The Alchemists

Good Luck!

Good Luck!

"Ahh ... Honey, you have such good taste. This house is indeed beautiful," commented London as he unloaded their suitcases from the trunk and pushed them into their new home.     

The door to the house opened automatically because he had installed a facial recognition scanner in the home system so that when it saw L or him, the door would open instantly.     

London placed L's suitcase in her room and his own in his room. After arranging his personal belongings in the cupboard, he then went out to meet L, who was sitting on the piano bench and was trying some keys.     

London did not want to disturb L while the girl was enjoying her music. He just stood in the corner and watched L touch the piano keys one by one lovingly.     

Ahh ... three more years, when he could 'prove himself' to L, and the girl was finally willing to accept his proposal, he can imagine those long, beautiful fingers would be touching his body like L touched the piano.     

He wouldn't mind it if L played his body like the girl played the piano. Hmm ... from head to toe ...     

Until then, London must not be jealous of a piece of musical instrument. He must be patient.     

The young man stood quietly with his eyes observing L. The girl then decided to play La Campanella, then continued with Etude from Chopin.     

L's skills in playing music are astonishing. London himself studied music as a child with private music teachers, but he did not have enough interest to continue his musical activities as an adult.     

Because he used to play music, London asses how big was L's talent in music and how long she had practiced. The girl must have started practicing music when she was very young, judging by her very mature technique and how easily she played such difficult songs.     

After the second song was finished, L then realized London's presence in the living room. She immediately stood up and tidied the creases on her clothes. London applauded and walked toward her.     

"That's wonderful... you're so amazing! I hope Lily gets your talent in music ..." commented London with a radiant face.     

He was pleased because his line will be continued by a girl with many talents. Lily will inherit her mother's beauty and musical talents; and her father's abundant intelligence and wealth. Lily would grow into a perfect girl!     

Inwardly, he felt grateful because, at that fateful night, Stephan didn't set him up with evil or ugly girl, or a girl who just wanted his wealth, or a boring girl who had absolutely no talents or personalities. If that happened, London would be trapped with a woman and child that he might not want ...     

"Shall we have lunch at a nearby cafe? After that, we can go to the hospital," he said, patting L on the shoulder gently. L nodded. She walked out of the house, followed by the man.     

Their schedule today is to go to the hospital to visit Lily and a 'job interview'. When L was waiting for Lily there while pumping, London would go to Schneider Tower to attend the interview for his job application. Then, he would return to the hospital and pick up L, along with an ambulance, who would take Lily home with two nurses. The nurses would stay with them and help care for Lily for the next three months.     

When they were about to get into the car, L's steps suddenly halted, and she casted her gaze throughout their large garden. The lush trees on the left side provided shade in the courtyard, and the flowers on the right created bright colors to their minimalist home.     

"What is wrong?" asked London in surprise. "Is there something wrong?"     

L smiled faintly and pointed to the sky. "It's not raining today."     

Aha ... L apparently was referring to their bet last night.     

London had said that it would rain today, while L insisted that based on the weather forecast, there would be no rain this week.     

When L lost the best ... London could kiss her.     

This time it was the man's turn to smile. He deliberately asked Jan to send rain tonight, after they finished bringing Lily home, then get ready to sleep. It will rain later in the evening, at exactly 10 pm. L would never guess that she would lose the bet since the weather all day had been sunny.     

He would get a kiss for winning the bet. And since the kiss will happen at night, it won't be interrupted by anything. They have finished carrying out all their plans and now just need to rest. The kiss would be a pleasant way to close the day.     

Imagine if the rain fell now ... He would have to kiss L at this time, and they would be in a hurry because they had to leave for lunch immediately and go to the hospital.     

"I'm sure it will rain tonight ... You must be a little patient." London opened the car door for L then went inside. He just smiled to himself, imagining how tonight he would be able to enjoy L's adorable pink lips.     

L just frowned, seeing London's cheerful face along the journey.     

They ate at a restaurant near the hospital before visiting Lily. L was still disguising her face with sunglasses and covering it with a wide scarf; so no one could recognize her. She and London sat in a hidden corner and ate quietly.     

After lunch was over, London drove L to the hospital to accompany Lily. He stayed there for half an hour before finally saying goodbye to go for his 'job interview' at the Schneider Tower.     

"I'll go now, Honey. Wish me luck so I could get the job," he said with a smile. L just rolled her eyes to hear London constantly and boldly calling her 'Honey'.     

But when the man almost got to the door, there was a small sound from behind him. "Good luck."     

London turned and smiled very broadly. L wished him luck, then, of course, London would succeed!     

"Thank you," he said happily.     

He really saw a lot of changes in L since Lily was born. In his heart, he hoped their relationship would get better. He hoped L would accept his proposal soon, and they could formalize the relationship as husband and wife.     

At this rate, he may not need to wait three years to marry L.     

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