The Alchemists

The Arrival Of The Schneider Family

The Arrival Of The Schneider Family

Although London's head was still filled with a million worries about L's fate, being allowed to lie down beside L and hug her made him feel a little calmer as if he could ensure the safety of L and their child by holding her tightly.     

Even the grim reaper wouldn't be able to take L from him without a fight.     

He won't give up so easily. Since he first saw L at Stephan's party, he had fallen in love with her.     

He also loved their child wholeheartedly since he found out L was pregnant with his child. At present, for London, there was nothing more important in this world besides the two.     

L, who previously had trouble sleeping, quickly relaxed and closed her eyes, falling asleep after a few minutes. Her head snuggled to London's chest and subconsciously looked for the most comfortable position, while London himself tried not to move to avoid waking L up.     

He couldn't sleep at all that night. He repeatedly kissed L on the forehead and took deep breaths.     


L woke up when the sun was high outside the hospital, but due to the darkened blackout curtains, the atmosphere in the ICU room where she was treated was still dark.     

"Good morning." London's warm voice could be heard from above L's head. It only then did the girl realize that the young man's head was above her because she slept while hugging the him, even putting her head on London's chest.     

L blinked several times and tried to collect her memories. Her body felt like it was crushed and her chest still ached like it did yesterday. She soon realized that her weak heart was throwing another tantrum.     

Last night, she had briefly woken up and talked to London, but not much because she soon returned to sleep. This morning, she felt they would be able to talk more...     

Alas...! She felt that her lower body was wet. Confused, L touched her clothes. She immediately panicked.     

"Wait... what's this? Why is my body wet?" She asked worriedly. "Is my baby okay?"     

London knew that L's amniotic fluid had seeped out a little and made her womb very vulnerable. Doctors were still trying to delay the birth for as long as possible, since the gestational age was still very young, only 6.5 months.     

They even tried to replace the missing amniotic fluid with synthetic amniotic fluid, but after 15 hours, L's condition remained unchanged. They only gave nine more hours until they had to force L to give birth to the baby, whether alive or dead.     

"It's amniotic fluid. It just seeped out a little, that's fine," London tried to calm her down. "I'll call a nurse to help you change."     

L became more panicked. She wasn't stupid. Even though she was young, she knew what it meant when the amniotic fluid was seeping out. The baby in the womb can't stay in the womb any longer and must be born.     

"But... but Lily hasn't even reached the proper month..." L began to sob. "She's still 6.5 months old... She won't survive..."     

She tried to sit with difficulty and stroked her stomach with tears in her eyes. Her previously soft sobs had turned into bellowing cries. London was stunned. He had never seen L so aggrieved.     

He was always weak against L's tears, but today, his defense collapsed with nothing left, and his heart was broken seeing L lamented Lily so poignantly.     

Didn't L repeatedly say she didn't want this child? She also said many times that she would leave once she gave birth to Lily and would never appear again. And even just yesterday, L made it clear to him that she would go with Danny and told London to pick Lily up with Finland as soon as she gave birth to the baby.     

If L really didn't want this child... why was she crying like this?     

Did she change her mind? London could only ask himself.     

London hugged L without saying anything. He knew at a time like this, any words of consolation had no meaning.     

Some doctors and nurses rushed in when they heard L's cry. They then checked L's condition and discussed something among themselves.     

"Her conditions are still the same as yesterday," Doctor Muller, who was still on standby overnight at the hospital to ensure this VVIP patient got the best treatment, informed. "Madam, please don't be stressed. Everything will be fine."     

Gently, Dr. Muller explained a number of technical things which, in essence, attempted to calm L down. They were trying to find the best way to ensure that Lily would be born safely.     

After a few reassuring explanations, L became calmer. Two nurses swiftly cleaned L and changed her hospital gown with a new one, while London was asked to take a break or look for breakfast so his body's condition wouldn't drop from taking care of L all night.     

"All right... I'll be out for a minute. I'll be back soon," he said reluctantly.     

London squeezed L's hand gently before going out. At the door, Jan was waiting for him with a cup of hot coffee. There were two dark circles around his eyes, and London realized that his assistant hadn't slept all night either.     

He gratefully patted Jan's shoulder.     

"Your family has landed. They're on their way to the hospital." Jan gave his first report of the day.     

London was surprised to hear that. He completely forgot to contact his family because he was too panicked yesterday, only having L and Lily in his head. He forgot to contact his father, mother, and brother.     

He was almost moved to tears and almost hugged Jan, who was so understanding. His assistant had contacted his entire family in his stead!     

"Who will be coming?" he asked afterward.     

"Your parents, brothers, and Mr. Aldebar and Mr. Lauriel," Jan replied.     

Ah! That's almost every member of his family!     

London knew Aleksis and Alaric certainly couldn't come because their two babies were only two weeks old and couldn't be taken to travel. Meanwhile, Nicolae may have to take care of Altair and Vega.     

"There's also... Uncle Aldebar?" London immediately remembered that his uncle was the owner of the immortality potion. If L drank the potion, her body will become perfect. She won't have any heart diseases or allergies, which had been the barrier keeping doctors from having Lily born by Caesarean section.     

He knew that it would only be given to ordinary people who married an alchemist. L wasn't his wife, so she wasn't entitled to receive the immortality potion. But... this was a very urgent matter. London would try to persuade Aldebar to make an exception just this once.     

When London was busy with his thoughts, there were the sounds of footsteps of several people in the hallway in front of the lounge where he was, and before long, the faces of his loved ones were seen entering the lounge.     

"How's it going?" Finland asked in a worried voice. London, who had never thought that his family would arrive so quickly, had unknowingly rushed towards his mother and cried on Finland's shoulder.     

"Mom... I'm glad you came..." he whispered repeatedly.     

Finland rubbed her son's hair affectionately and nodded. "Of course, we have to come. You're my son. We have to support you."     

Caspar patted his son's back then entered the observation room to talk to the doctor in charge. As a well-known surgeon who had been in this profession for decades, Caspar was a very skilled doctor. He wanted to be directly involved in the process of saving his granddaughter.     

All the staff, doctors, and nurses around them could only stare at this group of beautiful youths in awe and wonder. They all wondered, who were these impressive people?     

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