The Alchemists

Hello, I'm London Killian Schneider

Hello, I'm London Killian Schneider

He loosened his arms from around L and looked at her deeply. "I'm sorry. I was really worried you left me because of last night's events. Because of panic, I asked Marc to look for you and take you home..."     

L rolled his eyes and snorted. "I didn't say you could hug me."     

London hurriedly took his hands off L's body and took two steps back. "Sorry... I got carried away."     

L looked away and walked past him into the house. London hurriedly followed in her steps.     

"Why didn't you practice singing this morning? I didn't hear your voice, so I woke up late, and when I looked for you all over the house, I didn't find you. You don't know how panicked I was..." London was complaining to L like a child complaining to his mother about his terrible school report scores.     

"I didn't practice singing because I was afraid of waking you up. You just slept at dawn, how could I make you lose your rest time," L replied as she walked into the house, not paying any heed to London, who was walking after her.     

"Oh... then why didn't you pick up your phone? I called you a dozen times, but you didn't pick up."     

"I dropped my cellphone on the road while chasing Yves. He found a rabbit hole and decided to hunt," L answered. She had arrived in front of her room and opened the door.     

"Oh... I'm sorry. I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore, so I panicked..." London still followed L like a child following his mother.     

At that moment, L finally turned around and held the young man's chest with her right hand. "Where are you going? This is my room."     

London looked around and realized that she was right.     

"Ahh... right, we've arrived at your room." He nodded.     

"You have your own room, why are you coming with me here?" L asked, raising an eyebrow.     

"You're right. I'm in the wrong room..." London scratched his head. "I'll take a shower then. Let's meet in the dining room for breakfast. I want to talk to you."     

L took a deep breath and finally nodded.     

"All right. I'll see you later." London hugged L quickly before she could escape. Then he hurried to his own room.     

London decided to take a quick shower and change his clothes. This time, he chose his best outfit. He hadn't worn his glasses for a few months since L said she liked him more without glasses, but yesterday, he was still wearing simple cheap clothes, and not his normal clothes, which were cool and expensive.     

Now, because his identity was revealed, he felt that there was nothing left to hide. After grooming himself in the mirror and feeling satisfied with his appearance, London exited his room while humming happily. He headed to the kitchen and immediately took an apron to start cooking a delicious breakfast for him and L.     

His joyful humming stopped immediately when he saw L enter the kitchen and stood looking at him in shock.     

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there anything strange?" London asked in confusion. He had never seen L's expression this awkward.     

L shook her head. With awkward steps, she took the spatula from London's hand and pushed his body to the side.     

"Let me cook," the girl murmured in a voice barely heard.     

London frowned. "Why are you acting weird like this? Don't I always cook our breakfast all this time?"     

"I'll do it," L replied. She ignored the man and took over cutting the vegetables and onions and took the eggs from the fridge.     

"L... why are you acting so weird?" London was finally forced to take back the spatula from L.     

"Let go..." L didn't want to just let go of the spatula. She deftly tried to take it back.     

"I'll do the cooking... Your cooking isn't good," London protested, trying to hold on to the newly seized spatula.     

"I'll do it...! You shouldn't do housework..." L was still trying her hardest to pull her spatula back.     

Both parties weren't willing to budge. London himself was very surprised because it turned out that in L's tiny body, there was so much energy when she tried desperately to pull the spatula from him.     

"Alright... you win!" After thirty seconds of struggling over that silly object, London finally relented and let go of his spatula     

He forgot that the pull of his great strength and release suddenly would make L slam back. With wide eyes, L pulled the spatula to her chest and she immediately realized that her body was pulled back very quickly due to the force of her own strength. In just a second, her body would hit the table hard.     


London, who saw the effects of his actions, reflexively pulled L so she wouldn't slam back and hit the kitchen table which was made of very hard teak.     

Instead, L's body was pulled back toward him, and now, it was London's turn to slam back, crashing into the kitchen counter with L in his arms, and that damned spatula struck his face.     

"Ouch..." He could only bear the pain as his waist hit the kitchen counter made of hard marble and his face was hit by a spatula.     

Ugh... it's fine, as long as L isn't hurt, he thought. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if L hit the kitchen table and was in pain because of his mistake. Sigh... we shouldn't have fought over a mere spatula, he thought exasperated.     

"Ouch... I'm sorry..." L hurriedly got herself off of London and examined the young man's waist. She knew for sure that it hurt to hit the marble counter like that. "Does it hurt a lot? Should I get some ice to compress it?"     

London removed the spatula, which was still on his face, and threw it on the floor. He then complained and massaged his waist, which was feeling sharp pain.     

"We shouldn't have fought over it, it was silly," he grumbled softly.     

"How can I let you do all that..." L blurted out, defending herself as she hurriedly brought ice from the freezer which she had wrapped in a napkin. "You're..."     

"Who am I?" London asked, frowning.     

"You're not supposed to do housework... What will people say later?" L asked again in a desperate tone, as if London was a stupid student who didn't want to admit his ignorance.     

"I've been preparing breakfast for us for almost five months together. I didn't see you having a problem with it before. Why did you suddenly change?" London asked in surprise as he compressed his waist with the ice L gave him. "Do you really hate my cooking and only now you want to be straightforward? Does my cooking not taste good?"     

"Sir... that's not it..." L became at a loss for words. "You're the young master of the Schneider family..."     

"So? Is being the young master of the Schneider family such a bad thing in your eyes? I'm so confused. For the past few months, I've found it so hard to get your love because you think I'm poor, but surprisingly, our relationship was good. Now, after you know I'm actually rich, you treat me strangely. What am I supposed to do then? Can't you act as usual to me? I'm London Schneider, but I'm also Killian Makela. I'm still the same person."     

"I don't know how I should behave to you, okay..." L looked cornered. "I didn't know who you are..."     

London realized L was right. He was the one who caused misunderstanding and confusion between them. He still hadn't introduced himself properly to the girl.     

He nodded and after fixing his posture, he raised his right hand and invited L to shake his hand.     

"Miss L... would you like to start over with me? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is London Killian Schneider. Makela is my mother's family name. I sometimes use it when I'm in disguise. Nice to meet you."     

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