The Alchemists

The Delivery

The Delivery

Lauriel arrived three hours later with a box of two small bottles of greenish and clear liquid. He had borrowed a laboratory in the hospital and worked there with Rune's help after obtaining all the ingredients he needed.     

The clock showed 12 at noon and the doctor was still observing L's condition and her pregnancy. When they found London and L were sleeping in the room, they let the two rest and tried to do the examination as quietly as possible.     

After getting the latest analysis, Dr. Muller then came out to Jan to discuss the next step. They believed the baby in the womb had to be forcibly born in a few hours.     

"We don't know what to do in this situation." He looked very haggard and sad. L's current situation was the condition least expected by any doctor in the world, choosing a mother or child to be saved. "Madam's condition has improved a little, but we're not sure of the percentage of her success in giving birth normally. Her heart isn't strong enough... Meanwhile, if it's a cesarean, we don't dare to do it."     

Patients who were allergic to anesthesia could experience anaphylactic shock which can result in death if the doctor insisted on giving him or her an anesthetic injection before surgery.     

Jan turned to Lauriel, who had just arrived, and tried to ask his opinion.     

"What do you think, Sir?" he asked.     

"We can treat her first," Lauriel said curtly. "I've made the medicine for her to take now. Can you give this to her?"     

He handed the bottle of green liquid to Dr. Muller. The middle-aged man received it with a confused face.     

"What... medicine is this?" he asked in surprise. "Is there a certification from the Ministry of Health, or...?"     

Lauriel just laughed and shook his head. "The longer you delay, the more dangerous the patient's condition will be. It's better not to ask too many questions. Give the entire contents of this bottle to her."     

Dr. Muller somehow wasn't offended being treated like that by a man who appeared to be so young, even though he himself was almost 60 years old. When Lauriel looked at him, Doctor Muller felt as if he was dealing with someone who was very authoritative and immediately felt like he was small.     

He didn't ask again and nodded respectfully at Lauriel then went to the patient room.     


London opened his eyes when he felt L's body move. He heard a sigh and hurriedly got up and sat on the bed.     

"What happened to you?" he asked in a very worried voice.     

L seemed to be trembling, holding her stomach. Her face showed an extremely vivid expression of enduring severe pain, but she tried her best not to scream.     

"My stomach... It hurts so much..." Her tears flooded unbearably.     

London hurriedly got out of bed and put on his shoes then ran out of the room. He almost bumped into Doctor Muller, who was about to enter the patient's room with two nurses.     

"Doctor... L complained that her stomach hurts..." he said worriedly, shaking the doctor's shoulder.     

"Fine... fine, Sir." Dr. Muller half-ran toward L and signaled the nurse to hold the medicine bottle in his hand. He then checked L's condition, and after five minutes, he looked at London with an expression of regret.     

"Madam has just experienced a contraction and the baby is getting weak.  She must be induced immediately."     

"Wait, has my uncle given the medicine to L?" London quickly asked. He had seen the medicine in Dr. Muller's hands. "Let's treat L first. Hurry...!!"     

Doctor Muller was about to say something, but seeing London's undoubtedly firm expression, he signaled the nurse to give the medicine to the patient.     

"Come on, drink this... This medicine can strengthen your heart..." London whispered as he sat on the side of the bed and held L's hand. "Lily must be born immediately... The doctor will give you an induction..."     

L only cried while taking the medicine given to her. She knew she would be forced to give birth to her baby much earlier and that frightened her. She was afraid to die, but she was even more afraid of her child dying…     

The peaceful state she felt after breakfast lasted only briefly. The real horror would already begin.     

"Uhmm... the medicine is very bitter..." she almost vomited the medicine she had just taken, but the nurse had given her water to relieve her nausea.     

"Hold on... you'll be fine..." London squeezed L's hand. Trying to hide his anxiety, he tried to give a soothing smile.     

Because they couldn't wait anymore, the doctor finally gave an induction to L through the IV. They hoped that within fifteen minutes, the expectant mother would contract enough to incite birth.     

"Do you want to come and wait in the delivery room or see from outside?" Doctor Muller then asked.     


London hadn't had time to answer when L pulled his hand and gripped so hard.     

"Don't you dare leave me alone in the delivery room...!" the girl voiced, pursing her lips. "I won't forgive you. If I die, I'll haunt you forever..."     

"Sshh... what are you talking about? Of course, I'll accompany you inside..." London shook his head. He bent down and kissed L's lips gently while stroking her hair. "I'll always be by your side..."     

For a moment, L was stunned. She didn't shy away when London kissed her, and instead, she closed her eyes and put her hands around his neck. For a moment, they closed their eyes and pressed their noses together.     

"I'm scared..." Finally, L confessed while crying again. "I don't want to die..."     

"Trust me, you'll be fine..." London opened his eyes and looked right into her wet eyes.     

He knew that L really hated being lied to, but over the past few days, he had become smarter at lying to her. He was also scared of L failing to be saved... He didn't know whether the medicine from Lauriel was effective and was given on time or not...     

But London was unable to tell the truth to L. He was afraid that L would become more stressed.     

He could only hope L would survive and everything would go well...     

If L could survive and their child also survived, he was willing to accept all of L's anger for being lied to. He would receive any punishment for his lies... but let it be a problem tomorrow. Right now, what's important is the safety of L and Lily...     

"You'll be fine, all right. We have the best doctors in the world, and you just took a heart booster medicine made by the number one medicine specialist... I'll also accompany you there. We'll face this together..."     

Drop by drop, L tears flowed even harder. She finally nodded and kissed London back before releasing her hand.     

"All right... if you want to come in, please change into sterile clothes and go to the delivery room. We'll prepare you for the delivery process."     

The doctors and nurses immediately took L out of the room with the hospital stretcher. They would immediately assist the birth process in the delivery room. Before following them, London hurriedly met his family in the lounge.     

"L will give birth now... They've given her an induction... I'm going to the delivery room..." he exclaimed in a gasping voice.     

He was really panicked and scared. His words sounded unclear. Without waiting for his family's response, he hurried back inside and ran along with the group of nurses and doctors who took L to the delivery room.     

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