The Alchemists

Opening Up

Opening Up

Both of them kissed passionately for a long time and only stopped when the sound of an incoming call suddenly came from London's phone. L immediately moved and hurriedly escaped from London's arms by pushing the man back.     

"Someone's calling you..." The girl blushed and pointed at his phone on the table.     

Sheessh... With annoyance, London moved to the dining table and took his cellphone to find out who among his staff would not get their annual bonus this time because they presumptuously called him when he finally had the chance to kiss L.     

"Honey..." A woman's voice came on the other end of the line.     

"Oh... hello, Mom. Good morning.." London's frustration soon disappeared when he found out that the person who called him and disturbed his intimacy with L was his own mother. L seemed to perk up her ears when she heard London mention his mother. She became uncomfortable as if the mother of the man she was dating caught them kissing on the porch.     

"I... I've finished my breakfast. I'll pump some breast milk then," L said with a murmur. She then hurriedly left the dining room and entered her own room.     

London could only nod. He poured himself a cup of tea and continued talking with his mother. It turned out that Finland really wanted to visit Lily and was asking when she could come.     

"I'll ask L first, Mom. I'm sure L won't mind, but I have to talk to her about this first. After all, Lily isn't just my child, so I have to ask L as her mother."     

In the large mansion at the end of the road, Finland took a deep breath. She was very happy to see her child grow up to be a responsible man who respected women.     

Although London was very wealthy and powerful and was accustomed to getting everything he wanted, he treated L equally and didn't necessarily make his own decisions about their child.     

"Okay, go ask her. Let me know as soon as possible." Finland then hung up.     

London knocked on L's door and asked for permission to enter.     

"Ten more minutes. I'm still pumping breast milk," L answered from inside.     

"All right. I'll wait in Lily's room then. There's something I want to talk to you about. This is really important."     


London knew that it was about time he and L talked and discussed their relationship. One secret had been revealed, so it was time for the other secrets to be revealed, for the sake of Lily and for their family.     

One thing for sure, Lily was a descendant of the Schneider family, so when she grew up, she would definitely become an Alchemist who wouldn't age. L must decide, whether she wanted to live forever with London to raise their daughter and watch Lily live forever or if she chose to be an ordinary human being who would age and die, and eventually leave Lily.     

He deliberately chose Lily's room as the place for them to talk so L wouldn't get angry if she felt lied to again. London knew no matter how angry L was, she wouldn't dare to make a fuss in front of her baby.     

I'm so smart, London praised himself inwardly.      

He entered Lily's room and sent the nurses out. While waiting for L to come, he tried to talk with Lily. After being treated for a long time, Lily had begun to look healthier. Her weight had gone up to almost 2 kg and her eyes were no longer covered, making her look like an ordinary premature baby.     

As usual, Lily spent most of her time sleeping and she still received milk intake through the tubes because she couldn't suck by herself. Dr. Muller, who visited her a few days ago, said that Lily's progress was extraordinary and that in a few weeks, they would be able to hug and hold her and get her used to drinking breast milk directly from her mother. London couldn't wait!     

"You're very beautiful," London praised his sleeping child. "Other babies look like little monkeys when they're born, but you're different. To me, you're the most beautiful baby girl in the universe. I can't wait to carry you. Get well soon, okay, Sweetheart..."     

He picked up a children's fairytale book then sat next to the incubator and chose a short story. He began to read.     

"A long time ago, in a kingdom in a faraway land.."     

L, who entered silently, immediately stopped in the doorway when she heard London reading a story to their child. She watched the sight of the father and daughter with teary eyes.     

She didn't remember much about her family. In fact, before meeting Danny a few months ago, she had no memory of what her father and mother looked like until he showed a picture of the De Maestri family.     

But lately, she vaguely recalled the memories of her loving father carrying her to bed and reciting fables to her before she slept on the night of the murder.     

L really missed her father.     

After reading the short story in the fairytale book for Lily, London put the book back on the shelf. Only when he finished putting the book did he notice L's presence in the doorway. He immediately approached the girl and led her inside.     

"Sit down. There are a few important things I want to discuss with you," he said in a soft voice. L nodded. She sat on the soft couch near the window and looked at London questioningly.     

"I'm listening," she said.     

London softly cleared his throat and began the conversation. "I'm sorry for covering up my identity from you all this time. As you now know, I come from a wealthy family..."     

"Very wealthy." L corrected. "The wealthiest in Europe. The fifth wealthiest in the world."     

London coughed and waved his hand. "Something like that. I don't have many friends because my life has been pretty closed-off. You know the reputation of my family who never opens themselves to the outside, right? My father did it to protect us. My father's intentions were good, but that made me and my siblings not have an adequate social life. When I met you the first time, I just decided to look for friends from among ordinary people, who wouldn't deliberately be good to me or be friends with me just because of my family's wealth. That's why when we met at Stephan's party, you thought I was a poor photographer."     

L nodded. "I still remember."     

"When we were trapped by Stephan, I really wanted to take responsibility. At the very least, I wanted to make sure that your life would be fine after that. I didn't want Stephan's crime to ruin your life. I wouldn't let that. That's why I bought Brilliant Mind Media to help your career."     

L stared at London with a look of disbelief. A moment later, she let out a disappointed sigh and covered her face with both hands.     

"Oh, God... why am I so dumb? No wonder a lot of gossips, saying I slept with the boss, kept circulating. So this is why..."     

"L, that's not it... That's wrong. Don't listen to those cheap gossips. You're very talented, I'm your number one fan. With or without my help, you'll surely be famous one day. It's only a matter of time. I helped you become famous faster, but everything has always been from your own effort. The people aren't stupid. If you're not talented, they won't accept you." London moved to sit next to L and touched her hands, which were covering her face with a look of despair. "Please forgive me, I just wanted to help you. I did it selflessly, purely because I felt sorry for you."     

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