The Alchemists



L just sat watching London, who looked extremely happy washing their dishes. She glanced over and over at London's cellphone on the table, and her face became murky.     

L often saw the man look happy but not like this, she thought.     

When London was putting the bowls in the dishrack to drain the plates while singing and was not looking her way, L saw a message coming on the cellphone's screen. Her brows furrowed when she saw the name on the screen.     


[Honey, I left some clothes for Lily at the hospital. Please take them with you when you bring Lily home.]     

Instantly L's chest palpitated. She was enraged to see another woman acting so caring toward their baby... or even to their baby's father.     

Her face turned red, and her hands crossed to her chest. London, who had just finished arranging the clean plates in their place, was stunned at L's fierce expression.     

He immediately wondered what else he had done in five minutes he was washing dishes that made L look at him with narrowed eyes and a dangerous glint in them?     

"Why is your face like that?" asked London quietly. Inwardly, he quickly recalled the chronology of events that had taken place since they cooked together, followed by the peaceful dinner, and now this. Why did L suddenly seem angry, huh? He couldn't think of any.     

Hmm ... there was nothing strange happened.     

L turns her chin toward London's cellphone on the table. The man took his cellphone and immediately smiled knowingly. Ah ... apparently, his mother had sent him an SMS, and L had seen it.     

"What's wrong with her gifting clothes for Lily? We should appreciate people's good intentions when they give Lily gifts."     

L seemed to really dislike Finland ... Did this mean she was jealous?     

That thought made London very happy.     

People say jealousy is a sign of love!     

Was this a sign that L had started to fall in love with him ???     

"Did you and that wench had a relationship in the past???" L snorted while in a curt voice. "Why do you keep asking me to marry you over and over again, but still let another woman call you 'Honey'?"     

London was puzzled. L's logic was correct. But also wrong. First, Finland was not another woman. She was the first woman who had the right to call him 'Honey'. Second, it was only done one way, because London did not call his mother 'Honey'. His father could throw a tantrum if he dared to call his mother 'Honey'.     

"Why not? You still don't want to accept my love anyway," London defended himself. "Or are you jealous and want me to call YOU 'Honey'? If that's the case, I don't mind. I can call you 'Honey'."     

L snorted louder and stomped her feet then left the dining room back to her bedroom.     

"Good night, Honey!" exclaimed London from the kitchen. "Sleep well."     

He listened carefully, ready to wait for the door to slam as a sign that L was angry.     

There was no sound of any door slamming.     

Hehe ... Does this mean I can call her 'Honey'? thought London.     


London got his punishment because the next morning, he did not hear L's beautiful voice singing to wake him up from sleep.     

Iishh ... L was really good at holding grudges, he thought bitterly. He had not set the alarm for a long time because he knew that L would always practice her singing at the same time every morning, and her voice had become a natural alarm for the man.     

But this morning, it seemed like L was deliberately didn't practice her singing to punish London. The man finally woke up when the clock showed 11 am.     

Gosh ... he had never woken up this late.     

Did L have breakfast?     

He hurriedly washed his face and left his room for the kitchen. L was sitting on the sofa with her arms folded on her chest.     

"Have you had breakfast?" asked London attentively. L nodded. London then sat next to him. "Then, why pout?"     

"You said there was a job interview today at the Schneider Group. Why did you wake up so late? You're supposed to have an interview 4 days ago, but you postponed it to renovate the house. They were very nice to give you the chance to reschedule the interview. How could you just waste it???" grumbled L while raising an eyebrow.     

Ahh ... London almost forgot that he had to 'find a job' to prove to L that he could support their family, and L gave him a maximum of three years to earn more money than her.     

He could only scratch his head. "You're right ... the interview is after lunch, really. Don't worry, I'll go."     

"Don't forget to send a thank you flower to Mr. Schneider." L pulled a small blue card from the book beside her on the sofa. "I have written the thank you note. Please buy nice flowers."     

"Fine ..." London took the card and read its contents. L did not talk much, and apparently also didn't write much. She only wrote as needed.     

[Thank you, Mr. Schneider, for your help all this time. I will work hard.]     

The note was quite short and without flowery words. Hmm ... London would be very happy if L pressed her lips to kiss the card after wearing lipstick, so he could see her sexy lips printed there.     

Ugh ... unfortunately, he could not advise her to do that, because L did not know that the recipient of the card was London himself. Mr. London Schneider was actually now sitting next to her on the sofa as Killian Makela.     

He kept the card in his pocket and returned to his room. He saw that L was ready, so this meant that he also had to take a shower and get ready to leave. They would move to a new home, and then he would go for his job interview.     

Fifteen minutes later, he was out of the room looking neat and handsome.     

"I'm ready. Shall we go now, Honey?" asked London to L, who was still sitting on the sofa with her suitcase on the table. L nodded and stood up; then she walked towards the door. The girl was wearing a beautiful blue summer dress with matching strappy sandals.     

L's body shape during pregnancy almost didn't change, only her belly was growing, and her face, feet, and hands became rather chubby, but she maintained her sexy figure.     

Now that she had given birth to Lily, her stomach had slowly returned to being flat. The previous pregnancy only left her with a slightly chubby face, which, according to London, made her look even cuter.     

"You're so beautiful. Is that a new dress?" asked London. He took L's suitcase from the table and pushed the handle with his right hand, while his left hand pushed his own bag. L didn't reply. She just shrugged.     

They walked together to the elevator and down to the lobby. In front of the building, London's VW car was still parked in its original place. He placed their two suitcases in the trunk then opened the door for L before he entered the driver's seat.     

Before he started the car, London unconsciously stared at the apartment building with a feeling filled with nostalgia.     

He and L lived in this modest apartment together for almost three months. Somehow it felt like it's been a long time.     

Ahh ... He would always remember the times they spent in this apartment with a warm heart.     

All right ... now it's time to start a new page, in a new home, he thought.     

He looked sideways and discovered that it seemed like L had similar feelings to him. The girl was also staring at their apartment building with an unreadable expression on her face.     

"Let's go," she said finally, moving London from his reverie.     

"All right, Honey..." London glanced at L while starting the engine. Since last night he idly called L with the nickname 'Honey', to find out how long would L let him call her 'Honey', until she would get angry again and told him to stop.     

But until now, L still didn't protest his calling her 'Honey'. She wasn't angry at all either ...     

"Honey, you are so beautiful today ..." London, who felt her approval, finally did not hesitate to use the call that he had always wanted to use for L.     

The girl turned her gaze to the car window, ignoring London's flirty remarks while the guy was driving with a happy face.     

"Honey, after we finish cleaning things up at home, we should have lunch outside ..."     

"Honey, after I take you to the hospital, I'll go to the Schneider Group office for a job interview."     

"Gosh, Honey, look at that guy breaking the red light! That's too much."     

"Can I turn on the radio, Honey?"     

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