this apartment?" asked London as the two of them worked together to wash dishes. "Isn't this building being infected with pests and must be sterilized first?"     

L only shrugged. "I think it was already over. A few days ago, I was passing by the area and saw the pest-cleaning sign was gone."     

"You were passing the area? Where were you going? I thought you just stayed in the hotel suite and rested. Was there any work schedule?" London asked, trying to sound normal. He knew that L had left secretly a few days ago to meet Danny Swann. He wanted to know the reason why L was leaving.     

"I was bored at the hotel, so I decided to go for a walk. There was no work scheduled. I didn't dare to go out for work and expose my pregnancy," answered L.     

"Oh ... were you going out alone? Why didn't you ask for Pammy to go with you?" London asked again.     

"I'm just pregnant, not disabled, okay. I can still go alone without having to bother other people constantly ..." grumbled L. "Pammy still has a lot of work to do."     

"Oh ... I see. Then where did you go? Did you go to a nice place? Do you want to go there again today? I can take you," replied London calmly. "I still take time off from work, and today I can be with you all day."     

Actually, London could accompany L all day, all week, all month, even all year long if L wanted him to, but of course now he couldn't do it without revealing his secret identity. L would be suspicious if London didn't go to work but still had money.     

Then, what's worse was that L will think that he was a lazy man who did not want to work. Therefore, for now, London would only pretend to take time off from work to accompany L.     

"I only drink tea in a cafe," L replied with a shrug. "But I really miss picnics by the river or in the park ..."     

"Aha! Then today you, me, and Lily will have a picnic by the river!" London was very eager to plan this impromptu picnic. He also missed going on a picnic with L like that one time ...     

L just smiled at London's enthusiasm and nodded.     

Great! Today L had smiled twice, thought London. She must be in a really good mood!     

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