The Alchemists

I Tried, But I Can't

I Tried, But I Can't

Rune was busy fiddling with something on a garden bench when he saw his brother enter their mansion's courtyard. He raised his face and smiled broadly.     

"So, what happened? I heard from Jan about the rain last night. Did your plan work?" he asked in a cheerful voice.     

London just frowned and shook his head. "Not even close. Somehow it's very hard, to tell the truth to L. Even though I've tried."     

"What happened?" Rune asked attentively. London, who was close to his youngest brother, was always open to Rune. Without hesitation, he told him about the problem. He was not sure that Rune would be able to help, but there was no harm in telling his younger brother to lighten his burden a little.     

Rune only shook his head in response to London's story. He understood his brother had missed the right moment to open up about his true identity to L.     

L had already had a certain view of his brother, and the girl had made it clear that she didn't like being lied to. All his brother's virtue as a responsible, hardworking, and honest man would just vanish if L felt that she was lied to.     

Uhm... hardworking? Wait... London hardly ever lifted a finger, though. All the 'hard work' was done by his staff and people who worked under him.     

All his lies, even if they were small and not fatal, would accumulate and made L doubt his character. As soon as L found out about London's lies, he would assume everything the man was doing was a lie, and she didn't know which ones were the truth, and which ones were lies.     

The consequences must be horrifying!     

"You must come clean to her as soon as possible ..." said Rune. "I've never had a girlfriend, but I know that women don't like being lied to. The longer you wait, the worse it will get."     

"You think I don't know that?" London grumbled. "I have tried to be honest with her twice. TWICE. The first one, I was really unlucky. I had poured out my heart's contents, but apparently, she was not listening. She was listening to music through her earphones. Then, after she said she was willing to marry me, I tried again to tell her who I was ... but ... you know, she said very firmly that she would never forgive me if I ever lied to her. For her, lying is a grave offense. I can't risk making her upset and stressed. L is breastfeeding, and Lily still in critical condition ... Do you understand my point of view? I can't harm both of them."     

"Then how long will you cover your identity?" asked Rune in surprise.     

"I will wait for the right time. At least, after Lily becomes healthy and can drink the immortality potion. I will tell the truth to L when she is in a good mood. As long as she is still thinking about the Swann family and her parents' killers ... I can't rest."     

London really wanted to climb their roof and shouted all his secrets so that L could hear it and find out who he actually was ... but at the moment, he was still thinking about L and Lily. Maybe his heart would be relieved after he confessed, but what would be the consequences for L and Lily?     

L would be devastated because she felt cheated. She might get furious. London could accept L's anger and suffer the consequences. He was willing to be hated or punished or even beaten if that could make L satisfied, but he was still horrified by what happened last week. L was furious when he learned that London was monitoring her and installed a camera in their apartment.     

The incident made L angry and stressed so that Lily was born much earlier. London did not have the heart to make L experience a similar situation, so he was always cautious now.     

He was willing to wait until L was ready to accept the truth until Lily was healthy and their family situation was safe. As an Alchemist, he was never in a hurry.     

"What if it takes years until L is ready to accept your honesty?" asked Rune curiously.     

"I have no problem with that. L is still very young herself. She is not yet 20 years old ... even if I need ten years to wait for her to be ready, I think it's okay ..." London answered in a confident voice.     

"If it's longer than that?" Rune asked again.     

"What do you mean?"     

"For example, what if it took more than ten years?"     

London finally pondered on his brother's words. If it really took more than ten years, it would certainly be very difficult for him to hide the truth. His appearance would look really young, even though he would age. In ten years, he would be close to 40 years old.     

While L, when she was past 30, her face would change, and people could see how she started aging. The difference between them would be striking. L would age, while London would stay young forever.     

Ugh ... He couldn't wait for more than ten years.     

"You didn't go to the office today?" Suddenly Caspar's voice came from the mansion's doorway. London immediately turned toward the voice and came to his father.     

"No, Dad. I am working from home today. L is out taking care of something. I was looking after Lily, but I decided to stop by here for a moment. I miss you guys." London replied while hugging his father. "Are you still in Germany until next month?"     

"Depends," Caspar answered lightly. "A few months ago, your mother and I went to Indonesia. It turned out your mother really likes Bali. So I promised her that I would bring her back there for another honeymoon. Actually, we intended to return there next week. But if you have an important event, of course, we can postpone it. "     

London was used to seeing his mother and father traveling to exotic places in the world for their 'nth honeymoon. He no longer frowned when he heard his father discuss intimate matters with his mother.     

In fact, he could now imagine himself and L honeymooning once a year following in the footsteps of his parents, once Lily grew up. It must be really fun!     

"Oh ... you want to go to Bali? It's okay ... as long as you come back next month. I'll get married," London said with a grin.     

His father raised an eyebrow and joined in with a big smile. "Ahh .. so the singer has accepted your proposal? That's great!"     

Finland, who had just come from the living room, had heard her son's words about him getting married. Her face was radiant.     

"Whoaa... that is such good news! Where are you going to get married? We can do it in our castle in Stuttgart, or do you want to do it somewhere else? You can choose anywhere. Oh my God.. I can't wait to help L choose a wedding dress ..."     

Seeing how his mother was really excited, London's chest immediately felt heavy again. His mother would certainly want to be involved in his wedding. But how? He still couldn't tell L everything     

"Uhm ... we still need to wait for that, Mom ... I'm sorry." London looked at his mother with regret. "I still can't tell L everything."     

"Oh ..." Finland exchanged glances with her husband. A look of disappointment was clearly seen on her face.     

"I'm sorry, really. I've tried ..." London could only bow his head sadly. "But I can't risk making L stressed. I'll try again later ..."     

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