The Alchemists



L and London were served by two staff members who were very efficient and repeatedly brought delicious and classy food and beverages to their table.     

"Do you like the dish?" London asked after the main course was finished.     

In front of them now was ice cream that was served beautifully with gold flakes, which was the most expensive dessert in the world and was only available in this Blue Sky Restaurant.     

"The food is delicious, thank you," L nodded. After some time, L finally could enjoy the food and act normal.     

A very romantic atmosphere made the mood extremely relaxing. They were eating while talking about trivial matters, and London was happy to see L's face filled with a smile.     

"I'm glad you like it. If you want, we can eat here anytime..." London said again.     

Hearing this, L just rolled her eyes.      

"Sheessh... eating here costs a lot of money. You better save your money for something more useful." The girl hurriedly continued. "I'd rather eat your cooking at home."     

L's last sentence made London's face radiant. He was so happy to hear her compliment. It really showed that L was actually not a gold-digger like what she had made people think of her.     

"Really? I'm glad to hear that! I'll cook again tomorrow, and we can have a romantic dinner at home." He got up and pulled L's hand gently so that the girl stood up. When L stood, he pulled her close to his own body and gave the girl a heartfelt hug. "Whenever L compliments me, I feel very happy!"     

L smiled and patted London's back. "Ahaha... don't overdo it like this. We're in a public place."     

"It's okay... they're not looking, really," London told her. He looked sideways and nodded with a happy smile.     

Sure enough, when L turned her head and looked around, all the music players and waiters were looking away or pretending to talk among themselves.     

The girl could only frown.     


"Enough. Rather than thinking of others, you better come with me. I have a surprise for you." London loosened his arms, then grabbed L's hand and pulled her to the end of the outdoor terrace. L was surprised again because she saw a hot air balloon waiting for them there.     

"What's this?" She asked in surprise.     

"I booked a hot air balloon trip to show you the whole city of Berlin," London said with a big smile. "I'm sure you've never seen it from above."     

L shook her head. She was still shocked.     

A staff member came to help them up, and soon, they were already in the basket. In the center was a small table with two chairs, an electric candle, and two champagne glasses with a bottle of chilled champagne.     

The staff members swiftly installed the gas lamp and heated the air inside the balloon. Slowly, their basket rose to the air. Five minutes later, the two were already 200 meters above the ground. L's face seemed to still be recovering from shock as she held London's hand because the height made her somewhat afraid.     

"Ssshh... don't be afraid. Hold on to me... The view from here is beautiful..." London whispered, hugging L from behind.     

L nodded. She felt safe in his arms, especially after seeing their air balloon basket was tied with a rope to a large pole in the Blue Sky Restaurant so that they would not get carried away by the wind.     

The view of the city below them looked amazing. Her chest, which had been palpitating uncontrollably, began to feel calm. She began to notice the scenery below them, and the top of the hotel building they had just left. For several minutes they didn't say anything as they enjoyed each other's presence.      

London felt elated when he hugged L from behind. He was also nervously waiting for L to see his next surprises. He wouldn't want to be the one to spill it for her.     

"Eh... what's that?" L pointed down in surprise. The outdoor terrace where they had eaten now had turned dark. Instead, she could now see the light from numerous candles lit on the floor, which formed a sentence that could be read from the air.     

L, LOOK UP.     

L turned her head and looked at London questioningly.     

"What's that?" she asked in surprise.     

"It says, 'Look up.'" London nodded. He pointed at the stars above them.     

L furrowed her brows and looked at the man's index finger, and immediately, she gasped in surprise.     

The sparkling stars in the bright night sky suddenly seemed to spin and dance, then several hundred stars united and formed a sentence.     


No. They're not stars... but hundreds of drones with flickering light controlled to form letters!     

L widened her large eyes and looked at London with half-open lips.     

The man had let go of his arms and was now down on one knee. He pulled a jewelry box out of his pocket.     

"My beautiful L, my kind L, amazing L... Please, forgive me for never being able to propose to you properly. But this time, I want to do it right..." London opened the box and showed a beautiful ring with a huge blue diamond. "Honey, I can't live without you. I've been thinking about this for a long time. Will you marry me?"     

L was stunned when she saw the huge diamond. It was so beautiful and was sparkling under the light of the stars. Her hands were clasped, and her lips were agape in shock.     

She had expected that London would propose to her, which could be seen from his overly-happy gestures, but she had no idea that his proposal would be so romantic and awe-inspiring.     

Dinner alone in the most exclusive area at the Blue Sky Restaurant, the fantastic dishes prepared by chefs from the highest Michelin-starred restaurant in Europe had been a shock to her. Add to it a romantic trip in a hot air balloon, and those romantic gestures with candles and drones.     

And now... a ring with a diamond so big?     

L swallowed and couldn't resist when London put the beautiful ring on her ring finger. She was still in awe and at a loss for words.     

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