The Alchemists

Alaric Is Upset

Alaric Is Upset

"What's the matter, Sir?" Jan asked casually, with his hand in his pockets. He was already accustomed to his boss' behavior who often suddenly needed him, so he was always relaxed even when London asked him to do things in the last minute.     

 "Hmm ... L and I will have a romantic dinner at the Blue Sky Restaurant in St. Laurent tonight. This is a good opportunity to propose to her properly, don't you think? Do you still have the ring I asked for last time?" The man's eyes shone happily as he told Jan his plan.     

In the past, when L gave the signal that she was willing to marry London, the man immediately contacted Jan to prepare the perfect proposal.     

Jan bought a beautiful and ridiculously expensive ring. He also held an internal contest among their creative division staff to get the most romantic proposal scenario.     

Of the various scenarios that came in, there was one that they found very interesting. London immediately ordered Jan to prepare the event should the opportunity arise at any time.     

Like today!     


This time, his fourth proposal must succeed, thought London with a happy heart, L wouldn't reject him this time.     

"But the ring is too expensive, Sir. Miss L will be suspicious." Jan commented as he returned to London's room with a box contained a ring studded with a huge light blue diamond. "Why don't you use an ordinary ring for the proposal. Later, after you get married and disclose your identity, you can give her the real ring?"     

"Can't you manipulate the state lottery this month? I could claim that I get a lot of money from winning the lottery?" London asked casually.     

"Uhm ... It's too over the top and too much of a coincidence. Plus, she would blame you for buying a lottery." Jan shook his head. According to him, his boss has been spoiled all this time because all his wishes could be granted easily, so that sometimes he thought of such absurd things. "Otherwise, you could say that you used up your entire salary to buy Miss L this ring. Maybe she would appreciate it more?"     

London nodded. "You're right. If I said I won the state lottery, L would beat me up for sure. She already said she doesn't like me gambling."     

"Miss L is very wise," Jan said with a sigh of relief.     

"Okay, then, prepare everything ... I will propose to L after dinner at St. Laurent later ..."     

Jan nodded respectfully and said goodbye to take care of the proposal scenario approved by London. The proposal would be very romantic and fun ... He can't wait to see the outcome.     

After Jan left, London decided to contact his brother-in-law and consult him about L's family murder case from years ago. Jan was right. If anyone knew about the underworld in Europe from a long time ago, that person would have been Alaric Rhionen and his assassins.     

Even though he had retired from the underworld, but his connections were still far greater than London, who had never been in contact with criminals.     

"How are the twins?" London asked enthusiastically as the Virconnect connection brought him to his sister's mansion in Singapore. He saw Alaric staring at him, smiling broadly with a tiny baby on his chest, fast asleep.     

Gosh .. that cold Alaric Rhionen can smile? London's heart was thrilled to see how much his brother-in-law had changed.     

Alaric's appearance and his baby were very contrasting. The man had a pale skin and platinum hair, while his son looked somewhat tanned with dark brown hair and a slightly oriental face. For a moment, London was astonished. His new nephew was more like his mother, Finland, than Alaric and Aleksis, the parents.     

"You look like you're carrying your neighbor's child ..." London commented bluntly.     

Hearing his brother-in-law's casual words, Alaric immediately turned off his Virconnect connection.     

"Hey ... why did you turn it off?" London tried to contact Alaric again but his call was always rejected. The young man could only shake his head. "Why should you be angry? I'm just telling the truth?"     

Ten minutes later, the Virconnect connection was back up, and Aleksis appeared in front of him, frowning.     

"Why didn't you think before you talk? You must have been hanging out with Terry for too long," she grumbled to her brother, who had accidentally hurt her husband's feelings.     

For Alaric, his children were his most valuable possessions. However, he was 'forced' to share his first two children with Nicolae because he was not present during the first ten years of their lives and they had looked up to Nic as their father figure.     

His second children was arguably a consolation for this lonely man who disliked humans. Of course, he felt offended when his biological child, whom he loved deeply, was said to be the neighbor's child.     

Although London was just joking, and maybe other people would think that it was funny, for Alaric, his words were unacceptable. That was why he refused to talk to London.     

"Gosh... I'm so sorry, I was just talking nonsense. I didn't mean to ..." London swallowed. He should have known better. Nobody could talk carelessly in front of Alaric Rhionen.     

Alaric was not someone who had a sense of humor like his brother, Nicolae. After all, he was a cold-blooded assassin and had wanted to kill most of humankind.     

Quietly London felt cold sweat flooding his back. It was only when Aleksis looked at him with a sharp look that London realized his mistake. He was too talkative, not remembering how sensitive Alaric was about his children.     

Now that you think about it, London himself would be angry if he was carrying Lily and people suddenly said Lily looked like his neighbor's in Grunewald. Ahh... that's so true.     

"Aleksis... please tell Alaric that I and my big mouth apologize. I was just saying nonsense. I won't do it again," London said solemnly. "By the way, how are Ireland and Scotland doing? What can they do already?"     

Aleksis smiled. She showed off Scotland in her arms and caressed her son's head affectionately.     

"Scotland and Ireland can already laugh and smile. They are so cute. We often lose track of time because we are playing with just the two of them. It is so much fun!"     

"Ahh... how lucky," London pondered at his sister's words. He was eager to hear Lily laughing. He also desperately wanted to hug her just like Aleksis and Alaric were now doing to their children. "Today, Lily's eye cover was finally removed, her eyes aren't sensitive to light anymore. I'd love to hug her..."     

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