The Alchemists

The Schneider Family!!

The Schneider Family!!

She just realized the similarities between London and Caspar. Her eyes went round, and she whispered in London's ear.     

"Oh, dear ... did anyone ever tell you that you look a lot like Mr. London Schneider?" L looked very confused. "You can pass off as brothers ..."     

London did not know what to say.     

"Uhm ... maybe because very few people have seen the Schneider family in person ... so they don't know," whispered L again. "Gosh ... this is a scary coincidence ..."     

Caspar and Rune looked at each other, not understanding what L was whispering to London. Finally, the young man smiled awkwardly and greeted Caspar.     

"Uhm .. nice to meet you, Sir. My name is Killian Makela ..." He then turned to L. "Honey, it's rude to whisper in front of other people."     

"Eh .. right, I'm very sorry. I was just surprised, Killian looks very similar to Mr. London Schneider ..." L nodded politely.     

Only then did Rune understand what was happening. He then cleared his throat and patted London's shoulder, chuckling. "Ahh ... that's right. Miss L has sharp eyesight. Killian does look very similar to my brother, London Schneider ..."     

Caspar also understood what was going on and immediately participated in covering for his sons.     

"Ahahaha ... that's right, we do look alike. Hey ... this is really a pleasant coincidence. Do you want to have tea with us? I just made a delicious cake." He spread his arms to welcome the two guests to follow him to the nice outdoor dining table in the garden where he had put some dishes.     

And just like that ... London's fear disappeared without a trace.     

L apparently did not connect the dots, how London's face was so similar to his father's. The girl thought the resemblance was uncanny, but it was merely a coincidence.     

Happily and gratefully, the girl followed Caspar to the garden and looked at the dishes available with enthusiasm.     

"Did you cook all these? Wow ... that's incredible ..." said L as she plopped herself on a chair. London followed and sat next to her. His face looked very relieved. Rune secretly pinched London's waist when he sat next to him and gave him a meaningful stare. London pinched him back when L wasn't looking.     

"I am assisted by my beautiful wife ..." Caspar said happily. He turned to the side, just when Finland came with a tray of cookies. "Honey, we have a guest."     

"Hello ..." Finland's steps suddenly halted when she saw L and London. "Why ... are you here?"     

"Good evening, Mrs. Schneider. We just moved to this area, and our naughty dog ​​ran all the way here." L hurriedly got up from her chair and approached Finland. She then took the tray from the lady's hand. "Here, let me help ..."     

"Oh, why, thank you .." Finland answered in an awkward voice. "Have we met before?"     

L looked at Finland for a long time and then shook her head, "Hmm ... I don't remember. Maybe you saw me on television or on the internet. I'm a singer ..."     

Finland patted her forehead and laughed softly, "Ah ... that must be it. I feel like I've seen you somewhere. Maybe it's on television. You're very famous, right?"     

"Ah ... not really, I'm still a newbie," L replied with a smile. She looked at Finland again and tilted her head while remembering something. "Uhm ... but now that I think about it, maybe I've seen someone who looks like you. Killian, isn't Mrs. Schneider similar to your friend? What's her name?"     

"Hmm ... really? It doesn't seem like it ..." London pretended not to understand what she meant. "Maybe only the hair is similar ... but apart from that, they look nothing alike."     

"Hmm ... is that so?" L nodded. "Well, then.. it means we have never met. I'm sorry that we trespassed suddenly like this ... Yves is very naughty ..."     

She patted Yves' head. The puppy was now sitting on her lap and yawn.     

"Yves?" Finland seemed very interested. "Who is that?"     

"Oh ... it's the name of our dog. I'm a big fan of Billie Yves, so I named our dog Yves ..."     

Finland's eyes sparkled. "Are you a fan too?"     

In her heart, she immediately liked this girl. According to Finland, London chose a good wife. Anyone who liked Billie Yves must be a good person, Finland thought with a happy heart.     

"Do you like her too? Ohhh.. this is a very pleasant coincidence. I really like the song from her first album. I think it's really amazing. When I was lonely at the orphanage, I often listened to the song ..." L said enthusiastically.     

"You ... you lived in an orphanage?" Instantly Finland was filled with pity when she heard L's words. She looked at L with a motherly look, and, suddenly, Finland hugged her very tightly. "I'm sorry to hear that ... I hope you are well..."     

L, who did not expect to be embraced by the wife of the wealthiest and most powerful man in the world, was very touched. Her face turned sad, and, for the first time, London saw L looking so fragile.     

L has not felt her mother's love for a long time since her family was killed 11 years ago, and Finland's motherly embrace suddenly tore down her walls. Subconsciously, L started to sob.     

"Thank you ... Madam ... I'm fine now ..." she whispered softly.     

"Ahh ... I'm glad to hear that." Finland let go of her arms and pulled L back to her seat, this time beside her. "If there's anything, you just come here. Our home is open to you."     

"Thank you ... Mr. Schneider has helped me so much. I heard about the facilities provided for in the hospital during my delivery," L nodded at Caspar gratefully. She wiped her tears in a hurry. She did not want to turn the atmosphere at the dining table sad. "I haven't had the chance to thank you in person. I just had a chance to send flowers through Killian."     

London hurriedly nodded. "Yes, last week I send a thank you flowers to Mr. Schneider's office."     

"Ah, that's right... Thank you for the flowers," Caspar replied with a smile. "Come on, please try the cakes my wife and I made. I hope you like them..."     

L gratefully accepted a piece of cake from Caspar and ate it. She repeatedly praised the man's cooking and made Caspar very happy.     

Finland chatted a lot with L about music. L was very impressed when she heard that Mrs. Schneider had met Billie Yves in person.     

"Yes, Billie is an old friend of our family. Maybe someday I can introduce you to her ..." Finland answered happily.     

"Oh my God ... that would be a dream come true for me ... I never dream that I could meet Billie Yves! Gosh... She has retired from the music industry for five years. She is very extraordinary ..." voiced L excitedly.     

Hearing that, suddenly, London was thinking of a new tactic to reveal his identity to L. Maybe he could come to her and bring Billie Yves with him when he confessed to L ... He was sure that L couldn't possibly be angry in front of her idol.     

Ha ... alright. I'll talk to Auntie Billie soon, he thought happily.     

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