The Alchemists

The Happy Family

The Happy Family

After he saw his family leave, London looked at L intently. "You've never told me a single word of praises. I also don't know if you do love me, so it's only natural that I'm feeling insecure and jealous. I am worried you'll like my brother... or another man.     

You haven't met my relatives and my family friends. There's Nicolae; he is super handsome and smart. There's also Uncle Lauriel who's impressive and he is the leader of the Wolf Pack. Even my brother-in-law's foster sons are awesome too. There are so many good looking men out there, I'm afraid to introduce you to them all..."     

L stared at London with a look of disbelief. "Jeez... Are you serious? Are you that jealous? I've never even been close to a man other than you. I'm only 19 years old and I've never even had a boyfriend. You're the only man in my life right now."     

"I know you're willing to marry me, but I don't know if you would do it because of Lily, or because of the immortality potion, or because of my family's wealth. I don't mind if they all become part of your consideration in making this decision, but I also want to know... if I really have a place in your heart."     

L looked at London trying to dive into his heart, and she soon realized that this man only wanted to hear about L's true feelings about their relationship.     

"You are forcing me to confess," L finally grumbled. "I'm not used to this..."     

"Try it. I really want to know how you feel about me..." London pleaded.     

L finally took a deep breath. She opened her mouth to say something, but no sound came out. Really, L wasn't good at talking at all. If she needed to express what was in her heart, she would be able to pour it better in the form of songs or music.     

Now, when she was 'forced' to confess her feelings, she didn't know how to say it.     

"Hm... if I don't say it in words, will you be able to know how I feel for you?" L finally asked.     

London nodded. "You can try."     

"Alright..." L took another breath. An awkward smile appeared on her face as she walked over to London and pressed her body against his. Then, she slowly tiptoed and wrapped her arms around London's neck and pulled his face down.     

London didn't think that L would take the initiative to kiss him like this. He bent his body slightly and hugged L's waist, helping the girl kiss him more easily.     

Hmmm... I think L doesn't need to express her feelings in words, this will do... London thought happily when L's warm lips touched his. He opened his lips slightly and bit her lower lip gently before he thrust his tongue inside her mouth and explored it passionately.     

Both of them closed their eyes and enjoyed the meeting of their lips. This was the first time L took the initiative to kiss London, and the man loved it. When they finally broke free from the kiss, London pulled L's body into his lap then kissed her again on the sofa. They made out without a sound for fear of waking Lily up…     

The two spent up to ten minutes, making out in Lily's room until, finally, Rune's voice from behind the door moved both of them.     

"Do you want to join us for lunch?" he asked. "We are ready."     

"Yes, just a moment!" London hurriedly got up from the sofa and smoothed the creases in his shirt. He also helped L get up and buttoned up her shirt that had been the victim of his perverted hands. Ugh, if Rune didn't come, maybe they would have gone too far.     

"Come on, Honey ... my family is waiting in the dining room," he whispered.     

With blushing faces, they both entered the dining room and found Finland, Caspar, and Rune sat facing a table filled with cakes.     

"You can enjoy cakes while London and I make simple dishes, okay." Caspar pulled his older son by the shoulder into the kitchen. "You guys just chat here."     

"We just had a late breakfast, Dad. I'm still full," London confessed.     

"You can't do that to a guest. Your mother is hungry," Caspar said, ignoring his son's protest.     

"While you're preparing lunch, I'll entertain everyone with music," L said with a big smile. "I want to show you how happy I am to receive you in our home."     

"Ah ... Do you want to sing for us? I am so happy to hear that!" London kissed L on the cheek and pulled his father into the kitchen. "Then, I'm excited about cooking lunch!"     

"I'll make tea," said Rune.     

He took a teapot and a tray with three cups. Five minutes later, he had followed L and Finland into the living room. On the table, there were various cakes they had brought from the Schneider Mansion. Finland enjoyed the cake while watching L play the piano and sing one of her newest songs.     

For a moment, Rune stood enthralled with the teacup in his hand. Now he understood why his brother was so crazy about this girl. When she was singing, L, who was already naturally beautiful, seemed to transform into an enchantress. Her beautiful voice and the aura that surrounded her could really make people stop in their tracks.     

Rune saw how much his mother was fascinated by L's performance. No wonder people often compared L to Billie Yves. Both have the same level of charms, he thought.     

While L filled the house with her beautiful singing, Caspar and London cooked lunch for them with a happy heart. Father and son chatted about London and L's plans going forward because now London had got confirmation that L wanted to marry him.     

"L is still thinking about the right timing. But I think wedding in autumn will be perfect," London said while cutting vegetables. "I'll invite Aunt Billie Yves. L is her big fan."     

"Hmm .. L likes Billie too? She reminds me of your mother a bit," Caspar commented.     

London just shrugged. Sometimes L did remind him of his mother, but he didn't mind. He loved his mother very much, and if people thought he was in love with L because she reminded him of his mother, then he wouldn't care.     

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