The Alchemists

London's Regret

London's Regret

Aldebar pulled out a small bottle from his pocket and pointed it at London with a mischievous smile.     

"I already made it."     

London gasped. He didn't think his uncle had made immortality potion for L even before he asked. Then what for did he deliberately talk so much to London about thinking about everything carefully?     

"Huh? Uncle..." He was astonished. "What if I hadn't asked for it earlier?"     

Aldebar only pointed at Terry, who had just come out with his best look. The young man looked unquestionably handsome with a clean white shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and pants that matched the suit he had draped over his shoulder.     

"I asked for it," Terry said nonchalantly. "I'm sure you'd be too panicked to think clearly. If you don't want to marry that singer, I don't mind marrying her. She's very beautiful and sexy."     

Terry was only joking, but he deliberately put on a serious face to tease his brother.     

London didn't know whether he had to be angry or grateful when he heard the words of his brother, who was sometimes annoying. In the end, he could only scratch his head and nod.     

"It's okay... I'll give my potion quota to L. After all, she's Lily's mother. Even though we're not married, I don't want Lily to lose her mother."     

"I understand." Aldebar took a cup of coffee then sat relaxed on the sofa. "We'll wait for your father and Lauriel."     

London nodded. He looked toward the observation room. His father and Lauriel had been inside for almost an hour. Aldebar went out first because he wasn't a doctor or a medical expert. He only came to see what help he could provide based on the various machines and medical devices available at the hospital.     

After waiting for ten minutes, the two people he had been waiting for finally came out.     

"How is it, Dad? Uncle Lauriel?" London anxiously asked.     

"Her condition is terrible," Caspar said. "Her stress level is really high. I've never seen a teenage girl with that much stress. On top of that, the condition of her heart isn't good either."     

Of course, L is stressed, London bitterly thought. The girl was an orphan who struggled to live alone and had to pursue a career in the cutthroat entertainment industry, coupled with suddenly being set up, causing her to have to get pregnant at the age of 19 years old. Let alone a girl at such a young age, even a woman ten years older would feel stressed.     

That was one of the reasons why he loved L so much even though she was always being mean to him. London believed that behind her curt attitude, L hid a fragile heart, but she always tried her best to look fine.     

In many ways, L reminded him of his own mother. Maybe people are right when they said sons would be attracted to women who are like their mothers, and daughters would be attracted to men who were like their fathers.     

Finland joined her husband and hugged his arm.     

"Is the baby still healthy?" she softly asked. At present, of course, the baby was everyone's priority. She was a descendant of the Schneider family, after all.     

Roughly speaking, if London hadn't continuously defended L and wanted her alive, the doctors could forcibly deliver the baby via cesarean section and immediately take action to treat premature babies, then let the baby continue her growth in the most sophisticated incubators presently existing.     

Cesarean section was very simple, but with L's heart condition and her allergies on anesthesia, she could easily die on the operating table.     

London didn't want to choose one. He wanted both of them alive.     

"She's healthy, but she doesn't have much time," Caspar answered.     

"I asked for the immortality potion from Uncle Aldebar," London explained. "If L is given the potion, her illnesses and allergies will all disappear, right? Then she can be operated on, right?"     

Lauriel answered Caspar. "The immortality potion needs time to take effect, while the baby must be born today. I can give medicine to strengthen her heart."     

"Oh..." London could only nod without saying anything.     

That means L would be induced and forced to give birth normally because she still couldn't be operated on. London knew that Lauriel was one of the best medicinal experts in the world, but he didn't know how effective his medicine was for dealing with weak heart problems.     

If the medicine from Lauriel didn't work, L could die during labor… Ugh...     

Oh God... he really regretted having caused L to stress and finally became like this. If he hadn't forced L to speak truthfully about her fiancé and hadn't keep protesting about Daniel Swann yesterday, L would not have been forced to give birth at 6.5 months in...     

"This is all my fault..." he could only mutter bitterly. Why was he so impatient and jealous?     

Flashes of images of the girl began to fill his mind. The first time he saw L singing on a small stage at Stephan's party, he had fallen in love with her. Her voice was enchanting, and her beautiful yet sad face left a deep impression on London.     

He never regretted that damned night when Stephan tricked him with L, although he personally hoped the moment he first made love with L was done consensually in full consciousness, based on mutual love.     

When he learned that L was pregnant with his child, London had determined that it was fate. He and L would be united forever by a bond that would never break, namely their child. And in his heart, he hoped that he and L would be able to be together in a real love relationship. But there was no crying over spilled milk. It couldn't be changed back.     

That's why he pursued L and wanted to take responsibility. He even secretly granted all her wishes. L wanted to be a famous singer? London bought the biggest entertainment company in Europe. L liked flowers? He made sure L received flowers every day.     

He hoped that over time, L would be able to accept his sincerity and fall in love with him, then both of them and their children would be able to live happily. During this time, he also saw L's attitude slowly change and she became increasingly sweet to him.     

He remembered, in Singapore, he and his mother teased L by trying to make her jealous. L was furious... and he felt happy, thinking that L was jealous because she had fallen in love with him, although then he became frightened because he thought that L had left him because she was angry.     

Apparently, L didn't run away with Danny as expected. Instead, she returned to their apartment. L also had started to be nice to him. He remembered, even though L was curt and temperamental, she never lied or used London.     

She also wisely didn't blame the young man and forced him to be responsible for Stephan's evil deeds. She didn't kill their baby, but she didn't force London to be responsible either.     

Before London found out about her pregnancy, L had tried on her own to care for her baby until she was born before handing the baby over for adoption because she knew she wouldn't be able to raise her. She also never complained and always accepted what London had given her.     

Even her curt attitude wasn't too annoying. She only said truthfully that she couldn't marry London because she already had a fiancé.      

Seeing the close relationship between Danny and L and how the young man even called L by the name of Marianne... it seemed like they had known each other for a long time. Danny might even be the key to knowing L's mysterious past...     

London should have been more understanding and waited until after their child was born to discuss their relationship: he, L, and Danny together.     

Why was he so impatient?     

He realized that as a child from a very wealthy and powerful family, he was accustomed to easily getting everything he wanted. It was the constant rejection from L that made him curious and kept trying to get the girl.     

When London heard that L was engaged to another man, his patience immediately ran out and he promptly wanted to make L his. Danny's presence made him panic and become impatient... and caused him to urge L yesterday.     

Now, he could only regret and hope the medicine from Lauriel was effective enough to help L during childbirth. Besides that, there was nothing they could do. Even the immortality potion would be useless if L died while being forced to give birth.     

"Help the mother of my child, Uncle..." London held Lauriel's shoulders and gripped him tightly. He wasn't ashamed to let his tears flow in everyone's presence.     

He knew he was guilty. If L died due to childbirth... he wouldn't know how to explain it to Lily.      

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