The Alchemists

Finland & L

Finland & L

After the song ended, L lifted her face and watched London, who was still standing transfixed behind her.     

"Do you like it?" she asked in a shy voice. "I'm bored, so I write a lot of songs. It's not good to just stay at home, without being able to go anywhere."     

London was moved. He understood L. The girl must be feeling trapped inside the house without being able to go anywhere because of her pregnancy. Apart from the stress caused by her unwanted pregnancy, she also worried about her reputation as a newcomer artist that was at stake if anyone recognized her out there. She was worried about the stigma of being pregnant out of wedlock at such a young age.     

London felt guilty when he thought about it. L wouldn't suffer this fate if it wasn't for him. Although L repeatedly said that London was innocent and this was entirely Stephan's evil deeds, still, as a good man, his conscience was nudged. Only three and a half months to go, and it will all be over.     

"I will come home soon ..." he finally said. "Hang in there ..."     

L nodded slowly. To lighten the atmosphere, she looked around the library where London was, and immediately her face was filled with admiration.     

"Where are you? This place looks very majestic..." L commented, pointing to a cabinet filled with books and other furniture that clearly showed the luxury of the library in the Alaric and Aleksis mansion. "That looks like a picture of wealthy people's house in a magazine."     

London forgot that he was still posing as a poor man. He was just wearing glasses and ruffled his hair to make it look messy, but he forgot that the room where he contacted L looked really grand.     

"Oh ... this is my sister's house. I told you I was here to visit my sister, who had just given birth. This is their home. Did I tell you about her? My sister married a very wealthy man. That's why this house looks amazing."     

London hurriedly looked for the most plausible reason for L not to be suspicious. That's when L saw someone peeking through the door.     

"Who is there?!!" she cried, pointing her index finger toward the door and standing from her seat. London turned to look in the direction L indicated, and his face was immediately filled with shock. He could see long brown hair disappearing behind the door.     

"Gosh ... wait, let me check," he said quickly. He hurriedly walked out the door to check who was just peeking at his conversation with L.     

When he arrived outside, his eyes went round to see Finland, Caspar, Terry, Rune. Lauriel, Nicolae, even Alaric, and Aleksis, who each carried their baby, seemed to flock in front of the library with guilty faces.     

"What are you guys doing here?" he whispered in panic. "What if L saw all of you? She doesn't know who I am yet!"     

If L saw Terry and Rune ... London was done for.     

The two men had become quite well-known, and he was sure L will recognize them. Also Alaric. Although maybe L didn't know his face, London was sure the girl would definitely be suspicious and start inquiring. It would not be difficult for her to guess Alaric's identity because the man had a very unique appearance.     

"We heard a beautiful voice singing, so we were curious to know where it came from," Finland hurriedly defended everyone. "Is that your girl?"     

My girl? London was annoyed at the question. I wish!     

"She was suspicious. Who among you would want to volunteer to come inside for me to introduce to her?" asked London, frowning. "Otherwise, she will become even more suspicious."     

Finland smiled broadly at her son's words. "Let me do it. After all, I will be the one to raise your child later. It would be great if I could meet the baby's mother first. I want to know what kind of person she is, that she has made my son suffer like this."     

Without waiting for London to answer, Finland immediately pulled her son's hand back into the library. When she saw the two of them coming, L immediately stood up from the piano chair with a surprised face.     

"Who ... who are you?" she asked with a frown.     

Finland, who was still holding London in her hand, smiled broadly. "My name is Finland. Nice to meet you."     

L turned to London to ask for an explanation. The young man could only scratch his head in confusion. He did not know what his mother wanted to suddenly enter like this.     

He certainly couldn't introduce Finland as his mother, right? They looked like they were of the same age, and L would think he was crazy if he told her that the woman who was holding him now was his biological mother.     

"This is ..." London turned to his mother, asking for help.     

Finland smiled broadly. "Honey, why are you so quiet like this? You never told L about me? You also don't want to introduce me to her, even though you guys are talking on Virconnect, so I have to peek to find out what kind of woman would bear your child..."     

L's face immediately turned pale when she heard Finland's words. She looked at London with a hurtful look. Then, L directed her eyes to Finland. "Who are you?"     

"I told you my name was Finland. I have wanted to meet you for a long time ... Killian has told me about an incident that happened between you two, and he asked me to help him take care of his child after the baby was born. He told me that you don't want this child. Because I really love Killian, I certainly can't say no to him. I will help him with all my might."     

"Oh ... have you known each other for a long time ...?" L asked quietly.     

"That's right. You could say, we've known each other for life. We are very close." Finland replied again. "We also love each other and always support each other ..."     

London was amazed at L's unusual expression. The girl did not look cold and indifferent like usual, but instead, she seemed quite angry.     

Hey ... was L jealous? he thought.     

He turned to his mother and L alternately and quickly realized that his mother was helping him by pretending to be close to him to make L jealous.     

If the girl had no feelings for him at all, of course, L would not be bothered to see London close with other women. Especially because Finland was a gorgeous and elegant woman. Many women would feel inferior around her.     

Now L's face looked red, and she seemed to hide resentment and hurt feelings. Wasn't this a sign that she really was jealous?     

Subconsciously, London's lips gave a thin smile. He then whispered something to Finland, and they both laughed softly.     

"Mom, you're trying to make L jealous, right? Aww... You're so cool. Thank you, I love you," whispered London.     

"Then now let's pretend to laugh affectionately, and you can hug my waist," Finland replied.     

Both of them looked at each other in amusement and laughed affectionately. London happily embraced his mother's waist while glancing towards L.     

L, who saw the two people looking very affectionate with each other, became even angrier.     

"I haven't signed point 20 yet!" L said suddenly. Her lips puckered in disgust, and she stomped her feet. "Don't expect you can take my child without my consent."     

Her words were addressed to Finland.     

"What did she mean by point 20?" Finland asked London.     

"Oh ... that's ... The last point in our agreement, which states that ..."     

Point 20 was a multiple choice. L could choose to leave and will never contact London and her child after giving birth to the baby. Or she could stay and took care of her baby with London and shared parental rights.     

L did not tick the choice when the agreement was first made.     

London looked at L and tried to read her mind. What exactly did the girl want? Will she really cancel the agreement and take care of their child? Did she do it on purpose out of jealousy, or did she really want the child?     

London really hoped that Uncle Aldebar and Rune have a machine to read women's minds. It was very difficult for him to understand L.     

"Why did you suddenly say that?" London asked her finally. "It's been almost 2 months, and you always insist that you don't want the child. Why did you suddenly say something different today? Please don't be inconsistent. You make me confused ..."     

L bit her lip, and tears began to fall down her cheeks.     

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