The Alchemists

Lily Is Crying!

Lily Is Crying!

Jan nodded in agreement, "My provisional guess is his grandfather's will. What surprised me is that in the will his grandfather recently made, it was written that if Danny married Miss L, all of his grandfather's inheritance would fall into his hands. But if he refused, then the inheritance will be divided in two for him and Miss L.     

It is likely that his grandfather deliberately arranged so that Danny would marry Miss L if he wanted to get his inheritance as a whole. If he was not willing to marry Miss L, then the old Mr. Swann wanted to ensure Miss L's life was secured."     

Inwardly, London felt sympathetic toward Grandpa Swann, who cared so much about L, but he did not want L to receive money from other people. Everything he owned would soon belong to L too, and he thought the girl didn't need additional small change, which would only give her a headache.     

"All right, Jan. You did an excellent job. I want you to find out all of Danny Swann's weaknesses, and all the scandals I could use to blackmail him into leaving L alone. Please also buy the De Maestri family home in Paris and renovate it. I want to restore her parent's home and give it to L as a birthday present for her later."     

"Yes, Sir."     

After Jan left, London wanted to contact Alaric, who was still in Singapore to consult about L's family murder case but, suddenly, a phone call from L diverted his attention.     

"Hey ... what's up, Honey? Do you miss me?" asked London in a happy voice. L recently started often calling to talk about trivial matters. Maybe the girl was indeed feeling lonely at home.     

"No," L replied in an annoyed tone. But quickly, her voice turned happy. "You won't believe this! But today, the nurse removed Lily's eye cover. She said Lily is longer very sensitive to light."     

"Ohhh ... I'm glad to hear that. Is she okay?" London asked happily.     

"She's okay. I'm so happy... Lily was crying today!" L's voice sounded very enthusiastic. "Finally, I could hear the sound of my daughter crying ... God, I'm so happy ..."     

London was moved to hear it. Lily had been treated for almost a month at home and they could see so much progress in her growth. Every small change or even the most subtle development became a big thing between the two of them that they always talked about joyfully.     

Really, Lily's presence made the bond between London and L very strong. Outsiders may slight the cry of a baby, but, for both of them, it was a gift because they knew her crying indicated that their baby was healthy, and she slowly grew like a normal baby.     

"We can now use a baby cry translator device," L exclaimed enthusiastically. "You have to ask your brother to send it."     

"Of course, I'll do it," London nodded, though he was aware that L would not see him nod. "Is there anything else you want?"     

"Uhm ... nothing. I just wanted to let you know that Lily was crying today..."     

"Thank you. I'm so glad to hear that," London paused before continuing. "I love you, L."     

L didn't reply to London's statement of love, but he didn't force her. He knew that L was still awkward or ashamed to say that she also loved him. It is okay. Action speaks louder than words.     

The fact that L chose to stay and not leave after Lily was born had become a testament for London Schneider that L also loved him and their baby.     

As a famous artist who was still very young and had a long bright future, it was very easy for L to start a new life. She could just pretend that she never gave birth and live her life without scandal at all.     

All she had to do was forget about Lily and London and continue her life as if nothing had happened. However, instead of choosing such an easy life, L was willing to stay and care for Lily, whose condition was so bad.     

L worked hard to make money to pay for Lily's expensive care so she could be healthy because L did not realize that the man who lived with her was one of the wealthiest men on the planet.     

L patiently gave him three years to try to build his career and make more money than her to support her and Lily, then she would be willing to marry him. In fact, L was now willing to ignore that deadline and marry London as is.     

Who won't feel touched to get such a nice woman like L? Although outwardly, the girl sometimes could be annoying and temperamental, London knew her heart better, and L's personality made him fall even more in love with her.     

If it wasn't for Danny Swann that jerk, we would have been married this week, thought London in annoyance.     

"I will ask my brother to send a baby cry translator, don't worry," London said again. "Anything else I have to remember?"     

"Nothing. What time are you coming home?"     

"As usual, at 6 pm. Do you want me to bring you anything?"     

"It's okay. I just thought of having dinner outside. It's been a long time since we went out. I'm getting bored at home."     

"Oh ... just a minute," London suddenly remembered that it was supposed to be his 'payday' today. He could make it an excuse for inviting L to eat out. "Good idea! Want to eat at the Blue Sky restaurant in St. Laurent? As an employee of the Schneider Group, I get employee discounts ... hehehe."     

"Yes, please. Will you come and pick me up first, or do we meet there?"     

"I will pick you up."     

"Alright ... I'll wait."     

After he hung up, London hurriedly called Jan to his office.     

"What's the matter, Sir?" Jan asked casually, with his hand in his pockets. He was already accustomed to his boss' behavior who often suddenly needed him, so he was always relaxed even when London asked him to do things at the last minute.     

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