The Alchemists

Breakfast In The Room

Breakfast In The Room

Lauriel understood what's in London's heart. He lost the woman he loved because she died during childbirth. More than his own sadness, he knew how much his son Alaric had lived in self-hatred for almost a hundred years because he considered his birth caused his mother's death.     

He didn't want anyone to experience what he and his children experienced. That's why he wholeheartedly helped London and his child.     

As a medicine expert who had a hundreds of years experience and knew various miraculous plants, Lauriel had kept a lot of knowledge about the best ways to cure human ailments. Even Caspar, a modern doctor, highly respected Lauriel's knowledge and never felt that he was more capable.     

Lauriel earnestly nodded. "I need a few hours to prepare the medicine."     

"I can accompany you to look for medicinal ingredients anywhere, so hurry..." London pleaded, his voice filled with hope.     

"No need. Just stay with her inside and make sure she feels calmer. A positive attitude has a huge impact on recovery. I can find all the ingredients I need by myself," Lauriel answered.     

"I'm coming with you, Uncle Lauriel" Rune hurriedly got up from the sofa and took his jacket. "I'd like to learn about new medicines."     

"Okay." Lauriel gave a signal to Rune and the young man immediately followed him.     

"We'll be gone for a while. You guys should eat breakfast first so no one will get sick from exhaustion..." Lauriel ordered.     

He then walked out with Rune. They chatted a bit about L's diagnosis and how Lauriel thought of the best treatment for her.     

London only drank coffee before re-entering L's treatment room. His parents let him take care of L and his daughter while they had breakfast with Terry, Aldebar, and Jan. Inside, Finland felt proud because her son grew up to be a good and responsible man. She hoped L could see London's sincerity and his dedication so far and wanted to change her mind.     

Even though L was engaged to Danny Swan, they can still break off the engagement. Even married people can get divorced, can't they? What more if they're only engaged. It would be better if Lily grew up with complete parents, she thought.     

Finland let London do what he thought was best regarding L and his daughter. At the dining table, the Schneider family only enjoyed breakfast in silence. There wasn't much to talk about as long as L and Lily's condition hadn't improved.     


When London entered L's room, he saw a new nurse coming and bringing breakfast to L. Even though L received nutrition through the infusion, she still felt hungry and asked to be brought food.     

"Let me do it," London hurriedly took the tray from the nurse's hand and placed it carefully on the bedside table. He then sat on the edge of the bed and squeezed L.'s hand. The girl's closed eyes then opened slowly.     

"Hmmm..." she muttered in an unclear voice when she saw London was back beside her.     

"The nurse has brought food. Let me feed you..." London offered. He asked the nurse to help him and the nurse immediately pressed the button to adjust L's bed so that she could sit.      

L's lips opened slightly as if to say something, but said nothing in the end.     

She only nodded and didn't protest when London took a spoonful of congee and raised the spoon in front of her lips. She obediently opened her mouth and ate whatever London gave her.     

The first bite was eaten very slowly. London patiently fed her the congee and L accepted it without saying anything. Likewise for the third spoon and so on.     

"Thank you..." London said quietly, rubbing a little congee stain on the edge of L's lips after she finished eating it.     

L raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Why are you thanking me? I should be the one saying that..."     

London shook his head. "I'm thankful you're not bothersome. Taking care of you is really easy and fun..."     

He smiled then put aside the bowl and peeled an apple.     

"You..." L seemed stunned to hear London say his words so lightly. She felt that she had troubled everyone because of her illness ever since she was a child. That was why she was determined to be independent so she could take care of herself as soon as possible.     

When she got a job as a singer and could make money on her own, she immediately left the orphanage. She then worked as hard as she could to make a name for herself and took part in various singing competitions and every audition she could find to get the chance to perform and make lots of money.     

Her current career and her sky-rocketing popularity were the results of her three years of hard work and shamelessly approaching important people and seeking support and opportunities from influential people.     

She didn't care about the assumptions of other artists who hated her because she had a lot of fans, and her reputation as a materialistic girl never shamed her. She was just being honest about her wishes. She wasn't a pretentious girl who pretended to look simple and innocent but stabbed people from behind.     

But now... that simple, obnoxious young man said she wasn't bothersome and was very pleasant to take care of...?     

Subconsciously, tears fell down her cheeks as she looked at London's hands, which were deftly peeling apples for her. She hurriedly wiped her tears when London faced her with a big smile showing a plate of apple slices.     

"Here's an apple for you!" He took a slice and popped it into L's mouth, staring at her unblinkingly. "Hey, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something strange on my face?"     

L shook her head. She took a bite of the apple and chewed it slowly. London smiled even wider. He was happy to see that even though she was sick, it seemed that L's appetite was still good.     

Ah, he remembered. L indeed has been eating a lot recently. This must be because her pregnancy has gotten big and Lily needs a lot of nutrition.     

Lily must eat a lot, London inwardly told himself.     

He saw that although L ate a lot, her body was still considered slim for a woman who was 6.5 months pregnant.     

Only her enlarged stomach stood out. Her face, hands, and feet only looked a little chubby... and it made her even more adorable.     

"Well, you have eaten all the apples. I still have pudding and cakes," London said later. She had already eaten most of the apple slices on the plate, with only two left.     

L just nodded.     

"Ahh... does this mean you want pudding or cake? Or both?"     

L nodded again.     

"Oh..." London didn't know what the meaning of L's nods was. In the end, he gave the pudding first. L accepted it with a smile.     

My... London was almost stunned because he couldn't remember the last time he saw her smile. Looks like L's mood has greatly improved! He almost jumped from all the joy. Luckily, he was able to hold back.     

After the pudding was eaten, it turned out L still wanted to eat the three cakes. London was amazed to see that almost everything on the tray had been emptied and moved into the girl's stomach.     

"Uhmm... I didn't know you could eat this much," he said quietly, scratching his head in amazement. "Have I not fed you enough all this time?"     

L ate far more than usual today. London was now afraid that he hadn't prepared enough food all this time and L had to hold herself back in front of him and didn't ask for more because she felt ashamed.     

"No, do you think I'm a cow being fattened for slaughter?" L's smile suddenly disappeared and was soon replaced by her signature scolding whenever she was grumpy to London. "This morning, I was really hungry because I haven't eaten yesterday afternoon. Have you forgotten, huh?"     

"Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm sorry." London breathed a sigh of relief.     

Thankfully, it turned out that he had been giving L enough food.     

He happily squeezed her hand then put away the tray of food while whistling and handed it to the nurse who had just been staying in the corner pretending not to see the interaction between the patient and the handsome boss of the great Schneider Group, and could only bite her fingers seeing how carefully and lovingly London Schneider was pampering the artist she often saw on television.     

Oops... if she hadn't been reminded by her superiors to maintain patient confidentiality, she would have been spreading the news about the relationship between these two and how romantic they were.     

"Eh... why are you so stunned?" London had to wave his hand to the nurse's face several times to get her attention. "Please take the tray out."     

"Eh... I... Yes, Sir." The nurse immediately snapped to her senses, and with an embarrassed face, she immediately took the tray from London's hand and left the room.     

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