The Alchemists

L Wants A Puppy

L Wants A Puppy

London immediately felt a pain in his chest. He could imagine how L witnessed the murder at a very young age. She had to live on her own and suffer alone until she ended up in an orphanage. She later had to take care of herself since she was 16 years old.     

Did L know who killed her family? Why did she hold such a grudge and want to marry a very wealthy and powerful man to help her get her revenge?     

Why was she not saved by the Swann family after the murder?     

Questions after questions filled his head as he thought about everything.     

London was relieved that he could slowly find out about L's past. Even though he was devastated to learn that what she was experiencing was far more terrible than what London had expected.     

L watched her family massacred, and she had to live a miserable life alone ... until finally, she could become an artist and made money.     

Nevertheless, still ... even though L was now living comfortably, London knew the trauma and suffering of her past must still haunt the girl.     

He hung up after listening to Jan's report more thoroughly. He was determined to handle everything and oversee it himself so that L could find her family's killers and take her revenge properly.     

He would also take care of Danny Swann and his family to let go of L voluntarily ... if not, they would get the consequences.     

He then walked out of his room and looked for L into the NICU room, but he did not find her there. Maybe L was already sleeping, he thought.     

He then walked to L's room. When the renovation process took place last week, he made sure that L had the most beautiful and comfortable room with all the best quality furniture.     

When the door to the room opened slowly, he could see L lying on her beautiful bed, seemingly trying to close her eyes. Still, it was clear she could not sleep peacefully.     

She kept tossing and turning. The girl was obviously restless and stressed. London knocked twice and entered. L opened her eyes and saw London enter her room, but she didn't protest.     

"You can't sleep?" asked the young man in a soft voice.     

His chest felt heavy, imagining the little woman in front of him had experienced so many terrible things in her short life. Without waiting for an answer, he approached L and sat on the edge of her bed.     

"What do you want?" L asked in a weak voice.     

"I want to make sure you sleep peacefully. You don't need to think about the Swann family, okay? I won't add to your burden. I won't look for him," London said soothingly.     

Jan would look for him, and London would wait for the results patiently.     

"Thank you ..." L replied. She closed her eyes again.     

London climbed to her bed and hugged him. He did not ask permission because he knew that L would not allow it, but he also knew that L would not kick him out. He was sure, at a time like this, anyone would need someone to lean on. Hugs from loved ones could undoubtedly reduce the feelings of sadness or resentment.     

His guess was correct. L didn't push him away. The girl even closed her eyes in his arms, and slowly her breathing became regular.     


"I got the job!" said London happily after he pretended to take a call from the Schneider Group office. "I can start working tomorrow."     

L, who was sitting leisurely on their living room couch, writing a new song in her notebook, looked very happy to hear the news. She rose from her seat and hugged London happily.     

"Congratulations!" She let go of his arms and looked at him curiously. "How much is the salary?"     

London immediately coughed. He did not remember the standard salary for a mid-level employee at a multinational company. He forgot to ask Jan.     

"Uhmm ... not bad. It's a surprise. Anyway, at the end of the month after I receive my wage, you can see the amount ..." he said hurriedly.     

"Hmm ... okay. But I want a gift because you finally got a job," L said again. Her eyes were filled with happiness. "I want a puppy."     

London also loved animals and, as a child, he even raised a herd of sheep with his brother Rune.     

He read that it would be good if a child grew up with pets because they would be happier in life. He had not raised any animals for years because of his busy schedule.     

"Why do you suddenly want a puppy?" he asked L.     

"I will be lonely when you go to work every day. I can't go back to work immediately because my body shape hasn't returned to normal .. Journalists will gossip about me if they saw me in this condition. In the meantime, I still have to avoid the public ..." L's eyes seemed to glaze like a puppy. "I recently remembered that I had a dog when I was little, and I miss it."     

"Oh ..." London hurriedly hugged the girl before her tears fell.     

He did not know whether this was caused by her hormone because she had just given birth, or L had truly changed. It's been a long time since she was being annoying.     

Now she was very softhearted, and she cried easily. Or could it be that this change had happened because she had begun to tear down the walls in her heart after she opened up to London about her past? London did not know which one was it.     

Seeing her with such puppy eyes, no man would have the heart to refuse L's request.     

"Alright ... we can go to the shelter this afternoon if you want," London finally said with a smile. "But we must always make sure the dog does not enter the NICU room."     

There are so many critical medical devices to care for their micro-premature baby. They must not let the dog mess them up.     

"Of course, I will watch him closely. Thank you ..." L smiled and kissed London's cheek happily.     

The young man just shook his head with a heart filled with warmth. How easy it is to make L happy, he thought. She was happy with the rain, a puppy...     

How low maintenance is this girl? London was pleased because L was not a demanding and troublesome girl.     

In fact, even if L asked him to move mountains, London could easily grant it. Especially this ... It's only a puppy.     


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