The Alchemists

You Must Not Drink

You Must Not Drink

He knew it was one of Steinway's legendary pianos, the equivalent of Stradivarius violins. L only deserved the best, so London ordered Jan to find the piano for L. For him, money was not an issue.     

Jan immediately mobilized his contacts to check various auction houses and museums to find the best grand piano that could make even Chopin in tears when he saw it.     

They found the piano in a music museum in London, and Jan easily convinced the museum director to sell it to them at a fantastic price. As compensation, the Schneider Group would also lend Billie Yves's music collection to be displayed at the museum for five years.     

All his efforts and resources were paid off when he saw L moved to touch the piano and then happily played La Campanelle from Liszt. The girl's happiness made London happy too. He and Pammy stood enjoying L's spontaneous performance until finished, and then both of them clapped. L was indeed very talented!     

L blushed. She was delighted with the unexpected surprise at her new home.     

"You're very lucky," Pammy said. "The piano is still in good condition. We just needed to clean it."     

"Why, thank you!!" Because she was very happy, L hugged Pammy and London alternately. The man only gave a happy grin, although he held L for a bit longer when the girl hugged him.     

"Do you still want to see the rest of the house? There are still many good surprises we found in this house. You must like them," he said to L.     

The girl nodded excitedly. London then held her hand and pulled the girl to walk with him to go around from one room to another.     

"This is the living room. We also found this Persian rug in the storage. They did not like the design and intended to dispose of it with other items. Luckily, we had a chance to see it before they did. Then the crystal chandelier, I happened to find it in a flea market shop when I was looking for furniture for my bedroom ... "     

The crystal chandelier that adorned their living room was made of Swarovski crystals, which could cost regular people an arm and a leg, but because London said he found it in a flea market shop, L thought the crystal chandelier was just an imitation.     

Thus, as they entered room after room, Pammy and London could make it seem as if they were getting all of these items for free or very cheap second-hand goods.     

Each room made L in awe, and she was so moved. When they arrived at the room that was modified to NICU, L could only stand transfixed in her place. Everything looked so perfect, and all the medical devices they needed were already installed. They just needed to bring Lily home, and they could immediately start their new life together.     

"This is great ... I can't wait to bring Lily here ..." L said in a hoarse voice.     

The house also had a pavilion containing two rooms for staff, and they will hire nurses to stay there to help taking care of Lily while she was still in NICU care. After Lily grew normally, they decided to take care of the baby themselves.     

They continued their tour to L's room, which was arranged beautifully with classy and elegant items. As always, London and Pammy would convince L that they found everything at a low price.     

L was delighted with her new home. She repeatedly toured the rooms and shook her head in disbelief at her luck.     

"I really like this house," she whispered over and over again.     

London and Pammy exchanged glances and smiled meaningfully.     

"Then, can we move tomorrow?" asked London. "I just need to carry my suitcase, I have no valuables to bring from my apartment."     

L nodded. "Me too. My stuff could fit in one suitcase."     

"Well ... if you are satisfied with everything, I will leave you two here. I have work to do in the office," Pammy said, smiling faintly. She knew that she should let the big boss alone with L to enjoy their new home.     

L nodded and escorted Pammy to the front door. After her manager left, she entered the house and found London had opened a champagne bottle and poured the contents into two wine glasses.     

"What are you doing?" L asked in surprise.     

"We must celebrate your new home ..." London raised a glass and signaled whether L wanted to drink with her or not. After seeing the girl nod, he happily poured champagne into two glasses and handed one to L.     

"I'm so lucky," L said again. She then clinked her glass to his. "For our new home."     

London nodded. "For peaceful days without a fight."     

L, who felt insinuated, only pursed her lips at his words, but she did not argue. The two drank together for the first time after L was pregnant - and London promised not to drink alcohol.     

"Uhm ... this is really good." L commented, "I forgot how good the taste is."     

When the drink in his glass ran out, and London was about to pour more, L hurriedly stopped him.     

"Hey, that's enough!"     

"Why?" asked London in surprise. When L stared at him with narrowed eyes, he suddenly recalled an incident from two months ago when he drank too much and got drunk, and L took sleeping pills. They accidentally had sex under the influence again. Ahh ... maybe L didn't want that to happen again. He hurriedly nodded. "Ah ... that's right... I just remember the mistake. I'm sorry."     

"That's right. You're a pervert, and I can't trust you," grumbled L. "I have just given birth. I am going through the puerperium period until the next six weeks."     

L's words stunned London. He tried to digest what she meant.     

Did this mean that when L's puerperium period was over, London could make that mistake again?     

He shook his head in confusion, trying to force his brain to immediately digest what L meant to say.     

Seeing the young man stunned, L just patted his cheek while shaking her head, then took the glass in London's hand.     

"You still have to drive us home. Don't drink anymore." She kept their glass and champagne bottle in the kitchen after putting a lid on it.     

London was still rooted in his place when L returned from the kitchen and pulled his hand to go out.     

"Come on, don't just stand there. We need to visit Lily at the hospital and then pack our things to move here."     

London was still pensive when he got into the car and drove toward the hospital.     

After they arrived and he had just finished parking his car in the courtyard of the building, then he asked L in a doubtful voice.     

"So after the puerperium period is over ... can we?"     

L just rolled her eyes and pulled London's hand out of the car into Lily's room.     

"You pervert," she grumbled softly, but this time L's usually grumpy face was no longer adorned with a frown.     

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