The Alchemists

Shocked Again

Shocked Again

"Anger is bad for your heart and blood pressure, you know," London commented in a teasing voice. He pulled L into his lap without paying heed over the girl's protest. "Now you know I've gone crazy. The question now is, are you willing to spend your whole life with this crazy man?"     

L finally gave up and looked at London with a complicated look. After a while, she nodded, very slowly.     

"I didn't quite catch that. What did you say?" London asked her while frowning.     

"I'm... willing," the girl answered, pursing her lips. Her voice was barely audible.     

"You can't change your mind after this," London said solemnly. He pulled his phone out of his pocket then showed it to L. "I recorded your answer just now."     

"Gosh...! You're too much. I won't take back my words. Ugh..." L tried hard to refrain from taking London's phone from his hands. "Why are you so happy to make me angry?"     

"Hahaha... sorry. You're really cute when you're angry. I can't help it..." London just laughed. He used to consider that a beautiful woman was a woman who was graceful and lively. But ever since he met L, his taste had really been turned upside down. He liked L's quiet nature and how she often cussed when London bothered her. He felt that he would never get tired of teasing this girl and making her angry.     

"Ugh..." L just rolled her eyes and tried to escape from London's lap. "Put me down. I can sit by myself, I'm not a child."     

"If you're not a child, why are you so short?" London continued to ask her, still not satisfied teasing L.     

"Damn, you! I'm short because of genetics, okay! My mother is Japanese!" L replied furiously. "Don't tell me you like me because I'm like a child. Are you a pedophile?"     

Hearing L's harsh words, London immediately shuddered and hurriedly put L next to him. "No way on earth am I a pedophile! Don't speak carelessly. I put you on my lap because I love you. If you don't like it, all you have to do is say it."     

"I've told you a while ago. Your ears look like they're having problems," L snorted. "A tycoon who can't buy better ears."     

London looked at the girl in amazement. His lips smiled happily and his hand then pulled L's hand and held it very tightly. "I'm glad you've returned to being yourself. I don't like you acting awkwardly to me and calling me Mr. Schneider. I prefer L this way. This L is adorable!!"     

L was stunned. She already realized the same thing. From last night, since she found out who London really was, she didn't know how to behave towards the man, so she treated London formally, even going so far as to call him Sir. She didn't dare to be insolent to a man who was so rich and powerful.     

But London didn't stop teasing her and provoking her emotion, so L finally couldn't hold back her emotions and got angry again. But now, she realized that London had been deliberately making her angry so L would no longer be awkward.     

"You deliberately did that..." L blurted out in a protesting tone, but she wasn't angry. London nodded. L then bowed her head with rosy cheeks. "Damn you."     

"Haha... I'm glad we resolved the problems between us." London kissed L's cheek "I'm calm now. L is already willing to come with me and Lily. We'll build a happy family together."     

L could only nod softly, trying to hide her bright red cheeks.     

"Then when do you want to meet my family?" London then asked. "I mean, you did meet them before, but that wasn't official. You even thought my father was London Schneider. You were jealous of my mother too."     

"Jealous of... Eh? Hold on..." L looked at London with a face full of questions. "Finland? She's your mother? She and Mrs. Schneider are the same woman?"     

London nodded. "Right. Sorry. At that time, we deliberately made you jealous because I was curious since you always rejected me."     

Instantly, L held her head in panic. "God... Oh God...! My attitude towards my mother-in-law was really bad at that time. Oh God... what should I do??"     

"Hahaha... it's okay. My mother is a nice person. She really likes you. She can't wait to come here to meet you and visit Lily." London patted L's head gently. "Don't be embarrassed in front of her. My mother is very kind. If you're willing, I'll invite my mother here. She can help you by giving advice as a mother because she has experienced raising three naughty kids. You'll see, we all grew up to be good people."     

L seemed to be in deep thought for a moment before nodding. "Of course... your mother is always welcome to come here."     

"Good. I'll call my mother soon and let her know the good news."     

London took his phone and called Finland. "Mom, I've talked to L. She said you can come here anytime to visit Lily. When will you come here?"     

There was a squeal of joy from the other end of the line and London was forced to pull his phone away.     

"I'm so happy! I'm going there now!" Finland immediately hung up the call and hurriedly looked for Caspar in his office. "Honey! Let's go next door. I want to visit Lily!"     

London and L could feel Finland's excitement, and the two just looked at each other with smiles on their faces.     

"Your mother seems very pleasant," L commented     

"Indeed. She'll also be your mother soon. So no need to be shy when you're with her, okay..."     

"Uhm... about that," L then looked doubtful. Her mind returned to Danny Swan's threat to reveal her secrets to the public if she broke the engagement. "Technically, I'm still Danny Swann's fiancé. I can't marry you... yet."     

"No need to think about it. Let me take care of everything. Danny just insisted on staying engaged to you because his grandfather gave that condition to him. If he marries you, he'll get all the inheritance from his grandfather. If not, then half of the inheritance will fall into your hands."     

"Is... is that true? I didn't know..." L was upset to hear London's explanation. She didn't expect Danny to keep such bad motives behind his good treatment.     

"Well, it looks like Grandfather Swann is very kind to you. He only thought of your welfare by making those conditions."     

"I don't need the inheritance. Danny can take everything. That bastard! I thought he was looking for me because he cared for me... Ugh..!" L pursed her lips trying to hold back her annoyance.     

"You don't need to worry anyway. Leave Danny Swann and your family's murderer to me. I'll make sure everything's settled before our marriage." London crossed his arms across his chest and looked at L very seriously. "Now the question is... when do you want us to get married?"     

"Why are you asking me? Am I getting married by myself?" L uttered.     

"Well... I can get married anytime, the sooner the better. But I understand that women sometimes have their own unreasonable thoughts. So it's better if I leave it to you to decide everything." London suddenly tapped his own head as if he remembered something. "Oh yeah... You're a fan of Auntie Billie Yves, right?"     

L frowned and nodded. "Right. Why?"     

"Just a minute." London took his phone and called Billie Yves, who was in Australia. "Hello Auntie Billie, good evening."     

"Hi London, dear, how are you?" There was the crisp voice of Billie Yves from the other end of the call.     

"I'm going to get married soon, Auntie. It just so happens that my wife is a big fan of yours. Are you willing to come to our wedding and give your blessing? And also sing a song or two if you can... hahahaha."     

L's pair of eyes widened when she heard London's conversation on the telephone.     

No way.     

No way!!     

"Wahhh... congratulations! I am very happy to hear that. When's the wedding? I will clear my  schedule."     

London turned to face L, who was still stunned beside him. "Auntie Billie asked, when is the wedding?"     

L tried to make a sound, but other than bleating and hiccuping... no words came out. She was too shocked knowing that her idol was on the other end of the phone.     

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