The Alchemists

L And London's Agreement

L And London's Agreement

"So if I bring flowers with me, a ring and get down on one knee, you will accept my proposal?" London asked, feeling hopeful.     

All he had to do is send an SMS to Jan and tonight everything can be prepared, he thought.     

L looked at him for a long time and then shook her head.     

"Why do you want to marry me so much? We don't even know each other until the day when you found out that I am pregnant with your child. I am a conservative person. I only want to get married once in my life. Although I set so many conditions for the man who wants to become my husband, I, of course, will be loyal and devote my life to him, just as I demand that he devote his life to me ..." said the girl firmly. "If you just want to marry me because of Lily, forget it. This is 2050. People today are not married just because they have children together."     

"But I'm also a conservative like you, really. My whole family ... even my extended family only got married once for life, and we are all very faithful. We only have one partner in life..." London argued. "I want to marry you for so many reasons, so many that I won't finish mentioning everything even until nightfall came."     

For the first time that day, L smiled thinly at London's words which she considered over the top. She covered her lips with the back of her left hand, to conceal her smile. This made London happy because he saw that L had begun to improve.     

"Aren't you a sweet talker, huh?" the girl commented, rolling her eyes.     

"I mean everything I said," voiced London again.     

He no longer knew how to convince L that he really loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with L and Lily. When he first saw L at Stephan's party, he had admired her beauty and the beauty of her voice. Love? Not yet ... it wasn't that serious back then.     

But after they had lived together for more than two months, because he forced L to come with him so that he could help her during her pregnancy, slowly he fell in love with L. Listening to L's voice singing every morning when he woke up was a luxury in his life. In his opinion, it was far more valuable than anything in this world.     

Ahh .. if he could sleep next to the owner of that angelic voice every night and wake up next to her every morning ... London's life would be perfect.     

"Hey, you're daydreaming again," L scolded him, moving London from his reverie just now. The young man was fantasizing if he could sleep with L every night and see her every morning when he opened his eyes for the first time. The fantasy felt so beautiful that he was almost drooling.     

"Ehh ... sorry," London smiled. "I'm just thinking about how I can assure you that I meant everything I said."     

"You can begin to show your good intentions to live a decent life and no longer get in involved with people from the underworld," L. commented. "You should also be more ambitious and look for a job that makes money. For Lily's sake, I am willing to bear all our costs over the next few years. But I don't want to marry a man who is not capable. You have a maximum of three years to have a higher income than me ... "     

London's face was beaming at L's words.     

"So ... you mean, once I have more money than you, I can propose to you and you will accept it? Of course, I will do it right ... with flowers, huge diamond ring, down on my knee, accompanied by an orchestra, and et cetera and et cetera... " said London hopefully.     

He had heard how his father proposed to his mother. Ahh .. he could also be romantic like his father.     

"Hmm ..." L didn't say yes, but she also didn't say no, and that was enough for London. He became even more excited.     

Actually, he wanted to ask L about Danny Swann, and why he called L by using the name of Marianne at that time. He was also curious to know what their relationship really was.     

But seeing L in a good mood, London did not want to ruin the situation and provoke a new argument. He thought L would definitely tell him what he needed to know.     

"Well ... I will find a good and high-paying job. Yesterday, I heard that there are many vacancies at the Schneider Group headquarters," London voiced.     

"Hmm ... that's good. It's a huge company group, and if you work well, your career could advance. Actually the agency who signed me is also under the Schneider Group. They treat me very well."     

"Yes, all your medical treatment and facilities in this hospital are provided by the Schneider Group. I heard the owner is very nice, he is also handsome ..." said London, glancing towards L.     

The girl frowned at London's words.     

"Oh, by the way... you did say that Mr. London Schneider provided all of these facilities ... I have never met him. I don't understand why he is this good to me." L pressed her forehead trying to think of a plausible reason.     

"He said he was your number one fan," London said. "Didn't he watch your performance at a welcoming summer concert back then?"     

L shrugged her shoulders. "I only saw him from afar. We never met in person. Hmm ... in that case, after I was discharged from the hospital I must thank him, or at least send him flowers."     

"I can help you send flowers to his office at Schneider Tower, I will apply for a job there tomorrow," London said hurriedly.     

"Thank you. Sorry I bothered you," L nodded. "I don't know what flowers are appropriate, you choose."     

"Will do." London smiled mischievously.     

He would receive flowers from L! Of course, he was very happy.     

Although he will be the one buy the flowers tomorrow, still, the flower is a gift from L as a sign of gratitude.     

"I want to rest, my body is very tired. When Pammy comes later, please wake me up." L then got up from the sofa and went back to bed. London only looked at the girl who was lying down and resting.     

His chest felt peaceful. To his left, L was sleeping peacefully in a hospital bed, and to his right, Lily was sleeping in an incubator, trying to grow and become healthy, so that they could be together as family.     

To pass the time, London finally decided to open his tablet and tidy up some of his office work. He also told his family to come to the hospital at 9 pm after L fell asleep. He wanted to give them a chance to see Lily.     

Before they came, he had also coordinated with Jan to stop by to see him at the hospital because he wanted to discuss their next plan, since L wanted to buy a house and move there to be able to take care of Lily better.     

London had instructed Jan to find a nice house in the Grunewald area, where his family's home was located. Jan had to buy the house and then put up signs that the house was for sale. Tomorrow or the day after, if he and L look for a house to buy, he will direct L to look around the house in the Grunewald area.     

"Okay, sir. I happen to be talking to Alex. He can help you find the house you asked for," Jan said by telephone. "I'll come to the hospital after dinner."     

London nodded in satisfaction. As always, Jan was reliable.     

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