The Alchemists

Miss L, You're So Lucky!

Miss L, You're So Lucky!

The two then discussed various company issues and London listened to all of Jan's reports and gave his opinions. London knew that as soon as he returned to work, there would be a lot of things to take care of. He had left his responsibilities too long since he took a long time off when he traveled to Singapore and then accompanied L to give birth.     

"Oh, by the way. Jan ... I found a very good plan to win L's heart," London said before Jan excused himself. The man's face looked very happy. "L finally gave me the green light. She gave me three years to make more money than her, then I could propose to her."     

Jan did not understand the direction of this conversation.     

"There's no need to wait three years, you have made more money than she ever will since you're a baby," Jan said.     

London waved his hand. "She said I had to find a good job with high pay. So I told her that I would apply for a job at the headquarters of the Schneider Group. That way I could go to the office every day, without her suspecting ... I won't be even lying, will I? I do work at the Schneider Tower. Later, every six months, I will get a promotion until, finally, my salary will be greater than her income as an artist."     

Jan had known London for most of his life, but still his boss's statement this time surprised him.     

"How long do you plan to become Killian Makela? Why don't you tell Miss L that you are a very wealthy man? You are actually exactly the type of guy she really wants. I don't understand all these hassles." Jan could only shake his head.     

Suddenly a muffled sigh from behind them made Jan and London jump from their seats and hold their chests. They were shocked just now because they thought there were only two of them in the lounge.     

Pammy was staring at both of them with eyes as round as saucers. L's manager was very shocked. Her mouth was agape and her hand was pointing at London but no voice could come out of her lips.     

"You startled me..." Jan grumbled. He calmed his heart which was beating so fast and sat back in his chair. "Don't sneak up on people or entered a room like a ghost. Make some sound, will you?"     

Pammy was still trembling in her place. "I'm ... sorry, I deliberately didn't make a sound, Mr. Jan, because I don't want to disturb Miss L and her baby. They are resting."     

The manager walked slowly toward them and then looked at London with a look of disbelief.     

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked London in surprise. "Is there something on my face?"     

"Are you... Mr. London Schneider?" Pammy asked in a voice that sounded like a squeak. She was still in shock but forced herself to ask the question. She must confirm this man's identity.     

London and Jan exchanged glances.     

"Did you hear everything?" asked London. He didn't expect Pammy's hearing to be very sensitive and could hear his conversation with Jan just now.     

Pammy nodded.     

Jan and London could only sigh in unison. After a while, Jan raised his hand and gave a signal for Pammy to sit in the chair next to him.     

"Pammy ... Do you know that Brilliant Mind Media is under the Schneider Group?" he asked, crossing his arms on his chest.     

"I do, Sir..." Pammy nodded again, respectfully.     

"Do you know that I can make you the supervisor for the artist management division, or double your salary?" Jan asked again. Pammy nodded again. "If you obey my orders and not reveal all these secrets to Miss L, I will double your salary, or you can lead your own division. Whatever you choose ..."     

Instantly Pammy's face beamed in excitement. "I will not say anything ..."     

"Good. Mr. Schneider is in a very difficult position and he hasn't been able to reveal his identity to Miss L. Do you understand what I mean?"     

"I understand, Sir," Pammy glanced at London and her shocked face now turned into a smile.     

Ahh ... L was so lucky! She found herself a man from one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the world. What's even crazier is ... L didn't even know it! Pammy thought.     

Pammy felt excited because she was trusted to hold such great secrets. She promised in her heart to keep this secret well. Pammy didn't want to break the trust placed on her by the Schneider family!     

"Good that you understand," this time London spoke up. He was still standing with his hands in his pockets, looking very cool.     

And, oh ... this handsome man was not only cool but also very wealthy, Pammy thought happily.     

Pammy always liked it if L dated this photographer. According to her, Killian was a good man who rarely exists. Unfortunately, L wanted to look for a very rich prospective husband.     

But now, after knowing the true identity of Killian, Pammy cheered happily in her heart. She was sure, once L learned that Killian Makela was London Schneider, she would certainly be able to accept him easily. It's only a matter of time.     

"I promise not to divulge your identity to Miss L." Pammy raised a hand as if swearing an oath. "What's your next plan? Miss L invited me to discuss her plans for after she is discharged from the hospital. Ms. L wants to buy a house."     

"What a coincidence. We were just discussing that." London nodded at Jan, and his assistant immediately showed pictures on his tablet. Pammy looked very impressed to see the luxurious and beautiful houses.     

"Wow ... is this the Grunewald area? It must be very expensive ..." Pammy exclaimed in admiration. "How much is it? If it's too expensive, Miss L won't be able to afford it. I have her financial records, so I have to check what kind of house she can buy."     

Jan shrugged. "We don't know the price yet, because I haven't talked to the owner."     

"But the house is for sale, right? Usually, we can just look for the property details on the agent's website ..." Pammy said as she pulled out her cellphone to open the website in question.     

Jan just laughed seeing Pammy was about to look for info on the price of the house.     

"This house is not for sale, so I want to ask the owner first, how much money they want to sell this house to us," he said in an amused tone as if buying a house that was not for sale is a very common thing to do and Pammy should know about it.     

The woman could only open her mouth without being able to say anything. She never heard someone wanted to buy a house in Berlin's most elite area without caring whether the owner wanted to sell or not.     

Is this how wealthy people live? If that's true ... wow, now Pammy understood why L insisted on looking for a wealthy husband.     

Ugh, if only Pammy herself were young and sexy like L, she might have demanded the same from her partner.     

She would find a very rich man to marry ... so she could just look around to find a beautiful house she liked, and her man would ask the owner to sell their house.     

Ohh .. Miss L, you're so lucky! Pammy whispered to herself.     

"So, what should I do?" Pammy asked doubtfully.     

"I'll talk to the owner of this house in a few hours. Tomorrow, when the house has been purchased, I will tell you the details so that you could show Miss L the house listing. If she liked this house, we will make it look like she is the one who buys the house. You will let me take care of 'the purchase'." Jan explained his plan to Pammy, who could only nod.     

"Uhm ... Miss L also wants to make a NICU room for her baby at home ..." Pammy said again.     

"I have prepared everything. Medical supplies will be sent tomorrow and the guest room will be renovated to become the NICU room. You just wait for everything." Jan waved his hand as if to say building a new NICU room at home is just a small feat.     

He is really efficient, Pammy thought admiringly.     

Jan was indeed very efficient. He made sure everything went smoothly. He cleverly involved Pammy in their plans, so that it would be easier for them to arrange L's work schedule, and so that she wouldn't be suspicious of things they would do. They need to ensure L got the most beautiful house and Lily the best medical treatment.     

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