The Alchemists

Who Killed The De Maestris?

Who Killed The De Maestris?

Both of them were very happy because after Lily realized that sucking on her mother's breast would give her milk, the baby became excited and continued reflexively trying to suckle.     

"How long do I have to breastfeed?" L asked Dr. Alice.     

"Usually not for long. Babies have tiny stomachs. She will automatically release her mother's nipples after she feels full, so you don't need to guess. But one thing to note here, because their food intake is minimal, babies will quickly get hungry. You have to be ready to feed her every two hours."     

"Including at night?"     

"Including at night. Indeed, it would be very tiring for the mother if you have to get up many times at midnight to breastfeed. So, in this case, the father can help. Mother can pump breast milk and put it in the refrigerator as usual. Later, if Miss Lily woke up in the middle of the night, Sir, you can take the turn in feeding her using the bottle. I'll teach you both how to sterilize the bottle and warm the milk before giving it to the baby."     

London turned to L. "It's okay, I took note of everything. Later we can set it in our digital household assistant settings. You and I don't have to do everything ourselves."     

L nodded in agreement.     

Before this they had talked about their lives in the future. After Lily was healthy, they would not need the two nurses who had been taking care of their baby. They would use an automation system from RMI to take care of their household. And later, after the two were married, they would also employ some staff to help take care of the house and their daily needs.     

Although London did not mind doing as much household chores as before, L really did not feel comfortable seeing a young master from the Schneider family doing housework like that. So, finally, to please L, London agreed to employ staff in their home in addition to using an automation system.     

After they completed the breastfeeding training, Doctor Alice finally excused herself with the two nurses. They all felt very relieved that their work had contributed to caring for the youngest grandchild of the Schneider family.     

"Jan will send someone to take care of all the medical devices here, and we can make a proper nursery for Lily. In the meantime, I have placed a baby cot for Lily in your room," London said after sending their guests out of the gate. L nodded. She was still carrying Lily, who was fast asleep on her arms. L's eyes were still wet because they were touched to see the baby was now healthy and normal.     

"Thank you," said L.     

"Want to eat dinner early? I'll have to meet someone later. Maybe I will be home late. You don't have to wait for me."     


L put Lily on her cot, which was placed next to her bed in the room, and then followed London to the dining room. There, the man had prepared a special dish he had taken from his father's mansion.     

"My father was trying a new recipe, he said, so I want some of it sent here," he said, smiling broadly.     

L joined in the smile. She was now familiar with the dynamics of the Schneider family and welcomed the food delivery from the next-door mansion. They then had a happy dinner while discussing trivial things.     

"I'm going now. Don't wait on me, okay," said London after finishing washing their plates.     

L nodded. She sent the man to the front door and then closed the door after Marc came to take London in his Mercedes, and they immediately left.     

L was secretly feeling moved because, for months, London had lived a simple life and driven an old VW car just so that L did not know his identity. Now he didn't need to pretend to be poor anymore. This week, L started to get used to seeing the man being assisted and driven everywhere by several tall, well-built, intimidating personal bodyguards like Marc and Dave.     


At the penthouse, Jan had been waiting for London. They sat drinking wine while discussing the Swann family and the De Maestri family. Mischa would arrive at 9 pm, and they wanted to have enough information before finding out who was the culprit behind the De Maestri family's murder.     

"The agreement between the two families initiated by their grandfather. When both their children turned out to be boys, they decided to pass down the arranged marriage agreement to their grandchildren. Unfortunately, the Swann family's first grandson died when he was a child, so his younger brother took over to marry Miss L." Jan sipped his wine while thinking. "We already know this. But the reason why Grandpa Swann forced to give up half of his assets to Miss L, remains a mystery."     

"When was the will made? Was it after the death of the De Maestri family or before? If so, it is rather unusual, because they certainly thought L had died or gone missing. You said they searched for L for many years without results, right?" asked London, frowning.     

"Uhm ... the will was written before the murder, Sir," Jan said. "Grandpa Swann died before Miss L's parents were killed."     

"Oh, is that so? So Grandpa Swann knew nothing about the murder." London narrowed his eyes, trying to think. "How big is their family wealth?"     

Jan shrugged. "Compared to your wealth, it's nothing. But for ordinary people, the Swann family is considered wealthy. They are among the ten richest families in England."     

"Hmm, if so, their wealth is quite tempting for most people." London looked at Jan thoughtfully. "Is it possible ... they deliberately wanted to murder all the De Maestri family members so that the agreement became invalid and L cannot get half the Swann family's wealth?"     

"It could be like that, Sir. Danny Swann wouldn't need to marry Miss L, and he can also take all the inheritance for himself because Miss L was dead. At least that's what they have in mind." Jan stared back at London intently. "In your opinion, do you think the Swann family have anything to do with the murder? His grandfather decided the arranged marriage, and it could be that the younger generation in the family doesn't want to do it. The only way to escape the unwanted marriage arrangement is to get rid of the bride."     

Suddenly, London punched the table in front of him until it cracked.     

"Damn it! If that's really what happened. I won't forgive them. That's too much!"     

His head was throbbing because he felt outraged. He didn't have the heart to imagine how little L was so frightened and traumatized to see her family slaughtered, just because of the inheritance that she didn't even want.     

Really, humans were greedy creatures and could be crueler than animals when it came to money. Had it not been for the inheritance, L would still be living happily with her family. She would still have her parents who doted on her, and the younger brother that she loved deeply.     

"Let's wait for information from Mischa. He will be here shortly." London took the wine and poured himself a glass. "We can find out who the murderer was and force them to spill who hired them to do it."     

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. A staff announced the arrival of the guest London had been waiting for.     

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