The Alchemists

Honesty Is More Precious Than Gold

Honesty Is More Precious Than Gold

London had never felt as happy as he was that night. The girl who made him fall madly in love was finally willing to accept his proposal! He almost wanted to climb the roof of their house and shout toward the Schneider Mansion to tell the rest of his family, and the world, that L was willing to marry him!!     

L, who was materialistic, even accepted him without knowing that London was actually very wealthy...     

Imagine that!     

This really moved him.     

He kissed L solemnly as if the girl's lips were a sacred piece that he must treat with respect. He only let L go after the girl pushed him hard that he fell back onto the bed.     

"You must rest now! You can't be sick for long ..." said the girl.     

London was astonished to see the change in L's attitude. Wasn't L very sweet and so attentive just now? Why now back to being temperamental?     

"How could you treat a sick person this way?" complained London. If L was nice to him because she thought he was sick, then he would keep pretending to be sick.     

His face frowned, and the man made a sound like he was in pain. L, who was about to leave the room, finally turned to approach him and sat on the edge of the bed.     

"Where does it hurt?" asked the girl. "Didn't you take medicine? You didn't look sick when you kissed me."     

"Hmm ... maybe that's the cure. When we kissed, my headache dissipated..." said London looking at L with his puppy eyes, hoping for her to feel sorry for him.     

"It's weird. I've never heard of such a thing," L grumbled. "That must be just an excuse."     

"No ... I'm honest, Honey. My headache was gone, but now it's back again ... Maybe if you rub my head, the pain will disappear," London whimpered shamelessly. Finally, L was forced to rub his head. The man enjoyed it with his eyes closed, and a smile shamelessly decorated his face. His lips made 'hmm' sound many times. "Hmmm ... you must have a magic touch. L is indeed an amazing woman ... hmmm ..."     

L just rolled her eyes at London's effort to flirt, but she wasn't angry.     

London really enjoyed lying on his bed with his eyes closed, while L sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his head.     

He remembered the time his mother treated him like that. When he was still a child, Finland would accompany him to sleep and stroked his head lovingly. It felt very peaceful and pleasant.     

Finland still treated her children affectionately until they were older. So, it was normal for them to lie on their mother's lap and told her about their day while she rubbed their heads until they fell asleep,     

London was thrilled to think that he would get such affection from his wife. L was indeed the perfect woman for him!     

"Honey ... please stay with me here until my headache disappears, okay?" London opened one eye and looked at L hopefully. "You're already willing to marry me ... There is nothing to stop you from staying here with me, right?"     

L shook her head and patted London's forehead as if the grown man was a kid caught stealing candy. "I can't stay here. You're a pervert and can't be trusted."     

"So, once we are married, do you want to accompany me here?" London asked again.     

Okay. He would immediately ask Jan to prepare a wedding tomorrow. Early tomorrow morning, if necessary.     

L turned her gaze around London's room and clicked her tongue several times.     

"Your room is nice, but it's not big enough. I don't want to stay here."     

"Oh ..." London immediately sat on his bed. "Then I'll move to your room! When do you want to get married?"     

L seemed to ponder for a moment.     

"Give me a month. I'll break off the engagement with Danny first and settle a few things," she said finally.     

One month!     

For a long time, London lamented silently.     

He looked at L and tried to read her. "L ... I've seen that Danny Swann and as far as I know he comes from a well off family. Why ... why did you change your mind? Besides Lily ... is there anything else that made you choose me?"     

He really wanted to hear L say that L had fallen in love with him, and love had opened L's eyes that now she understood how love was more precious than wealth...     

L looked back at London deeply and then answered. "Killian ... I have been living with only one goal in life ... that is to get my revenge. I don't care how, but I have to become strong, rich, and powerful. Because my power is limited, I will shamelessly borrow people's powers. You know that I'm notorious for being materialistic ... It was because I realize, as a weak and poor woman, I don't have the power and wealth to take revenge. I only have my beauty and body ... so that's what I will use as a weapon to get my revenge, by finding a really wealthy and powerful man who can help me ... "     

"Revenge ...? To whom?" asked London attentively. He felt tense because, for the first time, L was willing to open herself up to him.     

Now he understood ... the reason why L was so determined to find a very rich husband ...     

It turned out that L was holding a grudge against someone.     

London was very curious to hear more so that he could help L to get her revenge. If necessary, he would move mountains and turn the seas to dry, if that could make L happy.     

"I want to take revenge for the people who killed my whole family ..." L said in a flat voice. She looked away, and her eyes seemed to gaze far to the distance. "My life was terrible and full of suffering because it was filled with vengeance. But after I saw Lily ... I realized that revenge would only eat away my life and I will never find happiness."     

"L ... who did it? Who killed your family?" London asked again, his voice sounded tense. He now remembered L's fear of thunder, which she said sounded like a gunshot. Did her whole family was shot by bad people?     

L entered an orphanage at the age of eight ...     

This means that her whole family was killed when she was very young ...     

For some reason, London felt pain in his chest. He was imagining that L had to go through all that suffering, and lived a lonely life filled with a vengeance ...     

"That's not important right now ..." L sighed softly. She then turned to London and rubbed his cheeks. "Lily makes me want to forget my vengeance. I don't want anything else in this world. I just want to raise her. With you. I don't want any rich men to help me get revenge anymore. I now wish to live quietly. You make me realize that a quiet life is far more important than anything. Even though you are poor, you always make sure Lily and I can live well. I really appreciate it. Sorry for intentionally being so annoying and bitchy toward you. I just wanted to drive you away. I thought you would give up if I continued my charade... but you never give up. "     

London was stunned to hear L's words.     

Meaning, actually, all this time, L was deliberately acting bitchy and annoying in front of him...     

Because L wanted London to stop chasing her...?     

"L ...? Did you really do all those... on purpose?" London couldn't believe his own hearing.     

L sighed. "You're a good man. People like you are rare. So far, all the men I've met are liars or jerks. You're different. You're responsible, you're honest and hard-working. You're also very patient with me ..."     

London admitted that he was indeed responsible and hard-working, and also patient. But honest... Ah ... he hadn't been honest with L.     

"L ... actually I ..." London decided to confess his sins again to L because he didn't want the girl to misunderstand again.     

However, before he could finish his sentence. L had pulled his neck and kissed his lips intimately.     

London closed his eyes and enjoyed L's kiss. His mind went blank. It was the girl's first initiative to kiss him. Usually, it was London who initiated any intimacy between them, but now ... L kissed him first! London was stunned.     

When he was about to return L's kiss L more passionately, the girl had escaped from his arms. L looked at him deeply as her hands cupped his face. L's face looked solemn.     

"I am a very simple person, Killian. I have never demanded material from you, I never will. For me, wealth is not really important. But if you lied to me, I will never forgive you. Honesty is the most valuable treasure a human can have. It is more precious than gold."     

Instantly London's throat pained when he heard L's words just now.     

Earlier, he almost confessed and come clean with all his lies to L.     

Now he was scared to death if he had to do it again.     

"What were you trying to say?" L asked, puzzled to see London's expression on his pale face.     

"Uhmm ... I was about to say ..." London swallowed.     


"I wanted to say that I love you ..."     

Damn damn damn ....     

Now, how can he come clean and reveal all his secrets to L? He had lied to her too many times!     

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