The Alchemists

Don't Forget to Breathe

Don't Forget to Breathe

After L's condition was stable and she was moved to the ICU. London and Jan were allowed to come inside to see her. Because he was self-aware, Jan let London enter alone. The young man had to wear sterile hospital scrubs before he was allowed to enter.     

"Sir, you can rest inside and accompany the Madam. The bed is large enough," Doctor Muller said as he invited London inside.     

London had absolutely no intention of correcting the doctor. People in the hospital really thought L was his wife because they knew that the baby in her womb that they had to save was a Schneider.     

"Please come in, Sir. I've prepared everything. Don't worry," Jan smiled soothingly. London knew that his assistant was very reliable, so he followed Jan's words.     

In the magnificent patient room, L was lying weakly in the large bed with several tubings connected to the machines, helping her breathe, giving medicine and fluid and food intake, and keeping the baby in the womb for as long as possible.     

L was still unconscious. London limply sat by the bed and emotionally clasped L's hand. He had never felt as scared as he was tonight. His mind was filled with anxiety, thinking of the possibility of Lily or L dying.     

Such feelings of helplessness, unable to do anything when a loved one is fighting for their life, are the most terrible feelings in the world. He didn't know why the situation could change so quickly, how it turned into something completely unexpected.     

Just yesterday, he returned from Singapore and his relationship with L improved. But the next day, everything went awry because L caught London monitoring her all this time. He was also still confused with L's true identity. Why did she seem to have a pretty close relationship with Danny Swan? Why did the young man call her Marianne?     

Earlier while waiting outside, he had discussed everything with Jan and asked his assistant to find out more detailed information about L's actual past.     

"Sir, I've found where Danny is," Jan said earlier. "He used his family's connections and contacted every hospital in Berlin to find Miss L's whereabouts. He also contacted the police. The Berlin Metropole Hospital kept the secret of Miss L's whereabouts here, but the Swanns were very stubborn. They insisted on checking the hospitals themselves with the police one by one. "     

"Jan, couldn't you take care of something so trivial?" London asked in an annoyed voice. His patience today was extremely thin because his mind was busy thinking about L's fate.     

"Rest assured, Sir. The issue has been taken care of, but if this continues, within a few days, they'll probably be able to guess that the Schneider family is behind all this. I just want you to know from now on and prepare yourself," Jan calmly explained.     

"I don't care. Let them know that I, London Schneider, have been protecting L and will continue to ensure her wellbeing. Let's see if they'll still be stubborn after they know the truth."     

"Yes, Sir."     

Jan was busy all night coordinating with the Public Relations and security department as well as keeping in touch with Finland and notifying her of the developments in the hospital. He could hear the anxiety on the faces and voices of the Schneider family members who were speaking with him.     

Meanwhile, in the ICU room, London was still sitting on the edge of the bed holding L's hand. He said nothing, only looking at L's heartbreaking pale face. He also stroked L's stomach several times as if to encourage Lily to stay strong.     

At two o'clock in the morning, he suddenly felt his hand squeezed and London immediately woke up from his uncomfortable sleep. His head was on his left arm, while his right hand was still holding L's.     

London hurriedly looked up to see L. Turned out the girl had just opened her eyes, seemingly confused.     

"Where... where is this?" She asked weakly.     

"Umm... in the hospital." London hurriedly fixed his sitting posture and tried to put on a smiley face. "You're fine, but you scared me."     

L looked at him with a face full of questions. "Why are you scared?"     

"I didn't know you had heart condition..." London said softly. "Why didn't you tell your obstetrician? You're also allergic to anesthesia... Luckily, the doctor hasn't had time to do the surgery yet."     

"Hmm..." L didn't answer. She just swept her eyes throughout the room. Her face looked surprised at how big and luxurious the room was. She then turned to London with a confused face. "Where's Danny? He brought me here, right?"     

London shook his head. He really hated hearing Danny's name mentioned, but he realized that he can't stress L right now.     

"This hospital is a facility owned by the Schneider Group..." London said. "The owner himself made sure you get the best care."     

Hearing his words, L's face was filled with horror. "God! Doesn't this mean they know? They know about my pregnancy... I'll definitely lose my career..."     

Tears welled up with her immense worry. London hurriedly sat beside her and tried to calm her down.     

"Shhh... it's okay. They don't mind that at all. Do you remember London Schneider once gave you huge flowers? He's your number one fan. He doesn't care about your pregnancy, your past, or anything… He just hopes that you'll get well again." London intently looked at L. "He personally asked... for you to try your best to recover."     

L deeply looked into London's eyes. Her face, which was originally filled with worry, slowly began to calm down. She tried to sit, but the young man prevented her from doing so.     

"I want to see my condition..." L blurted out in a voice that was barely audible. "I can't feel my baby..."     

"She's fine..." London lied. "The doctor just told you to have a bed rest. It's already past midnight. Go back to sleep... I'll accompany you."     

L pursed her lips and looked at London with disappointed eyes. She already remembered why she ended up in a hospital like this. She found out that all this time, London was monitoring her, even installing a camera in their apartment.     

"I haven't forgiven you for spying on me and lying to me..." hissed the girl.     

London nodded. "I know. Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay? You should rest for the time being so Lily can rest too. If you've recovered, I'll let you scold me however you want. I admit my wrongdoings. I'll do whatever you want me to do to make up for them. "     

His sincere words moved L's heart, and she slowly closed her eyes.     

London still held L's hand with his right hand. After seeing L try to sleep, he put his head back on his left arm and tried to sleep while sitting on the sofa with his head on the bed.     

Suddenly, L opened her eyes again and looked at him with a wistful look. "I'm scared..."     

London raised his head and sat up straight again. "Why are you scared?"     

L didn't answer. She tightened her grip on London's hand. "I can't sleep..."     

London looked at the side of the large hospital bed beside L and tried to make an outrageous request. He didn't know whether his request would make L drive him away or not, but he had to try.     

"Can I hug you to sleep?" he gently asked her.     

L slowly nodded and closed her eyes again. London immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He then took off his shoes and climbed into the bed and laid himself beside L. Slowly, he reached out his arms and hugged L's stomach from the side.     

His breath seemed to stop when L turned toward him and put her head on London's broad chest. The young man hardly dared to breathe.     

"Mmm..." L opened one of her eyes and frowned. "Don't forget to breathe. You can't die before I do."     

London nodded slowly and began breathing carefully.     

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